Bloodjinn : Leave This World Breathing

Hardcore / USA
(2004 - Goodfellow Records)
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1. Modern Machines

Nothing can prepare you for this, fall in line for the greatest cause, watch
the time fade away, months turn into minutes, years turn into seconds ,
standing in line, card in your hand, so that everyone will have comfort, no
more free will, home is where you lay your head, so they will, have comfort,
no more free will.

2. A Decade Of Forced Existence

Looking down into this reflection, reminds me of how things used to be,
before the world took my soul, the innocence is just a dream. I am unclean,
I'll die trying to find the stars, to find myself in you is worth the pain.
We wear the same skin, we breathe the same air, my whole existence is you,
to never forget my gift of life, to always be there, donnn't let go. We talk
but we do not speak, do you even know me? Hear this voice. See this man
standing before you, I'm still a child, trapped in this broken man, it hurts
me to see what I have become, I am to weak to fight, please remember me.

3. The Dividing Lines

I read your letter, sometimes the hand that shelters and feeds, must feed a
sick mind with poisoned needs. The hands that clutch, can be the same hands
that touch to much. Eyes that stare with love, read the words with eyes that
stare, while I close them to hide away the tears. Looking away in fear of
loneliness. Two things left today, one I greed, the other purpose, I have
lost me will, please take away this loneliness, I only wanted to give, not
to have it all taken away.

4. Grey Worlds

Grey...cold morning air makes it hard to breathe.
Worlds...The sky wears a somber smile today. Clouds shift across the
horizon, something feels strange about this day, my chest is heavy and the
sky is falling uncertainty looms in my world of grey. I have an appointment
with death, doctors give me eighteen months to live. Why? Oh god why? have
you not already taken everything from me? I have an appointment with death,
doctors give me eighteen months to live.

5. Challenge The End

An honest feeling of regret, an honest feeling o flove, within a single
flash, it can all be taken away, I never old have thought it could be me
struggling in life. To be the one who people depended on to survive, I don't
understand, Why it was me? All I ever asked for was for my loved ones to be
safe, It's my time to leave soon, please don't ever forget me, hold my hand
tight, I'm afraid to let go, the memories of you I will carry on inside me.
An honest feeling of regret, an honest feeling of love, within a single
flash , it can all be taken away, I never would have thought it could be, me
stuggling. To be the one who people depended on to survive, I don't
understand why it was me, why was I chosen? these memories of you I will
carry on inside me.

6. The Last Cry

This is so hard to understand.
If I could turn back time, I would stay with you to the end.
The last time I saw your face, I cried so hard.

7. Goodnight But Not Goodbye

His ascension to the angelic existence begins to commence, a heavenly world
awaits a listless soul. Night begins to fall, the new child born, brought
forth into this world. His ascension to the angelic existence begiins to
commence a heavenly world awaits a listless soul. Night begins to fall, the
new child born, brought forth into this world. One soul's last breath, one
hearts first beat. One soul's last breath, one heart's first beat. His Eyes,
so innocent and pure, they cannot sense this mourning air. His surroundings,
new and not yet jaded, to all the worlds suffering to all the worlds
suffering goodnight but not goodbye.

8. Leave This World Breathing

"Where were you"?
My thought screamed. "Do you even love me"? Oh how my heart ached.
Abandooned to the horror of my solitude, "where were you?" "where were you?"
"where were you?" Lifeless and loved less. double shifts and overtime, don't
make sense to a lonely child. Your abscence is the void, growing within my
soul. "where were you?" lifeless and loved less. How the tears came so

Now that you have departed from this world, an age has come when questions
are abound, inquiries into your existence and life. I then recalled
something you said, so profound... "I never clamed to have all the answeers,
although you thought I should, I was driven by love, motivated by you. I
tried to provide the best that I could, I tried to provide the best that I
could." I couldn't grasp their meaning that solemn day, but your tone moved
through my heart, driven by love, I have kept them safe, since that solemn
day, knowing that they would one day ring true, drivin by live. So I sit
here alone again while he is dreaming thinking of you and everything. I
didn't understand. I long to go back to my days as a child, and re-live life
without a heart and a handful of hate...

As I hold him in my arms, all I can think of is you, I finally understand
what kind of hell you were going through. We are all driven by love. We are
all sometimes sacrificed for the sake of love, As we leave this world

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