Bludgeon (UK) : Devoted to Lunacy

Brutal Death / United-Kingdom
(2018 - Permeated Records)
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Brushing the soil off her body, the top of her coffin collapsed,
Ritual of depravity begins, defiling what’s severely decomposing,
Alone in the cemetery, I stalk the deceased searching for a victim,
Necrophilia is my only satisfaction, Deranged sexual fulfillment,
Fascination with the lifeless, molesting dead bodies as I masturbate,
The stench of decomposition rises, as her body falls apart beneath me,
Pulling the cranium from her torso, eyes sink back in their sockets,
Head is severed by wrenching upwards, disconnecting from the spine with a snap,
Post mortal fistula seeps with fluids,
Vagina and anus becomes a single entity,
Masticating wretched tissue stuck to the bones,
Chewing through gristle whilst I fornicate,
Pinguid slabs of meat summon anchylosis effects on me,
Omnifutuant in my ways, can’t get enough of the dead gaze,
Opaque eyes stare, whilst I penetrate the hymeneal,
Mucilaginous womb once chthonic, risen to appease,
From the soil it came and shall return to the grave,
Disjointed limbs constrained back into position,
Enthrallment of the dead lures me back,
Catafalque despoiled for truculent compulsion.


The frailty of human kind,
Betrayed by emotions no will to survive,
Perspectives changed on the other side,
Grotesque sentiments remain, half of me died.
Stripped of desire to live in this world,
Depression befriended me, a curse that I hold,
Paranoia fueled by unknowing the truth,
Alone I destroy my own being with hate,
Fervour denied replaced by confusion,
Despondency overwhelms every inch of my mind.
Repulsed by the weakness in what I have become,
A post mortal creature before I draw my last breath,
Acceptance of mortality, Engulfed in agony,
Consumed with violent desires, ruthlessly torn apart by emotions,
Haemorrhaging mentally, a desolate world exists in me,
A suicidal state of confusion, ceasing to live is the only solution.
I must end it here before I take those around me,
A danger to all who reflect in my eyes,
Cognizant dichotomy, self deprecating permanently,
Living on the outside yet decaying internally,
Mortality embraced, Already forsaken,
Serenity flickers in my graven thoughts,
Bone touches the cold steel,
Recollections encourage my grip,
My last action before I spiral into the darkness of finality.


Entering a realm of mental decay,
Copulating with carrion from beyond the grave
Lubricating my cock with the blood of the worm filled deceased
My burden of deformity,
Inflicted with subhuman abnormalities,
Compulsive lust for disease,
Libido driven for the dead,
Lust the carrion...
I have fallen to the darkest depths of humanity,
A life insidious and full of profanity,
The larvae of my perversity swells with each breath I take,
Infected with a morbid curiosity for necropsy,
Festering abdomen ejaculates pus,
When I push my fist in its ass...
Dead meat unit bound inside a refuse sack,
Sarcophagus split allowing me to penetrate the deceased,
Ringent face of the beast, covered once again in soil,
Left to decompose, defiled with semen,
Forgotten in a cemetery, only visited by me,
Lust for carrion, humanity is overrated.


Forcing a blade into the eyes of the mutilated...
Tongue extracted I get off on sounds of gargling,
Disinterred from my mind evil deeds
Patterns in my sleep determine, how I conduct my next kill
Stages of cryonics for crenels of flesh,
Frozen limbs and arteries, stool samples of my victims,
Back-dated objects of hate
A collection of stumps, ice-blocked mounds of human remains
Ribs and snap as the meat hooks penetrate your body
Lungs hiss as they collapse punctured by a blunt force stab
Dreaming of the meat hooks
Suspended gravity down force, stretching wounds causing intense
Skin slides off of bones cold steel meat hook pushed inside your
every orifice
Mangled gutted cadaver hanging fucked on a hook
Dehumanized eunuch stripped of genitalia
Im free to kill as I please, no one can stop me
The execution on a meat hook, dreams of depravity begin,
to path my future in killing.


Defects diagnosed at birth, severe malformations to genetic patterns
Inbreeding activities, conceived by the deranged
Colony strives to keep itself contained
Deviant relatives procreate with each other
Homozygosity apparent in the
Progeny through consanguinity
Forbidden legally and by society
Sects of the deformed hide away from reality
Intercourse between family members is regular
Beauty must be in the eye of the beholder
Hierarchy predators claim their victims
Sowing the seeds of this mutant generation
Incest is forced to populate the settlement
Thalidomide infants worshipped at nascency
Adolescent paraplegics copulate
Elder degenerates watch over vile proceedings
Ensuring the impregnation of female mutants
Health dilemmas ignored in spastic infants
The weak die before they grow old enough to copulate
Discarded if unable to keep the species growing
Used as a sexual slave for their kindred peers
Those born with paralysis become living sex objects
Often birthing stillborns extreme genetic dysfunctions
Inevitable rape can't fight off advances
Positioned to be penetrated violently
Coitus with the disabled until the urges are suppressed
Ejaculating inside the wombs of the disfigured
Malformations through incest


Dead inside her womb,
Mother becomes living sarcophagus, fetal being ceases to take form,
Instead dilapidation starts to grow,
Unborn carried for days, begins to degenerate into putridity,
Female reduced to a cesspit, ashamed to face reality.
Failure to reproduce, hideous task lies ahead,
Medical procedure undertaken, delivery of the stillborn.
Vaseline coated fist slides about inside the vagina,
Desperately seeking out the unwanted offspring,
Contorting in agony, elbow deep in your own cunt.
Failure to induce the dead, fisting deep to grab its head
Viscera gushing blood
Knitting needles pierce the sack, stagnant concoction of fluids,
Flows from your gaping vagina, repulsive dilation,
Fissure hideously distorted.
Beyond the psychotic
Self inflicted episiotomy, splitting the vagina with electricity,
Cattleprod surges then incises,
Cauterised by intense heat, muscles contract in agony,
Antenatal enema, aperture disgorges stillborn remnants,
Mothering instincts intact, rejection of the putrid is an immoral act,
Shrine of sickness, erected and worshipped
Chest freezer casket
Cryogenic fetal ornament
Maternity ceased
Stillborn displayed eternally...




Ornamental purposes of sentimentality,
Mounting skins of dead animals, before the taxidermy,
To represent how they were when they were alive,
Unambiguous insanity, a lust for necrobeastiality.

Anal insertation of skeletal remnants,
Dilation of my cavity, pain is my redemption,
I defile this piece of shit.

Odors of flesh, stagnant and dead,
Unsatisfied with my need for preserving,
Screams echo in my head, provoking hatred,
Deranged patterns of sexual molestation.

Cadaveral submergeation in my bathtub,
Sadistic ritual before the taxidermy begins,
Rug of fleas gets injected with my seed,
Vaginal crevice swollen due to decomposition.

Boiling liquid scalding the flesh,
Of the skinned carrion,
Its putrid genitals warm again,
And perfect for fornication,
Sucking out dead ovaries,
From within the abdominal tract,
Forceful penile incisions,
Inundation of semen floods the vaginal sack.

Atrocifying my soul condemning my being,
No other form of copulation gives me this feeling,
Desire for carrion.


Asperity from the vagina, cloacinal liquids trickle
My fall into deprivation, drinking monthly cycles
Orifice descents are digested, a taste for carious body fluids
Catamenial vampire devouring vaginal blood,
I portray perversion,
Extravasating your womb
I’ll fucking you bitch, I kill the innocent,
Repulsive slag bleed for me,
Forced into pregnancy, Bring on the bleeding of a miscarriage for me
Sucking dry her tract, digesting mucous and vaginal scabs.



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