Blacksoul Seraphim : Unrest in Weary Weakened Men

Gothic Doom / USA
(2014 - Self-Released)
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Unrest in weary, weakened men has sparked a seething fume
Such torrid souls divided breathe the dismal, cheerless gloom
Existence cold and diffident, resigned unto this doom
No tidings of comfort and joy.

The winds have brought a chill upon the homes of working men
As children and their mothers seeking warmth in hearth and friend
But servants to their wages, hath they not a coin to spend
No tidings of comfort and joy

The avarice of hundreds few has shattered lives unseen
And stripped the poor of homesteads for their austerity
Rapacity is worshiped to subvert all charity
No tidings of comfort and joy.

The broken and the beggars may unite in strength and force
To mobilize and protest to correct this crooked course
But radiant lights and false delights doth blind us to the source
No tidings of comfort and joy.

What hope remains when those in chains so harshly are ignored
The famished and the destitute, their grievances deplored
Our only warmth in wintertime: the constant fire of war
No tidings of comfort and joy.

Despair ye not, o’ weary men, for triumph can be gained
We offer prayer for mutiny and passions unrestrained
To break the bonds of usurers and dastards holding reign
And bring tidings of comfort and joy.

So hearken, steadfast mortal men and women trodden down
No savior but thyselves can liberate and wear the crown
The spirits of apostasy; deliv’rance hath we found!
O, tidings of comfort and joy!

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics