Cales : Uncommon Excursion

Pagan Folk / Czechia
(2003 - Redblack Productions)
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Everything is broken
Chaos in my mind
Booze is a bitch
And my passion for life is dangerous
I have a feeling
That I do everything the other way round
The inner demon broke silence
And you broke into tears
If I push too much
I won't make any difference
Feelings of guilt ...
It seems so absurd and futile
I don't really know what else I should do
I better move on
Why can't things be as they used to be?
Everyone is so grumpy tonight
Hey fucker, something's gonna happen tomorrow
And you may understand the meaning of your dull life
It's freezing cold outside
I'm staggering down the street
Beaten up and lonely
My will conforming to the instinct of war
And limbs want to destroy
Blackout caused by a fall
Broken face, body bruised
An emotional fit taking turns
With burst of laughter
I'd like to cry but I don't know how to
The only solution is sleep
Then I'll board up window
And be your cute li ttle boy


Welcome to my inner world, baby
I dont feel either pain or hate
I just dont know whether you can carry the weight of my fervour
On the whole Im happy and satisfied
Perhaps I just feel a little bitter aftertaste of my silliness
Which I have learnt to swallow like alcohol gained from oil
Forgive me I did not perceive you at the moment when kisses from star were coming and my
transcendental memory was ousting everything passing
I cannot explain why these abnormal states take such a long time
You should have kept your mouth shut and watch soap operas
Anyway, it suits you best when you are under, turning your cheek with mouth open


Sore days of emptiness
There's no end to the winter
Twilight carries through
Despair reigns over your heart
You don't know where to start
Frustration eats deeps into you
Prospects of a better future are a cynical utopia
As if everything's been lost
Its just a question of time
You need to find inspiration
Look up and let it pass by
And don't forget that whenever you call me
I'm here for you my friend
There's so much ahead for both of us
There's so many beautiful girls out there
Waiting for you to make your wishes come true
Dont be a hick, turn that fucking tv off
Get out of your flea-bitten den
Change your shorts and let's go
We're gonna rock tonight
Oh, I almost forgot
I'm broke, could you front me?


Our life is a neverending party
Disorderliness on the verge of crime
Gallons of booze
Throngs of cheap sluts
And hearbroken naive admirers
I'm hitting the rock bottom
And soaring into euphoric heights
It's better to die young than grow old
They want us to assume responsibility
For their own benefit
Yet they don't realize we don't need them
The wolf's loyalty cannot be turned into lamb's meekness
I am a bohemian and this is the fuckin path I've chosen
In the high sea of time I have sailed all the way here
And I will go on, further than you can imagine
Look, I do what I please
And I dont care what they think
They don't dare to do it cos they're not up to it
They would love to knock me down
Yet they cant defeat me
And they won't even succeed long after I die
I will always do what they expect least
Its like sifting grain from the chaff
Pigs don't know what pigsty is
Just like people don't know what life is


Every sentence you say
And every desperate attempt
To draw attention hides a lie
Diseased, pathologically inflamed
Shaped by your sophisticated eloquence
You vehemently assert your devious views
Which reign over your smallness
A champion at mystification and treachery
I don't understand how you can still do this
To someone you call a loyal friend
Is it possible to listen to someone
Who hears no one but himself?
Why compromise and trust someone
Who's betrayed you countless times
I'm not gonna watch the same game
Over and over again
I'm not like them
Here's the money for your patch work
You can't overpower me
And this is not a trademark
To camouflage your indolence
How do you want take command
Without knowledge, morality, logic and rules
Just useless words and waste of time
Still the same old business while things change
Go fuck yourself
I don't know the answer to your question why...why
Why? Maybe because shit smells


I'm watching your grudging look
With a dead pan expression on my face
And inside Im laughing
With the voice of the Devil
You're just another hypocrite
In this herd of lesser people
Indulging in perfidy
You life flows too unruffled for you to be different
You had everything you wanted
You have no idea how some things work
You've never taken anything in your own hands
Without the help of your wealthy parents
Just your double talk for playful girlies
Who spread their legs for anyone
Don't even think you can win me over like that
Your woman just won't stop following me around
But all she can do is suck my dick
You and the bunch of faggots dressed to kill
All the crap you pay so much attention to
Makes no sense to me
All the bullshit that comes out of mouth
I can't stand
I see what's inside your heads
And I'll get rid of your malicious thoughts
In no time with the deadly sound of my guitar
The only thing you can hear from me
Is one loud low pitched


Glorification of trash and megalomania
Talk shows and the world of color magazines
Distorted facts about the life of rich and famous
The subject of heated discussions
Among young ambitious girls
A display of disposable plastic beauty
Stupid trends of another season
The breadth of your views ends a few feet away
Your inner world is perfect mathematics
Your conduct is controled by money
You wont ever set your eyes on the skies in captivation
Because your eyes see just the emptiness
And the imagination woke you up
It's almost touching
Your ambitions and direction of your life in quotation marks
If you should spend a single
Day without your pseudoneeds
I guess they'd rush you to hospital
You're a great fuck but your company gets me tired


Look how free I am
I won't let them catch me
All your banal worries are strange to me
All your petty interests seem so shallow
I don't understand why you'd waste words on this
Don't you know
That Im free from the problems
That plague you
Thats why I can't understand them
I had a feeling we had a lot in common
Now I'm coming to realize
How distant we were
And I'm not surprised at all
I wanted to offer you a sightseeing flight
Show you how to relish freedom
And give you a piece of my mind
Now I'm coming to realize
That you are stark blind
And your narrow-mindedness
Fills you with contentment
But I don't feel sorry for you at all


You left so early
I feel bad about all the dirt
Hatred and disregard
But it cannot be redressed
So young and determined
I remember your talent and individuality
I looked up to you without you knowing that
You loved hemp so much
Your stuff was the best
We went separate ways
Our worlds were just one step away from our reunion
Its too late now, you're gone forever
And others want to profit from your death
You have won
And Im sure you feel good
I remember you
And I envy you sometimes
A piece of you is hidden within me
As if your spirit lived though me


My time comes
When the night does
genius with his head in clouds
eccentric hunk
obscure weirdo
introverted visionary
Hemp's smouldering over the candle flame
Dark thoughts fill up the room
The bliss of the sensation
Fragments of time make up
A mosaic of the mystic beauty
Perpetuation of the splendid moment
I've mastered the tongue of the Earth
The metallic sound of the voice resounds into infinity
Seemingly insane
I'm just about to conclude my scientific research
Purification of the human spirit
Through prolonged seclusion
The state of mind opens the entrance gate
The time machine has been built
There's just a few tests ahead
Time travel almost drove me insane
If you don't tell anyone
We might set off on
An adventure into the unknown


My life is a flight across the azure skies
I'm soaring in elation
And swooping into the blood-red sunset
Not to lose my strength
In the landscape of my Mind I roam
Throught the places of my dreams
In a vast stretch of perpetual inspiration
Without the chaos of our time or people like you
I spread my wings only when I want to
Im not delirious I just have slightly different views
No one speaks in vain here
No issues and no misunderstandings
Everything is clear, gracious
And surprising in its eternal beauty


It's within reach
Just a few more steps and I'll be free as a bird
Everything's moving on the edge
It takes a little and hopes vanish away
Im at the threshold
Entering the paradise of my wishes
But does future hold for me
I'll just let it flow without worries
So much has changed, so many have left
Chained by the emptiness of everyday
Slaves to cozy homes
I'm still here and the flame of youth is burning
I'm not gonna devote my life to watching TV
To the rat race, feeding my family and humble obedience
I cant make peace with my failure like you, father
Everything I do guides me towards my freedom
Running a risk of drowning in feces
If it doesn't suit you baby, you better go
Pain does not last forever
Out of sight out of mind


The path you tread is desolate
How can you be so happy and content
While I have to struggle so much
Unbelievable, this hollow parody of a man
Who used to be my friend
People like you never know their distance
Can't you have fun without the filth
You force on me all the time
Im not gonna share this psychotic drama
Of dismal ambivalence with you
Its too late and you know it
You will never get your life under control again
All the values went down the drain
You're laughing at your own impotence
You've defiled the purity of our friendship
And the road back is blocked
By deposits of self-delusion
Evolution's been passing you by
As time goes by
Only a handful of memories remains
And no more adventures for you
Im soaring too high to swoop
If I did I might miss out on something
That makes a difference
Something I'd hate to lose


I'll love this world today
And I'll hate it tomorrow
There's nothing sacred to me
There's nothing to make me stoop
No one wiped my ass
And I don't turn the other cheek
I love daydreaming
But it's my policy
to make my dreams come true
No more if's
Zeros try to determine our fate
But their jaws will drop sooner or later
All this carousel of absurd lies
Is nothing but paddling in shit
And the next thing they know
I'm wallowing in cash
I hear it's never as bad as it can get
Right, status quo suits me fine
This is the very end
Of all the meaningless platitudes
just a required accessory anyway
Stay where you are my friend
Don't even want to know the reality
And stay true to your illusion


I'm the night you walk into
As if you were the full moon
You're the ray of hope cutting through
The crepulcular depths of my wild heart
You're the sunlit aurora
And I'm a snow-covered plain
You glide through like a ghost
I'm astonished by your limpid purity
The moment all creation became silent
To stare in amazement at the beauty
Without you I am a summer day without sunshine
My dreams merged with yours
My soul loomed from darkness
To bask in your radiance
A demon's dancing with an angel
The sea of time will thunder over
And there'll be nothing left
They'll keep walking along the path we trampled down
And we now know it leads nowhere
I've made my sacrifice to fulfil our life dream
Our pact will remain a secret
Just like your undisclosed past and origin
I'll take care of you and mold your character
To my liking and you will fill your mind
with reconcilliation after a long struggle
Then when my time comes
I'll walk into the bosom of your realm
To become part of the circle
A perfect harmony

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