Body Soil : Body Soil





Frantic phone calls on
Another night alone
So many thoughts to share
But they'll never be known

Aimless Thinking
Directed at ALL
Is this a sign of ones
Mindset Downfall?

Or is it more
Some dumb metaphor
Like removal of clothes
So private parts are exposed

A habit for some
A threat to most
Trapped in a world full
Of lost dreams and hopes

There's no understanding
Nothing to make sense of
Because there's no such thing as hate
If there's no such thing as love


Aren't the laws of life
Based solely on perceptions?
Is the answer to all wonderment
Just another fucking question?

Freedom, the sole condition
That brings happiness

What is the meaning of our existence?
Is it to be understood?
Some can't take it, others don't want to
Even though you'd think they should

Freedom, the sole condition
That brings happiness

To let go and move on
Is an absolute
All your deep connections
Are just selfishness


All now gather ye fiercely apathetic
Got to have a good job if ya want good credit
When economic soup is the order of today
Then every cheque signed, sells some soul away

Show no mercy to those who don't follow suit
Since this cycle only flows if yer always floating loot
And all ignorance keeps the money machine rolling
So it looks like it's back to work you'll be strolling

Or taking the bus, or driving a car
Or riding a bike is it isn't too far
The whole while distracted with transport issue pains
To blind you from seeing so much is just in vain


I will commit murder, but stretch its time
Because experimentation is not a crime
Needless testing with electric shock
A tormenting death is more time on the clock

I love the cleanly, smooth fine feel
Of that cold, hard sharpening steel

And I love the high from pushing in
With my razors through preserved skin
So do I adore live subjects to analyze
Fresh from crowded cages of compact size

With hardly any room for them to thrive
Ensures that they will not survive
My colleagues and I have got the grants
Because our methods are never scant
It costs a lot of money to power electrodes
To pump a monkey full of 10,000 volts

And so who cares? Do you? NOT ME!
Since my job's secure at the laboratory
Just drown out screams from horrific pain
with thoughts that this is for mankind's gain


Well, Mr. Bradshaw, what's on your mind?
Perings, Inspector
He's a good one, too
Just look at that record
Okay, now walk had your little joke
Give her to somebody else
I asked for a man
We don't have a man with her qualifications
Seriously, Mr. Brad
If you treat right, she might make you a star to the party
What do you mean, treat her right?
Get that chip off your shoulder
What's wrong with her?
She's a woman isn't?

We all uphold the walls between
What seems to be our gender diversities
While disconnecting all chords
All chords once plugged into perversity

No one it seems in a long time
Has had relationships based on respect
Rather what you see are situations
Made to observe
Observe and dissect

Then analyze to try to find
The ever present obscurity
To see why Love has lost so much
Meaning and any signs of surety

Because no one cares for the wears and tears
That befall our society
Once the gender wars were waged
Most fell victim
Victim to a piety

There's no cure except a struggle
To relate until walls are erased
And we come as one to know each other
On things that aren't so gender based


Keep a tight lid over their plots and propaganda
Shut down offices of all those supporting them
One must be insane to not want our state control
And subversive thought has become such a problem

These eccentrics have no clue what their doing
Trying to cause a ruckus for rights due to the poor
Poor don't need more rights, just a good kick in the ass
This dissention germ is spreading, now can there be any cure?

Why YES! Of course this is, we will frame all of those bastards
For all the kinds of crimes they would never commit
It's not hard for us to falsify any information
Being imprisoned is what you get for refusing to submit

Then at last, it gets even better - soon they'll all be in prison
ANYONE who tries to combat our benevolent oppression
Strict penalties are wrought for disruptment of our policies
And the sentence is death to keep some views under suppression

Cops, Judge, Jury, Warden, Executioner
All our employees and aren't they good at their jobs
Our power - over all - any cost - no matter what!
So for those who know the truth, just mace and gas their mobs


Awakening for the sake of a reckoning
to site angled visions on five sided stories
About no truths being backed up
by any kind of so-called evidence

Riddled with contradiction
Like a belly bloated
From bullets shot
Astray the target
Scoring triple digits
While three eyes
see only nines
While three eyes
see only...

Since this world at large has got so much to hide
It has been said "It's Time To Turn the Tides"
But one cannot know the depths of waves


How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?

When your birth certificate is your draft card
for the bloodiest of civil wars
But ain't nothin' 'bout it so civilized
thus true issues are ignored

Like the idea of this civilized world
to analyze it is not advised
For even a quick glance and you see
there's only something to despise

The world we've all grown up in
and its oh-so advanced culture
Is clearly divided into who will or won't
have their life ripped apart by vultures

So if insanity's put in a pot over fire
its waters boil passed their instabilities
And the lid will blow right off of
this pile of shit called a set of civilties

How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?
How did this world come into being?


The tractors have collected
and come into our town
To plow all of this beautiful
forest 'round here down
I wonder what they use so
much of that wood for
Christmas trees? Golf clubs?
Printer paper to fuel foreign wars?

Bull dozers, Dump trucks
and loads more machinery
Hauling away trees by the ton
to mills and factories
While clean air and water
depletes for wild animals
All thanks to the cash-cropping
corporate cannibals

Is there no stopping
The multi-nationals from brewin'
Their plot to instill
Mass-murder and ruin?

They'll wipe away all of the land
and earth's living things
So soon all that will be left
is us human beings
Of course some of us are just as
useless and in their way
Now you see the awful truth
it's just proof of one dooms day

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