Briarcliff : Endgame

Deathcore / Australia
(2014 - Self-Produced)
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What are you trying to prove ?
Just Rise above these illusions of clarity,
And tear this land apart of the lies and deception.
We have all been burdened with this lack of vision.
This perception will bring us anarchy.
Coward, There will be no safe place for you to hide.

Tell me of your visions,
Of the Earth engulfed in flame,
Confusion, delusion; how to control,
This race of degenerate souls.

Call forth and bring destruction as a clenched fist falls unto this world,
And we strip the flesh from every hope held dear.

A dawning kingdom already at the brink of extinction,
To break down the walls of confidment to see a dead sun.
To be encased in the shadows of long-told stories,
To be held under by oppressing power by the bane of our existence.

Held back from improvement by this genocide.
Forced to rip out the innards of this prophet,
Just to understand the origins of bloodshed.

You're pathetic, you hold no weight on your own.

These stains will form a message,
Bring redemption for the lives that we've lost.
As we've watched the blood turn to black,
And this tyrant sit upon his throne.
These followers will abandon you ,
And your world that wont be held guilty,
For the crimes the sins and the sacrifice,
Disembowel this fraud.

I want to watch you fucking rot.
And hanged for the world to see,
This pathetic human being.

I want to see you fucking rot.
And hanged for the world to see.


War, set it all on fire,
Punish this filth,
Bring them all to decay in the undergrowth.

Who will be the one to draw the first blood ?
To stand beneath an eclipsed sun,
And bask in the hour of this reckoning.
Who will feel the cold hands of change ?

Banish the corrupted,
Salivate in every life you take,
So I beg of thee,
Destroy this Earth.
Condemn us all to hell.

(Repeat x2)
Bring forth the executioner,
Let him judge the weight of your soul.

This realm of torture, this flesh divine,
Hung high on hooks, a statement of cruel fate,
Each sacrifice, another burden erased,
Cut out each and every fetid piece of meat.

This Demon,
This Manifestation,
Obliged to the task of eradication.

Birthed into a world of everblack,
This higher being will be our downfall,
He comes to cleanse this plague,
Bring them all to decay in the undergrowth.

Bleed for your worthless lives,
This will be reason that we'll fall.
Bleed for your worthless lives,
This will be the reason that we fall.

He will be the reason that we fall.


Traitor, your existence is useless,
Still alive, but bare on the inside and a life of nothing,
Scared of the reality, that you are fucking filth.
It should have ended with my hands around your throat.

Preach to me why you think you're worthy of this life,
Plead to me why your blood should remain red.
I want to hear the reasons why you think you could actually be a human fucking being.
You think that you're worth something ?
Lie to me, tell me that you have a right to breathe.

Justify this reason to feel fear in the face of atonement,
Or yet to ignore the fall of your perfect cover.
You are weak, You've been cast out from this malicious scam,
Fucking say it, fucking admit that you know the wretched truth,
I'll tear it out, of your fucking cunt of a mouth,
I can't believe that I left your heart still beating.

You are shit,
You waste the oxygen,
Do me a favour and kill yourself.

You fooled the world as a icon of heart,
Ruin, lay waste to this perfect disgrace
I won't let you manipulate this,
You've had this coming for years, this is the endgame.

You are fucking weak,
You are pointless,
You are hollow,
You are the burden,
You are fucking weak.

This will end in murder.
Fucking perfect murder.
This is the endgame.
End your life.
End your life.
End your fucking life.

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics