Capitollium : Bloodfall of Flesh

Symphonic Black / Ukraine
(2008 - Sworn Records)
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Under a shelter of crucifix
Are gathered the darkest laws
Do you believe in the call of flesh
Or will you be punished as all before you?

Pictures of darkest pit
Were contributed into your mind
Fire and resin for those who are sinners
Will there be such a life after life?

Thousands were burned to bones
In physical world they tried to resist
"God" was ruled with justice
So they will burn in all dimensions

Popes under shelter of crucifix
Painted a hell for their fold
To be on higher shelf
To make the flesh and blood fall

Who will permit our choice
Not to believe in such filth?
Their fire had died out long ago
Isn't it a sign for us?

I don't want to be a slave
Of the false truth
Of the images of dark

I don't want to bow my head
Before the face of stranger-god


Roaming in the labyrinths of despair
Trying to brighten the faith
Fury and hate are scratching in mind
Consciousness is nearly faded

Grabbing the signs of rebirth
Burning them on mortuary fire
Carrying the deepest emptiness
I'm feeling no regret

I'm Nihil versus Christian God
I'm Nihil versus Dei
I lay aside your compassion and love
I hate your rotting breed

And when you look at me
I'm sick of it
Worms in your words
And in your soul
I smash with my boot

I raise my eyes and I see the sky
Full of the strength and of proud
You are not my God, you are not my faith
So leave this land or die

Thousand years has been passed
You had drunk enough of our blood
But our honor and blood are awoke
And you never again will rise


What is it law?
Who has a right to decide
For you
To exist or not

The lead triggered out
Sings its canto -
Ego sum lex
I am a law

AS overheated lead
Suffused in to mouth
It penetrates the mind
And asphyxiates the body

So close your eyes
Take a trip to a land of sorrow
Over the river of death hollow
Shipwreck of the life

A charge, a victim, a flight
Several seconds has passed
King of this world for a moment -
The pain shackled in lead

Throne of the flesh in your body
Glorification of ruler
Vultures are ready for banquet
Lakes of the blood have been leaked

Cold but hot, burning lead
Inside of me sleeps

You are my God
For this moment
Long as eternity


Like a spider's web
It embraces my mind
Like in a viper's nest
I shake with my body

Leaders will fall
And turn into dust
Black giant trees
With bible pages instead of leaves

The web shines
With a diamonds of fraud

Spiders of cross -
Hunters among a sheep
Servants of the slaves
Rulers of the shamed

And the web shines
With a diamonds of fraud

I look at their ugly limbs
I barely can smell their stench
I'm hypnotized when they're eating their victims
I'm paralyzed and deaf

But when I look at the spiders of cross
I feel the anger and fury inside

And the web shines
With a diamonds of fraud

Their web is more tenacious
Their victims are helpless as flies

And the web shines
With a diamonds of fraud

Spider of a cross is eating his victim
From its birth till its death
Sucking the mind and life forces of fold
Transforming them in to own wealth


Fire is dancing on the walls of the capitol
Frescoes of the saints are breathing life
Dust flies down from folio and whirls in dance
Everything is waiting for his coming...

And so he comes from the gloomy cellars of church
He's wearing his his cassock and starting to pray
But words are not enough to express the respect
He rises from his knees and creeps back to his lair

While coming down the stairs he hums motive from liturgy
Finally he came to place and opens putrid door
He enters his realm and lights the candles
And slowly he starts to examine his fold

Here in the deepest cellar of the cathedral in the rusty cages are closed
Fear children and women that he had caught late at night after his prays

They're weak and they're stinking
They cry and they hope
But no one can hear their call
Patriarch gets naked and takes his censer
He dances and touching his fallos

At last with sensual moan he cums on the floor
And a smile slowly disappears from his lips
He waits more, much more pleasure
He blows out the candles, opens the cage and the mirk petrified on his face...


Like a riverbeds of the rivers
Like a trenches along battlefield
My veins are receptacles of anger
My nerves are like torn tightropes

Millions of branches of my vessels
Are filled with the strength and desire
When I breath I BREATHE
When I touch I TOUCH

Never stop my flight
Never try to isolate my thoughts
I'm not blind or imbecile
My flash can feel the dream

I can feel the rotting swamp
In your words, in your eyes
Do you really believe in delirium?
Do you really believe in invalidity?

Rage or tranquility
Fear or boldness
Disgrace or pride
What will you choose?

Dust in rain
Fall upon your head
Where is your honor?
Wells of faith are dry

Rise and unite
Race of the greatest man
And ancestors will sing
An anthem for the strong


Running west
Oasis is so far
Venomous thoughts
Are running through your vessels

God for others
But worm for unknown
Power is nothing
When power is sand

The razor of blade
Is rusty and weak
Your faith is on edge of the fall

You fought and you win
The place in the grave
In palace for flesh and for bones


Prey the Gods of rain and Earth
Not the "holy" one
And your sword will be as flint
A ray of rebirth and hope



Fly, fly high my Black Eagle
Let golden thread bind our eyes
May our minds and hearts blood unite

On your wings carry me over the abyss
Beyond The Reason and across the burning seas
Then, with your claw tear the earth
And usher me into the secrets of her bowels
Down to the light of the beginning and the end which shimmers

Circle! Round and round my Black Eagle
Let our senses be touched by ultimate pleasure

May the passion of hunting become all - devouring

Slash! Slash with your beak
Remove all gods from my way, and thoughts, and sorrows
And let me trespass the barriers of fear
Scream! Let the whole cosmos tremble
May echoes become my the sweetest mantra

Spirit of Freedom! Eternal Wanderer! Joyful Solitude!

Higher and higher towards the stars of Awareness

Let worlds of imagination and fact become one
When I am you
And you are me...



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