Black From The Pit : Doublecrow Soul

Thrash Metal / Poland
(2004 - DeathCore Legion)
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Day by day, stone by stone
Patiently I build the magnificent dome
Winds and rains flagellate my face
But I won’t raise my hands
Like was written in the Book so long ago
I chose the solid rock instead of sand

I’ll be both the priest and the sinner
In my private sanctuary
Confess each sin nothing will I hide
Make my own purgatory
Hypocrites won’t reach the gates
no matter how they try and fight
The moat in front should be wide enough

I used to live like You taught
But it’s hard to stand alone
When the crowd is yelling around
Every trial meant complete failure
I was giving love and trust
But gold was their one and only lust

Now I’ll be both the priest and the sinner
In my private sanctuary
Confess each sin nothing will I hide
Reach the salvation and glory
Hypocrites won’t reach the gates
no matter how they try and fight
The moat in front should be wide enough


They say „you should”, they say „you must”
They say „you need”, they say „you can’t”
They know each answer and give advice
For each small piece of your life
Their aim is one
To form you as they are
But I abstain
I’ll break the chains
No matter how tight
Cause who the fuck are they?
And who gave them the right to decide?
Look at the ballroom
Thousand faces with sardonic smiles
Follow the first pair
The mob waltz has just begun
„Join us” screams the voice
Thanks but I won’t dance
They will precise the age of your bride
They will define the number of kids
They will control the state of your mind
They will build the virtual prison around
And won’t think twice if you say no
But I resist
I will turn the walls down
No matter how thick
Cause who the fuck are they?
And who gave them the right to decide?
Look at the ballroom
The mob waltz is still turning
Blinded by the lights can’t recognize
the timbers that growing in their eyes
„Join us” screams the voice
Thanks, but I won’t dance

Lyrics geaddet von czeski21 - Bearbeite die Lyrics