Brooklyn August : Voices of the Damned

Deathcore / Belarus
(2012 - Self-Released)
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All my sins are next to me
As soldiers
Each of them worse than nearby another
They feed my inner world

No one can help me get rid of them
There will be a battle between them and what I did good in my life

Sins have pleasure in their arsenal and all territory is shaking during collisions
I’m standing on my knees
My nerves are shaking
I don't know what to expect

I ‘m suppressed by the thought of losing
They want me to give in, to surrender as a fucking jerk

I already do not have any patience
What's done is done and what is dead

Weight of sins outweighed all remarkable that you've ever done
And the hope for salvation died last, knowing that the difference was great
Forgive me, please!

Stand and face the sin
And ask it to be destroyed!


Hundreds of people leave this earth, all things are pulled out of planet
All alive become dead
A new era of torment and suffering begins

I turn became a powerless corpse
I am dying
Not having enough time to atone my sins
Blackened blood flows from the body
Body rots and decay in deserted land

I can't do anything
Large, curved hands of an old man
Take my soul!
Millions of souls die in the abyss
Infinitely resurrecting and dying again

Evil overfills the earth
I'm hearing cries from below
Demons rule the world
Rain pours from the skulls
Lava flows in the rivers

Corpses nailed to sticks replace trees
Hell hounds roam and dig in the rotting bodies
How did it happen? Why?
I blame people
They did not save the earth, they were given a chance
Their voices were not filled with excitement
They could not solve out their problem


Time's up!
I was the last gasp
I was wrong in everything

All the best, all is lost, all is gone
With great horror I admit it!
My time is up!

I gave my body a rest from me
This world is running out
And everyone realized that time was short

When you find yourself in the end you will turn to it
I'll take control of all that I have lost!
This is my downfall, my spot

Do something to soften my way!
You're dead in the end
Because you all had to live a decent life

And not to take it away from yourselves
This is the dent which I can't straighten!
I left at a last minute for hell without thoughts about returning back


Explosion creates an impulse
Throwing stones at great heights
All what has been predicted today has long been known
My death is at a distance
It is not visible over the horizon
Your face's all of a sweat!

Your lips tremble like the earth
Soul rushes about inside you
Shaking comes!
Survivors breathe on the earth and feel a smell of hell

The more you breathe
The more choke!
Mind turns black
Hell displaces the soul from the body
With hammer beats all out of you
The end was worse than the beginning

I fell so deeply
Where you will never fall
Only fate will return you back
Abyss is a friend because you are always going there
You do not have more to do only believe

Spirit will be weakened until the end
there's no strength to keep on fighting
death takes me far away

This is not a colorful dream
Only thoughts are flying in my head that everything could be done better in this life
Scream!Bitch! Scream till exhaustion!

And Now You Will Burn!

Your soul will always be torn apart inside you
You will bathe in your blood
It is only a procedure
It won’t stop repeating!


You destroy yourselves
You kill them yourselves
You lie to each other!
Thinking that this is what they like
Wake up! You! Fools! Change your mind
In weeks, months , years

You can not avoid the eighth circle of hell
Your lies and deceit themselves paves the way there

Do not lie
Do not lie to anyone
Don’t abase yourselves!
Because your heart is blackenning and you did not notice that you will drown in your own lies

You don't understand
You don't know
You haven't passed this difficult way
Regain consciousness until it’s too late
Time to understand is necessary
It’s Never late to change everything
To change it all

Gather strengths in yourself!
Help all liars!
They were lost
Without knowing where the lie is
And where the trust
Find a key to the trust through the fear
Open the doors for them all!
Force them to follow you to the end!



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