Borgazur : 2P3: Alchemists Earth of Aeon A.C.

Unblack / Netherlands
(2008 - Nokternal Hemizphear)
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To wake up to drink good wine
Leaving a bitter taste by dawn when beholding divinity
The divine purity of the life shedding trinity
Leaves me wonder why my drunk body holds on to its soul
Why its centre keeps pounding for me to keep writhing
Why I 'm not released yet from my duty called living
Everything satan sets up, it's meant for the end of man
All he is doing is stopping you from believing in God Jesus

Never give in... Never give up... Never retreat... Never stop !

Christ is our Messiah


Spirit filled screaming
Hardcore for God
We are against all
The scarlet whore fraud

We stand for the Living
Ignoring acts of death
We are against sinning
We have escaped death

We don't like Idols
We hate their acts
We hate the foul
Which Jesus rejects

Never give in !
Never give up !
Never retreat !
Never stop !

Christ is our Messiah
Not meant for hell
We dominate Delilah
We ridicule Isabel

See the abominations
See Sodom expanding
Gomorrah at ending
See the antichrist bending

Christ will come back!
He will show their place
According to their testimony
And not their race

Everything Satan sets up
It's meant for the end of man
All he is doing is stopping you
From believing in the words of Jesus

Never give in !
Never give up !
Never retreat !
Never stop !

Christ i sour Messiah
Not meant for Hell
We dominate Delilah
We ridicule Isabel

The day of six is ending
Christ is coming soon
Satan will be bending
Like a stupid cartoon

So live your life all right
Righteousness comes from the spirit
It's God and Jesus
That's it

The day of the seven
Has almost begun
Thousand years
Of ruling with Christ

So live your life all right
Righteousness comes from the spirit
It's God and Jesus
That's... ruling with christ !


In our town we see many young men
Loving, distracting, seducing lovers
Making our daughters become women
And reaping their self-respect

They spread their seeds like rain in a storm
And door by door and on they go
The masks they hold keep them in form
They think they must reveal them low

It makes me sick to see this shame
What can I do, they've turned this loose
I hate to see they're all the same
I hate that females are in a noose

The tragedy, the sorrow, the misery
The low self esteem and no blistering
They blind them, they're not free
They get captives in cloistering

And I resist all temptations
To become like those men
I believe in loving relations
But not over and over again.

What refused me was for sure
That sex without love as no allure
We men should not underestimate
The intensity you leave behind

And as men are visually minded
Women tempt with their clothing
Some men wish they were blinded
it's annoying and it's frothing

It hurts and slowly cures
Make it secure with beautiful allures


You, my God !!
Please be with me...
I can't stand my own...
My God !?
What's supposed ?
What am I supposed to do ?
My God! O God!
Everything in my life...
At the moment
This time be merciful on what's thine...
I don't know what to do...
Please give me directions !
Please understand me !
Please direct me with wisdom,
And spiritual understanding !
My God !!!
If there's any grace for me
Any left...
I beg you...


A beast rises up from hell
Sons of Adam prophesied
People who fare well
Would get demonised

A beast with many horns
Some heads hidden long
His stinking breath scorns
His influence strong

Gods who we'd be forgetting
Would also rise their skulls
Baäls childs will be rotting
And the money we've to mull

Mammon gains applause
Zeus became in centre
Even US it's white house
Shows his face at enter

False they are !
He uses their name
He fights his war
His dark hidden flame

The beast arised
As were foretold
His hearts are ices
We'd better behold

The hearts of men are deadly calm
Sickened by influence of beastly gods
They sing their meaningless death realm
With solid unintended prods

I humbled myself and kneeled down in sudden tears
Made myself small and begged to my own beloved God
Protect me and strengthen me, I feel like a clown who fears
Redempt, love and heal me before I shed my own blood

Falling asleep in dreams of gods of fire
Reflecting my lusts, indulgences are flying
Dark, coloured screams to frightening desire
I utter in fear of my inner emotions, I'm crying

Scared to get caught up in my passions
Passions hurting another in vain
Continuously searching for satisfactions
Causing friends and mother pain

Please I begged in silence of shouting
Bless me let your way of life be
My slumbers are pounding and I am so lonely

I ask you for your presence
And sacrifice my life
Unto your doubtful essence
To endure your thrive

Death will close me in
You and me together
Know you will win

And all other gods will shudder


I'm lucky not to believe in fate
And faithfully I don't believe in luck
For luck and fate is for those who're bliss
And the bliss are in vain by my sight

Don't call me names or you'll be cursed
For God protects who are His

You are so lame and full of filth
I can not help to fell hate
Not hate for you but hate for sin
And sin is all you can do

Sin believe me you are wrong
You'll rot in hellish departments
I ask you kindly not to go along
You please remove your highness

The death of the Christ you can't ignore
And neither his resurrection
You're justice knows we want to abhor
You are destined to die; you infection

And we'll nevermore adore you (x2)

You're no worth we raised you in life
But we regret your substance
In all of our miserable lives

I'm lucky not to believe in fate
I'm faithful not to believe in luck
Jesus redeem my soul of hate
Over the edge with awe struck


The heat of your prevaricating
Is flaming and burning frightening deep
As my eyes now barely see your flesh
I ignite you into a lightening sleep

Unholy awakening for you
Because you ravaged your soul
The star of inner perspectives
Black and frozen, filled with foul

Darkness is your only witness
Provoking tour roting self
Barbaric splattered bones and blood
The foundation for your profligating

You give nothing about the life that's mine
Splashing in gore on graves you created
You practice to destroy what's worthy in life
With the father of darkness you have debated

But God, throw your thorn of thunder
Away from you in everlasting dire
And cast with almighty winds of power
The blasphemous, righteously into the lake of fire

You lied to me
Wished me all the best
I believed you were true to me
And my rewards I found in my chest

Well, now I am revolting
Provoking agianst your words
For you adultered to my trust
And that hurts me

My blood is coagulating
My purple vanes utter my fear
Every bone transgresses my will
My hands are bound in mear

God, is it right to aid me ?
Please alleviate this burden

I make my life clean for kingdoms sake
Unto the glory of the Lord
The brightly shining Light forever
Soflty and hastily takes my soul

I know I am saved, Christ is alive
He's Gods victory over death
The devil is dying, bound everlasting
God will retaliate his damned soul


God sets signs and wonders
In Egypt to this day
So we know the truth
That science took astray
At the Triumphant capital
The suburb called Giza
Lays a beautiful pyramid
That must be marked with chalk
The Lord said: Jeremiah
Behold the days will come
That I will raise unto David
A righteous Branch who won
A King shall reign and prosper
And shall fulfill in earth
To execute the justice
When lunu's born again
And in the day five cities
Mourn about oppression
There shall be an altar
An altar to the Lord
In the midst of Egypt
And after their sad loss
It's also at the border
To witness the Lord of Hosts
And it did because of Jesus
Who once had sad the them
Didn't you read the scriptures
About the rejected stone
This is what Gods doing
It has become the stone
The head of the altar
The sacrifice once born
The one who sent the salter
Will soon return without falter


Och ik reeds oud geowrden
En de maan maakt haar laatste baan
Over de berg komen angsthorden
Het is met mij gedaan

De burchten reeds lang verlaten
Planten groeien op de muren
Al het hout vertoont rottige gaten
Als het niet verbrand is door de vuren

Waar koningen hun binnenkomst maakten
De pleinen waar de kinderen hun vreugde slaakten
Heerst nu de stemming van de dood
Het gras verdort, de lucht vuurrood

Angst bekruipt mijn krampachtige gedachtegang
Als de horden de bergen zijn overgestoken
Niet lang meer en ze zijn bij mij
Ik zie des haat in hunner gruwel ogen

Paardenhoeven dreunen, zwaarden worden geheven
Grootste angs grijpt mij nu voor waar aan
Mijn lichaam mijn ziel alles begint te beven
Het is met mij gedaan

De voorman komt nu heel dichtbij
En ik begrijp alles is bedorven
Hij grijpt zijn speer en richt op mij
En ik ben gestorven

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