Cannibal Corpse : Global Evisceration

Death Metal / USA
(2011 - Metal Blade Records)
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Experimental pathogens, a devil's design
The dark side of science breeds a weapon of war
Contagious killing and internal distress
Homicide or suicide will be the cause of death

Internal organs altered by the disease
Your brain disabled by the constant pain
Erratic actions lead my thoughts to the blade
I've lost control, I've lost control

Beg for your life, you won't escape the knife
Your fate was sealed today
Disease has spread, you pray for death
Evisceration plague

Stabbing compulsion overwhelms my mind
Terrorized screaming follows the thrust of my knife
I wrench the blade from the chest to the crotch
Organs and entrails fall to the ground

Beg for your life, you won't escape the knife
Your fate was sealed today
Disease has spread, you pray for death
Evisceration plague

Driven to kill, this is not my will
I am compelled to slay
Invisible foe takes control
Evisceration plague

Unable to be seen but with visible effect
Virulent disease causing outbreaks of violence
They tear themselves apart, offal covers the ground
Viscera torn forcefully from the abdomen

Intestines slick with blood cannot escape my grip
Surgical incisions give way to frenzied carving
Delirium has taken hold, disembowelment is complete
Horror grips my mind, my entrails are in my hands
My entrails are in my hands
My entrails are in my hands...
Plague leads to death
Plague leads to death
Plague leads to death
Plague leads to death

Disease will spread and cover the world
Mass insanity, the end of our time
Scavengers will eat the remains of man
Our extinction was by our design

Beg for your life, you won't escape the knife
Your fate was sealed today
Disease has spread, you pray for death
Evisceration plague

Driven to kill, this is not my will
I am compelled to slay
Invisible foe takes control
Evisceration plague


Prepare to witness a place of gore
Of legal dissection and blood on the floor
Carved up corpses, in the corner
Sliced up by a psychotic coroner
Slice, dice, chop them haphazardly
Like laboratory mice, splatter brain matter
Pound on the skull until it shatters

Hack, slice, chop, carve, rip and tear
Carving up your eyeballs, watch them sit and stare
Tear, rip, slice, carve, chop, hack
Toss them into a sack

Tags on bare feet, means a real treat, to the butcher of human meat
Slice the throat from ear to ear, gallons of blood do appear
Veins exposed, torn from bodies, the most interesting of hobbies
To get paid for such a task is more than any man could ask

Prepare to witness a place of gore
Of legal disection and blood on the floor
Carved up corpses, in the corner
Sliced up by a psychotic coroner
Slice, dice, chop them haphazardly
Like laboratory mice, splatter brain matter
Pound on the skull until it shatters

Hack, slice, chop, carve, rip and tear
Carving up your eyeballs, watch them sit and stare
Tear, rip, slice, carve, chop, hack
Toss them into a sack

Ripping, tearing your skin turning red
Vile surgeon, knife cutting in
Evil doctor death drove him insane



Extreme pain is what they need to feel for the rest of their lives
Misery and Despair leaves thier souls when infinity ends

Let them taste the wrath as the agony consumes them
Swallowed by the darkest light a blackened state of dismay
Survival is the only thing left for them
This grievous revelation is a new beginning
Led to the solution against their will

Deprivation thrives as the therapy continues
Sullen mastery is an answer uncontested
Denial is the only thing left for them
Life as they knew it is a distant memory
Scores of victims lust for apathy

Make them suffer
While they plead for cessation
Entirely demoralized and close to mass extintion
Damned to please supremacy
The reason for their martyrdom they will never know

Make them suffer
While they bleed through damnation
Begged for retribution before meeting with demise
Cursed by animosity
Once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

Domination reigns supreme the evil has no end
Spent of all their energy now worthless and degraded
Slow death is the only thing left for them
Physically and mentally devoid of dignity
Languished immortality

Make them suffer
While they plead for cessation
Entirely demoralized and close to mass extinction
Damned to please supremacy
The reason for their martyrdom they will never know

Make them suffer
While they bleed through damnation
Begged for retribution before meeting with demise
Cursed by animosity
Once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

Make them suffer


I am the black thoughts of the night
Deep in the darkness of your mind
Shrouded in shadow, The mental torture
In the realm of death walking terror

Stalking the closest to the edge
Impostion of depravity
Sanity holding by a thread
Desperation draws them close to me

Always unseen but never far behind
Fleeting darkness tricks your eyes
Paranoia, A creeping horror
Guided by the death walking terror

Your hand reaches for the knife
Subconscious molding insidious
It was always in your mind
Release the pain, A psychotic rush

Death Walking Terror
Slow mental torture

I am the blood you seek to spill
I am you inner drive to kill
Dark inspiration, A moral failure
created by the death walking terror

Your hands have done my bidding well
Your hideous dreams now reality
Manipulation done with stealth
I was with you, I heard the screams

Death Walking Terror
Slow mental torture
Death Walking Terror
Psychic Tormentor

The weakest ones will fall
My murderous influence appeals to their fear
My will is just too strong
The decision was mine but they'll never know

Death Walking Terror

I walk behind you while you kill
Usurping your mind, you are oblivious
You'll never know your spirit fell
Supplanted by this deep disgust

Death Walking Terror
Slow mental torture
Death Walking Terror
Psychic Tormentor


Ravenous waves attack
Drawn by the scent of life
Fever of our blood

Instinct rules this mass, ruthless living sea

Countless vermin gnashing at my face
Tear meat from my skull
Swarming rabid, features are erased
Body covered, rat filled innards
Shred internal organs
Heart and lungs consumed from inside but my pain
doesn't end
I have not died

Devour, cesspool of vermin
Devour, bloodthirsty rabid
Devoured by vermin

Resistance now gives way, the rodents freely feed
Tearing at my skin
Muscles are exposed, shining red with blood
Meat that they seek

Crawling rodents gorging on me
Repulsive starving droves
Shredding, stripping, consuming all I was
Tissue pulled from bones
Dying slowly, feeling every fang
Shock has yet to come
Scavengers tear out my eyes
My pain won't end, I have not died

Devour, cesspool of vermin
Devour, bloodthirsty rabid
Devoured by vermin

Ruthless gnawing vermin - feed
Cleaning off my bones while I breathe
Stenching greasy rodents - swarm
My body is losing its form

Devour, cesspool of vermin
Devour, bloodthirsty rabid
Devoured by vermin


The blackened city calls out
Enter the temple of sin
You must enter the temple of sin

Contorted sinners beckon
Join our twisted rites
You must join our twisted rites

The priests eyes gleam
Blood on their scepters of flesh
There is blood on their scepters of flesh

The nubile virgin bows
Await the piercing thrust
She awaits the piercing thrust

Perverse rites
Priests of Sodom preside
We are damned

Praise the gods of sin

Her walls are burning
Grinding the staff of the priest
Sluts grinding the staff of the priest

The congregation
Revel in sins of the flesh
They revel in sins of the flesh
Whores from the temple
Serving shamanic desire
They are serving shamanic desire

Deviant bodies writhing
Slick with the fluids of lust
They are slick with the fluids of lust

Perverse rites
Priests of Sodom preside
We are damned

Immortal lust
Wicked legions come forth
Defile the pure

Statues of demons glisten with sweat
The orgy intensifies violence begins
Flaggelate sluts with serpentine whips
They raise their blades to throats of their men
Climax approaches and the blood will spill
Sexual sacrifice, mutilation and death


Priests of Sodom

Perverse rites
Priests of Sodom preside
We are damned

Immortal lust
Wicked legions come forth
Defile the pure


Flying chunks of hot debris rushing through the air
Vapors causing blisters eyes blinded by the glare
Clouds that shower death hell falling from the sky
Searing rain of molten rock, flesh begins to fry

Burning fragments steaming stones tearing through my skin
Lodging near my organs I’m burning from within
Parts of human bodies lay strewn on the ground
Survivors holding bleeding ears, deafened by the sound

Blackened heavens down a mountain’s weight of rock on top of us
Churning earth has somehow come to life
Rapid combustion spewing magma cracks apart the crust
Tornados of caustic steam ravaging the earth

Scalding hail

Charred and battered victims crying to be saved
Falling on deaf ears the earth is now our grave
Devastating torrents acid drowns the land
No relief from scalding hail burning like a brand

People shrieking as they die, pounded by the hail
Splintered shards, heated rocks stabbing like a nail
Millions have been slaughtered as the boiling torrent falls
Apocalyptic storm, judgment for us all

Scalding hail


Bleed for my pain
Revenge on treacherous snakes
They will pay

Slicing the flesh
Sculptured wounds my catharsis
I will stain

Into the heart
Needle injects gasoline

The one that they betrayed
Has made them this way

Plagued by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage

Scream at my face
The grisly scars went unavenged
Until now

Deep in the hole
You are not gagged and scream aloud
But unheard

Choke on your vomit
You watch your hands cut off
Then your legs

The one that you betrayed
Will kill you this way

Scarred by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage
I must kill you

Into the throat
The scalpel slices
Warm blood sprays out
The gushing entices

Pull out your heart
And let you watch
Shove in your mouth
Then stab your crotch

I watch your agony

I am released
From years of pain
Your death averted
My becoming insane
You are dead

I have killed you


Why can't I breathe
Still I see
Dead on the table
Try to move, I'm not able to
They said I have died
I still feel alive
I won't believe their lies
I can still see through these
Help me I'm not dead
Wake me from this hell
Tell me I'm alive
Dead Knives cutting into me
Scalpels rip me
Screaming into deaf ears
Now they stop and see my
Help me I'm not dead
wake me from this hell
tell me I'm alive
I can't stop the visions
stop the premonitions
My soul can't escape
the boundaries of my flesh
My heart does not beat
My spirit does not rest
They said I have died
I still feel alive
I won't believe their lies
I can still see through these


There's something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you
Let loose the anger, held back too long
My blood runs cold

Through my anatomy, dwells another being
Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its bidding
Brutality now becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead

Eyes bulging from their sockets
With every swing of my mallet
I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in
through the cracks, blood does leak
distorted beauty, catastrophe
Steaming slop, splattered all over me

Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head

Avoiding the prophecy of my new found lust
You will never live again, soon your life will end
I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face
facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half

Crushing, cranial, contents

Draining the snot, I rip out the eyes
Squeezing them in my hands nerves are incised
Peeling the flesh off the bottom of my weapon
Involuntarily pulpifying facial regions

Suffer, and then you die
Torture, pulverized

At one with my sixth sense, I feel free
To kill as I please, no one can stop me

Created to kill, the carnage continues
Violently reshaping human facial tissue

Brutality becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead


They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found
I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects
She was so beautiful
I had to kill her
Tied her up
Taped her mouth shut
Couldn't scream
Raped violently
Rope tight, around her throat
Her body twitches
as she chokes
Strangulation caused her death
just like all the others
Raped before and after death
stripped, naked, tortured
They're all dead, they're all
They're all dead, by strangulation
I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects
It Felt so good to kill
I took their lives away
7 dead, lying rotten
Unburied victims
their naked body putrefy
Strangulation caused her death
Just like all the others
Raped before and after death
Stripped, naked, tortured
They're all dead, they're all dead
They're all dead, by strangulation
I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects
They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found


Tearing at my neck my sharpened teeth pierce the meat
My warm bloodied prey sustains my life for one more day
The oldest of souls, left behind after life
Before death I was nothing but human

Indulgence in the blood, intoxicated from its drug
It warms my cold soul

Tapping the gushing sap, trickling down my throat
Rejuvenation of my body
No blood left to scab
Now it flows through my veins
Heaven I have found
Fear in my grip
Transcend beyond mortal
The sweet blood
I will swallow
Draining the inner spirit
Feasting on the power
Knowing only pleasure
Human blood I devour

Ghastly beauty look into my eyes
to reproduce with the living every century

Impregnation of the virgin
I drink the blood of the unborn
Returning to my grave
dragging my blood drained prey
My body burns from the light
Sleeping until night

In my clutch, you greet me with open arms
soon I will rip them off
And drink the blood from the stumps
Life and death are too clear
But mankind is blind to see
The twisted path of their own mortality

Scripts of the dead Netherworld knowledge
Rotten fragrance lingers
Unleash the odor
I have risen

Sucking on Arteries
body numbs
One of my sons died for your sins
Resurrect him so I can drink his blood again


Repulsion of beauty drove me to hunt
A frenzy of self hate possessing me
Violated their bodies, stripped of their pride
Tortured and twisted until they have died
Hatred inside is all I would find

I despise what I see in the mirror
Sadistic hateful scum
I kill them but it's myself I hate
Now I'll do myself too
A straight razor will reshape my face
First my ears then my nose
Blood is gushing continue to carve
Erase the face I hate
Now I'm hacking at my chest
A frenzy of self hate possessing me
Controls my actions, controls my thoughts
As I scrape away my skin

I fill my tub, with alcohol
I plunge in to the burning pool
The pain intense, my whole body is drenched in
scalding liquid
Despite my pain I am able
To grab a lighter on the counter
The flint ignites, the flames erupt
I'm consumed in the inferno
Cauterize, my skin is charred
Regenerate, more loathsome than before

I despise what I see in the mirror
Sadistic hateful scum
The abomination before my eyes
A reflection of me
I see an image of disfigured evil
I've skinned myself alive
Dripping with blood and blistered by fire
The face I hate erased


Captured by the priest of evil
Deep inside the hive
Hellish dungeon filled with undead
Their rotting claws reaching for my
Legs I hang above the ghouls
I know they want me for their food
Overwhelmed by deadly fear
Hung above the Zombie lair

Hanging by a thread above them
Taken here to die
Rotting hands reaching for me
Their undead eyes see me as a meal
They want to eat alive
Mindless hunger in their eyes
Filthy claws grasp at my feet
Slashing wounds my ankles bleed

Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Death is grisly
Lowered slightly now they reach me
I scream in frantic pain
Tearing off my feet with fury
The pain intense below my knees my
Legs have been removed
They suck the blood from the wounds
Voracious zombies rend my thighs
They pull me down, my corpse they
Will divide

Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Their jaws await me
A gruesome end the
Pit of zombies
Reanimated to devour
I watch them kill me

They claw at my face
And rip off my scalp
Exposing my skull
Arteries severed
Gushing blood showers them drives
Them mad raging mob
A hideous feast

Puncture my stomach and
Tear out the guts
Devour entrails
Rotting zombies have torn me apart
They gorge on my flesh

This pit
My doom

Engulfed alive
Consumed by death
This pit of zombies
My doom is here

Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Their jaws await me
A gruesome end the pit of zombies
Reanimated to devour
I watch them kill me


Forces of hate meet
Gather for the siege
Encircling their foe
The raid begins
Their revenge is sought
Through violence, smashing, killing, stabbing, pounding
Iron weapons clash
Evil warriors strike
Hammers cracking skulls
Axes chopping heads
Their revenge is now
Through violence, crushing, maiming, hacking, pounding

Blood soaks the ground
In their own, they will drown
Surrounded by disgust
Pounded into dust

Battle rages on
Bleeding wounded scream
Clubs shatter bones
Swords sever limbs
Their blind rage compells
Their frenzy, bloodlust, madness, burning, hatred
Berzerkers overwhelm
Defenders run in fear
No prisoners today
The end is near
Their blind age endless
No mercy lay waste, wipe out, kill them, kill them

Their struggle to defend
The attack will never end
Surrounded by disgust
Pounded into dust

The captured will be crucified as a warning to the rest
When the killing is completed the city will be burned
Their way of life will be destroyed, no trace of them remains

They lay waste
Victory for their hatred, fury, raging, pounding

Blood soaks the ground
In their own, they will drown
Surrounded by disgust
Pounded into dust


Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Pus through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck

Skull full of maggots

They enter your tomb - maggots - beginning to feast - maggots
Crawling on you - maggots - now they eat you - maggots
Rotting maggots - maggots - infesting your corpse - maggots
Parasites of the dead - maggots - now dwell in your head

Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Pus through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck


Conceived through rape
A vicious brood

Ravaging intercourse
Penetrate with corse
Forsaken, nude

Spawn of the wretched, born of the rape
Dawn of the murdering beasts of hate
Spawn of the wretched cunt defiled
Pawn of the darkness, blasphemous child
The wretched spawn, inherently vile

Inherited traits
From birth an urge

No chance to change
Born deranged
Violence will emerge

Spawn of the wretched, born of the rape
Dawn of the murdering beasts of hate
Spawn of the wretched cunt defiled
Pawn of the darkness, blasphemous child
The wretched spawn, inherently vile

Spawn of the wretched, bred from the damned
Gone are the instincts normal of man
Spawn of the wanton loins of the cruel
Spawned by brute force used as a tool
The wretched spawn, violence will rule

Heredity dictates brutality
Groomed to carry the legacy
Genres of the butchers, a killing breed
Revel in making the helpless breed

Scion of the murders
A bloodline so profane
Born insane

Predestined to annihilate
Thought sinister eugenics
Sworn to kill, they will

It was made to kill

Massacre the innocents
A slaughter without meaning
Bleed, screaming

Only one remains untouched
Her fate is violation

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