Bohemian Grove (GRC) : Age of Retrogression

Doom Black / Greece
(2008 - Hyperblasted Recordings)
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Ah, wretched men, what woe is this ye suffer ?
Shrouded in night are your heads and your faces and your knees,
And kindled is the voice of wailing,
And all cheeks are wet with tears,
And the walls and the fair main-beams of the roof are sprinkled with blood.

It's a razing hellfire, razing hellfire !

Woe to you, wicked souls! hope not ever to see Heaven !
I come to carry you to the other bank, into eternal darkness, to heat and frost.
And thou who art there, living soul, depart from these that are dead.

And the porch is full, and full is the court, of ghosts that hasten hellwards beneath the gloom,
And the sun has perished out of heaven,
And an evil mist has overspread the world.


Can you smell the burning grounds ?
Do you see the gathering dark clouds
Can you hear the abysmal shouts ?
All these, signs of a change profound

Tears black and bitter
Rolling on faces of fear (and dismay)
Burning scars in human flesh
Angels with grey horns as they descend

Thus it comes upon us
A blight long foreseen
To crush our dreams of heaven
And spread the evil seed

The fires are burning bright
The clouds are cast aside
The smoke is forming a shape
The goat is born from flame

Sinners and holy men
Like witches burning to the ground
The cleansing of the goat
Will leave no man standing around

Heralds of doom and destruction
The coming of the goat they have foreseen
An era of endless suppression
Of all hope and will

Hail the goat
Praise the goat
Hail the lord
Praise his horn
Is the goat the true salvation
The one we must believe
Or just a false messiah
Who's dragging us into the hellish pits

Through aeons we'll all suffer
The pain of this war
Until each one worships
The goat and his horns

Hail the goat
Praise The goat
Hail the lord
Praise his horn


Desperate, grieving woman walk with me
Let the fire set this place aflame
Desparate, grieving woman hate me
Because I am the one who took your son away

Desperate grieving woman look at me
And see my horrid face
Desperate grieving woman take me
And lead me to my grave

You may think I am insane
But everyone changes when they see the face of god
The flesh may be unwilling but the spirit is not
Eventually, the magician will take what he came for

I too have been touched by the devilish one
Forced to see through the silver streams of dismay
Witness the prayers of mangled devotees
Vanity in its purest form

Desperate times call for desperate measures
But a feeble mind will falter under such burden
Ravishing is the madness brought by devotion
Delirious fanatics ravaging the sane

The reason is obvious and the act is appalling
The motive may be unclear but so is belief
I will accept my penance in triumph
Not out of repentance, but pride in sin

Now I am walking towards the end - towards a human grave.
Will this be the one I'll die upon
Or just another test of faith
Am I a cursed man or really insane ?


Staring long enough into the eye of the beast
you see a desparate man looking back to you
Always the same man, the one you fear
Because he is your master and you are his

We carry the wolf's bite proudly on our shoulder
So, we are all sinners though we have not sinned
We belong to a bloodline of impious men
We are cursed to lurk in the shadows of our past

Once light is cast upon us again
And flesh breeds the new order
Life will sprout from our corpses
And the wheel shall turn once more

There will be a time that the sun will turn away
And darkness will come to shade our shame
Degenerate beasts dwelling in ruins
Living through an age of retrogression

The image of a snake biting its tail
Each turn is another age gone astray
Is recurrence the way to crush our restraints ?
Or just a utopia moving away ?


Coiled in the lair of the beast we suck life dry.
Then we rise among the stars and soon we crumble
And fall like insects under the rain.
You want to know why we are smiling, though ?
Because, what else can you do in this forlorn life
Other than pretend you are enjoying it ?

Flesh burns the world, creation is no longer.
False idols, prophets of a new age.
Is the radiant beauty of decadence,
Or a preset course laid for us by an omnipotent being that leads to our genocide ?

We are the beasts in our selves
And we crave for what is yet to come
Are we madmen longing for death
Or just yearning for salvation ?
I seek neither but I hope in the end I'll find both.

In these times of grace we start to gaze
Inside our emptiness that we've so long denied.
We are following this vagrant impulse to break our restraints...

Coiled in the lair of the beast we suck life dry.
Then we rise among the stars and soon we crumble
And fall like insects under the rain.
You want to know why we are smiling, though ?
Because, what else can you do in this forlorn life
Other than pretend you are enjoying it ?

...And see what lies behind our faint smiles.
We see through our past and childhood fears,
(Deep into our mother's womb where we first died.)

Flesh burns the world, creation is no longer.
False idols, prophets of a new age.
Is the radiant beauty of decadence,
Or a preset course laid for us by an omnipotent being that leads to our genocide ?

Destined to drown in the roar of a sinking universe !

We are the beasts in our selves
And we crave for what is yet to come
Are we madmen longing for death
Or just yearning for salvation ?
I seek neither but I hope in the end I'll find both.

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics