Blueberry Hill : Clandestine

Power Metal / Finland
(2002 - Self-Released)



Wings of death in the air - calling my name
Hear him who's guiding
I fought many miles just to see them fly

Angels gather the fallen - song of defeat
There's no denying
Life that I once had is gone

Die for your freedom!
No honour or beauty forgotten

In fire and water
Odin's Thunder

They are high borne in air - hunt for the brave
"We are the strong, the Choosers"
Harvest on the line of mortal souls
Passing onto the darkness - lifeless they go

You have to die for your freedom!
Your honour will not be forgotten

In fire and water
Odin's Thunder
Your Father - Willpower
Odin's Thunder

And when the blood is calling
The Choosers ride again
Scepter in hand she comes for me
My day is done

"Call and whisper, what waits me,
It will be:
I am free"


Torn apart, lifeless from the start
Bitter chalice of their sorrow
Poured again, reasoning in vain
All the lives within so hollow

Tides turning faster
Hands of time will hold onto me, tearing

Crawl hide in the heart of this day
Oh, the precious day!

As the tide is turning faster
Hands of time will hold onto me

Falling 'til I'm gone
Can I be saved by the light
Falling hold me tight
Be my last breath as I die

Once again, locked in a cage
Ripping chains of silent memories
Getting near, ever yet so clear
Hour comes for passing over


Witness this new devilry
Smoke from afar is rising
Poison the Sun
Now is the hour of need
Gather all willing to fight Him
Stay as One

As the ringwraiths rise
Under Lidless Eye

Die! I fight for the One
I die for the One
His power is mine to share

Die! I fight for the One
I die for the One
I'm willing to be his heir

Riding the lenght of this land
Escaping the clutch of Satan
Hold my hand
Brother by brother we stand
Facing the torment of ages
We are grand

As the ringwraiths rise
With fire in their eyes


The righteous rise
We have been waiting for this time
Shine on tonight
Possess the all-devouring light

Black hand is reaching for you
Disciples in distorted tune
Grovel at dead of the night
Fed by his malice and might

Raise your hand to the East - at the Sign
Raise your hand to the East - while alive

What was denied
Is calling us to make a sign
They said no-one could die
Still looking at the clouded sky

Black hand is reaching for you
You are disciples in his tune
Grovel at dead of the night
Fed by his malice and might

As the promise is fallen
Words of wisdom are lost
But the free are alive
Cleansed by falling rain


From the mouths of madness
These times arise
By the gods forgotten
Our lives denied

See the deserts burning
Not by the sun
Time's come to make a stand
War has begun

We shall be heard!
Through the earth, wind and fire
Hope is born evil falls
Hold the flame hide it deep within you
Kings are gone resurrection calls

Let your voice ring through the air
No more in silence
This is carried to our heirs
Proud of their fathers

Silence fills the air
Storm approaching
Now we raise our hands, shine!

One with the fire we burn
Flames in our eyes
Tomorrow is there
And we are divine

In the mouths of madness
Tomorrow dies
Final day will come not
Plain empty skies

;歌词由 添加 tango666 - 修改此歌词