Broken Mirrors : Seven Years...

Death Thrash / France
(2009 - Brennus Music)
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Once upon a time, a beautiful woman
Who brought us death, sadness and more
Was the one who change our lives
Oblivion is worst than all in hell.

Don't forget you can be the next
Your name will be forgotten.
Seems to be the worst nightmare
But no! Thath's just your death

Give a sense to your life,
Keep in mind that you will die.
There's no one who see his name,
Becomming a dead name...

For those we know who passed the line,
In this new world, you're not alone.
Watch and wait cause soon we will be all,
Death united!!!


We all need some new sensations,
And want to feel the good vibrations.
See thy world so much better
Just want to claim: "White Powder Power"

We enjoy cocaïne and we wanna take it some more
We enjoy cocaïne that's why we all look mad and so?
We enjoy cocaïne and we wanna take it some more
We enjoy cocaïne and we wanna take it right now,
Just right now...

Don't you dream about more power,
And face the world with no fears no gods.
Don't stp your hate let her escape,
One way to change join us and howl:

Yeah that's the good way choice of your life.
You're not a sniff adicted,
Welcome my friend, take it and say:
"White World and Death"


See black fire in the sk,
Thousand stars shine and blind,
Death and pain in your hand.
Sorrow will be eternal.

Shoot the world and watch it burn,
Turn it hell, turn it blood.
Ear the sound of destruction,
Shotgun symphony for all.

When they fall, as ancient gods,
Let them cry as they can.
Your red hands change their minds,
Trigger will be your way to fight.


Something is burning my head,
Something is growing inside,
This little voice in my head
Tell me wha to do right now.

All my throughts are mad and dark.
Just need to feel the rage wich rise.

I know what's burning my head,
I know what's growing inside,
Can feel the rage in my vein,
Bloodshed will be for all betrayers!

Come and join me in madness,
Discover my world,
A world where feelings hurt,
More than a tousand swords
In your heart.

We all want to take our revenge on them;
That's what we dream.
Yeah man life's just a game
So enjoy the play.


Look to the sky and watch all that cloud,
Darkness shall be for all humans.
Blood death and rage blackened the sky,
All will be judged one by one.
Tears in your eyes and sorrows in mind,
Want to escapethe nightmare.
Can't hide my sins and pray for my soul,
Just want to say I'm waiting for the end...

I can feel the darkness from behind,
And smell the death who turns around.
I'm nt so afraid, I prefer that way,
The way where the shadows embrace.

Bloodshoted eyes creep in the night,
Thinking they can save their lives.
Noting can change, lives are controlled,
Same words resound I wait for the end...

Now my dream come true.
In my mind!


We live in a puppet world,
Your heart is confusedand they're your guides.
You're not guilty seems you don't see,
Pleased to take part to this hierarchy.
In th name of gods crimes forgiven,
For the glory of lords the endless war.
Does it game to comfort you.
While father in sob in your dreary life...

Now we loose control,
Learn romantic poems and burn divines.
We lived in terror,
But now we battle against the pure.

We think we become free
By joining a new conformity.
They lie with, grace a new promess,
Just twisting wickness into faith.
My througths are same not brought by wrong hope,
I sold my soul to mother Gaia.
If only we could release earth
By crushing down the face of gods.

Leave superstitions
Wash your spirit and walk away.
For a new reason to live,
Be yur own god and relese earth.


Wake up now!
Ear the bombs,
Apocalyptic rain.
Let the wind,
Carry you smell,
Of those already dead.

You're alone
To defend your land
Let bullet
Be your mouth
Send you message.

In the dusk sun rise and lights on a nice bloodbath.
Humanity build's it own end.
For the love of war qive your life!

Feel power
Of the brave.
Honor will be saved
Look into
Enemy's eyes
Hatred is your friend.

Battle sounds
Rules the earth
Run before they came
Listen to
Madness voices,
Whispering your name.


Watch the mirrors
And see your face
You see it placid and quiet
But the hatred
Burn in your eyes,
If mind trns wild it's show time!

Broken by fear
Or by the truth,
Don't want to see them in their lies
Nex reality
For those who can see
All from the inside spirit and mind...

Some cracks appear now
The world will change face
Pass to the oder side
Don't be afraid ther's no return!

You find your way
By breaking the ice
Watch the mirrors from inside
You beaks the laws
And create your owns
These seven years will be yours

No one can hide
His darkened Desires
Revealed by distored glasses
Here is othe way
We choose to defend
These seven years will be ours...



Lyrics geaddet von MoonlightShadow - Bearbeite die Lyrics