Birds Of Prey : Weight Of The Wound

Тексты песен

1. Mangled by Mongoloids (Ripped Apart by the Retarded)

Retard Strength is awesome to behold | From breached birth we kept my brothers caged | My mother fed them and then she´d pray | We never took the time to name them and put a tarp on the floor | Discounted class of refuse now refused to be ignored | They´d suck each other´s cocks while she spoke to her god | Before she´d finished praying she´d be forced to wear their cum | There´s no institution or asylum when you´re poor | We dealt with the shame the only way we knew how | Pretend it didn´t exist and would die off | No one ever knew I slept to sounds of sobbing throught the ceiling | When I turned eleven they became my chore | Iwas told to bathe them and handed the garden hose | The room stank of teenage retard incest | My eyes couldn´t take it all in at once | I called my father and asked if this was normal | He assured me all was well but don´t get too fucking close | "Spray them with the mixture of water and detergent. Get it in their burdensome eyes." | With fear I hit the hose, "A" pulled out of "B" and came at me still on hard | I hit them with the icy water again and now they lost their minds | An extended arm with retard strength slammed me against the bars | One had me by the balls the other by the arm | Years of jealousy towards my normal anatomy | Mangled by mongoloids, ripped apart by the retarded | Left in god´s hands to finish what he started | Mutilated by mongoloids | Castrated, forearm ripped off, kneecap shattered and tongue chewed out | After being rendered useless, my parent´s only choice was to add me to their fucking cage | OH NO OH NO OH NOOOOOOOO | Mangled by mongoloids, ripped apart by the retarded | Left in god´s hands to finish what he started | Mutilated by mongoloids, and raped here till death | Any merciful savior would just let me die | HERE THEY CUM AGAIN!!!

2. Hustling the Coroner (To Overlook the Strychnine)

Hey Mr. Body man | Help a brother if you can | When you wake and go to work | My wife will be there on your board | I´m sorry for breaking in | But we had to talk man to man | I realize it´s ethically improper | But you´re gonna hear my fucking offer | I wanted to meet your prior to dawn | To explain why she had to die and I fed her the poison | It´s the emergency that occured to me | She was ripped on the bathtub meth again | Strange condom lying in our bed | I forced her jaws open and filled her mouth with poison | She thought it was a joke | Then it burned through her throat | The cause of death is obvious | I need you to be oblivious | Get her cleaned up and into the ground | Then I´ll return your wife and children | Work with me doc and this will all be over soon | The hole in my property could hold all of you | Sorry we had to meet like this | All bundled safe in your bed | Attention to detail is my thing | With my sawed off resting in your mouth | Any deviation from these instructions will be met with their torture and penetration | Watch her gag, watch her gag | Stop your fucking crying, making my fingers itch | I´ll kill all of you and the myself

3. Buttfucked with a Shotgun Barrel

The rush of adrenaline, I finally can kill again, wash my hands in intestine | The end comes slow, hope I don´t cum too soon, your last gurgle gets me hard again | As a locksmith by day, I made myself keys to your house a year ago | I bide my time but now daddy is coming home to roost | I sit naked in your leather chair, licking your vibrator | You live a filthy fucking life, now I´m here to be your savior | Been in your closet for over 12 hours | I saw you fuck your boyfriend and masturbated as you showered | Like an owl sees the mouse from a hundred yards away | I live my life like wildlife; I am a Bird Of Prey | A surprise party just for me, and you never saw it coming | I´m a man of few words, but many guilty pleasures | My shotgun and my hard on go great together | I hear you arrive and your car door close behind you | Patience has run out at the end of day two | You enter and you´re humming a song I didn´t recognize | Turns to screams when you see me lurking just inside | To stop all the racket I´m forced to butt you with the stock of my 30 alt 6 | Your jaw unhinged briefly and I caught myself feeling like a lunatic | In and out of consciousness | For minutes at a time | I shudder when you utter "Hurry up and cum" | You´re dumber than a dog if you think that this is the end | For my coup de grace my shotgun fills your ass | Arterial blood makes a fucking mess | You lived a life of excess, I hope you understand | The rush of adrenaline, I finally gotta kill again, washed my hands in intestine | The end came slow, I hope I didn´t cum to soon; I was able to get it up again | I sit naked in your chair, still licking the vibrator | I feel the deed was good, this moment I will savor | Women weren´t meant to live in such grandiose sandcastles | I´m sure you took it from your old man in the divorce hustle | Your ex will be glad to hear the big news and want to shake my hand | As I drink your liquor, I feel like a big man.

4. Landfill Burial

I can´t believe it would end like this | Why is this happening to me? | I wanted to live forever | God, why are doing this? | Surrounded by vermin piss | My spine is shattered and I can´t moan | Now I´m forced to die alone | The rats are here to finish off my flesh | I guess this sets me free | I hear the bulldozers and their deafening lurch | Can´t the buzzards kill me first? | From their stinging jagged mouths | My eyes turn blood black | Now the lord or the lawman has come for me | And I can hear their flawed singing | The lord and the lawman, I don´t know which one I crossed | Hear their flawed singing | I lie in landfill; refuse as far as I can´t see | I guess I had it coming, fulfilled my destiny | Fuck with too many people too many times | This is the end of the line | A rubber in another man´s bed | Gets you shot in the back of the neck | I´ll try to force this last breath and take it like a man | I wish that I could say goodbye to Angel, she´s a good kid.

5. Filthfarm of Washington State

There are no rules in the animal kingdom | That extends to man in Washington | They never got around in the legislature | To legislate against crimes against nature | Where´s the harm in drinking horse cum? | What might be right for you, may not be right for some | Then along come needs for this man of means | In the Pacific Northwest | Bestiality | Oh yeahh.. | It´s what Thailand is to child molesters | Asleep at the wheel are the animal protestors | Deep inside one horse, an unspoken rage | Where´s the harm in drinking horse cum? | What might be right for you, may not be right for some | Then along come needs for this man of means | In the Pacific Northwest | Necessity is the mother of invention | Why not make some loot off cross species copulation? | My bastard owner brings me to the state of arousal | Then aims my horsecock at some fucking asshole | No one seems to notice I´m longer then their arms | Fuck holding back, this dude is the charm | N o human was meant to take 40 inches of meat | It´s too fucking late, because now I am balls deep | Distended his rectum, and burst through his organs |This would never of happened if he´d just stayed in Oregon

6. Front Lawn Filled with Family Members

I was sent away as a teenager when my love for my sister had been discovered | Time nor space will allow me to forget that connection, in my dreams I hear her calling | I don´t expect anyone to understand, but I don´t care, you ain´t getting in my way | The heart wants what it wants, and I fear jess is getting on with other boys | My collect calls are declined on the holidays | Doped up on xanax bars I´d be made to sleep for days, but that shit is just a speed bump Leave well enough alone, that´s what I´ve learned in the sessions | But Medicare funded mental health care is just what you´d expect | When I returned home I found that the whole family haad moved | All I was told was they went out of state | I´m in my thirties now and my pilgrimage has just begun | To find my sister love and the one´s who´d done me wrong | God was on my side and he helped me jump a train to Virginia where my grandparents had been from | I was greeted at the doorway and asked how I had found them | Behind my fathers mammoth frame I saw my mother weeping | Out of guilt they told me I could stay, but just one night | I accepted the offer and accepted the fact that my family had disowned me | I tried to bring it up casually about her whereabouts and my father began to scream | His spit hit me as he blamed me for her suicide | They claimed I had raped her | My life of yearning was to be for naught, I couldn´t get past this | I grabbed my things and marched to the door, defiant in the knowledge | This time I had not been in the wrong | She must have missed me too; it helps me at night | Maybe I misread the signals all those moons ago | Either way, nobody´s going to live to see tomorrow, with my pick and my spade | I´ll never rely on anyone to help with my family grave.

7. Murder of an Off Duty Cop

Poking around where you didn´t belong | You got your badge now, you ain´t welcome anymore | Back in school we was cool but them days are gone | You went your ways and I went mine | Coming to my house when you weren´t invited to | Getting fucked up and making a scene | I tried letting you off light and asking you to leave | But you pulled that cop bullshit and I ain´t got time | On my property, high as hell, I went and got my gun | I told you to fuck off once and for all | The damn thing went off. Girls screamed and there was blood everywhere | What have I done? what have I done? what have I done? | Branded a cop killer | I´m stuck being a hero in the joint | That don´t get me anywhere and I´m in here for life | I just want you to know I blame you for all of this | I´m in a cave and you´re in a hole | Surely there was a better way | But that cocksucker swagger of yours, and my eight ball fuelled short fuse | Couldn´t look past it, sometimes I wish I had | Live and learn that´s what they say | That trip you made to the academy | Left you a shell of a man I know you used to be | I drug your ass in the woods and put you in a three-foot hole | I did your ass a favor | You´d already sold your soul

8. The Old Lady Rots (But the Checks Keep Coming)

How´d you expect me to survive? | Without the things we had when she was alive | I need running water and cans of dog food | Just because momma died, I think she´d want them for me too | I can get by $720 a month | The bare necessities and the lot rent | Now I know I must keep up appearances | Wrap her in a shower curtain, crank up air conditioning | A forest of air fresheners all over our bedroom | After 3 weeks the smell´s hard to sleep through | I layer her in my Star Wars blankets | What have I done? | Raking in profits as her only son | I finally bail the lot in Florida and head back to Virginia | I know what I did was wrong but the checks keep rolling in | I left her there for the land man to discover | The millions of bugs, and my mummified mother | Maggots filled her bed and poured to the floor | Thousands had hatched and laid thousands more | After 4 months I was finally tracked down | Not much was left but my bullet they found

9. Coke Mule

Living free is easy for a dozen years or so | Sleeping till two every day and doing all my dope | Couldn´t help but notice your body looks like shit | Give me one good reason not to put your ass on the street | The free ride is over baby; don´t stare at me that way | Make room for your baby sister, she´ll be staying with me | You beg me not to cut you loose and swear you can be of use | No need for such a radical change, you´re a fucking human vacuum | A rundown tired useless whore, you can be my tool | You can get my shit over the border | Swallow rubbers filled with boy and girl | And shit them in a sack at gunpoint | You´re fucked from all sides if one is fucked up | Ass gas or cold hard cash, no one rides for free | You thought yourself the privileged one | But now you work for me | Diamons dry up when your cunt does too | What have the years done to you? | You ain´t coming back | Now you´re in conculsions

10. To Kill a Co-Worker (You Ain't My Fucking Boss, Man)

Who in the name of god do you think you are? | I´m five minutes late shut your gaddamn mouth | I´ve got my belt on; I´m ahead of the game | Get off my shoulders you jobsite nazi | You don´t run shit but your mouth | You say one more word about me to the office staff | You´re going off the beam and you ain´t tying off | Trying to get ahead by fucking with my paycheck | Ain´t getting you nowhere but a fucking broke neck | Jobsite accidents happen everyday | If your head ain´t swiveling, today might be your day | You feel safe and secure with your fucking hardhat | Not if you´re hit with a block of concrete | It´s the wake up call the whole world needs | Our blue-collar time together could crush your white-collar dreams | We all know the guy on the site bucking for a promotion | Sick of us nail driving types ad praying for an office solution | Narc us out to the boss man, circumventing the union | It´s a right to work state but your right to live is in question | You rat fucking bastard fall in line with the workers | No one cares about you, not your employers | You have a degree and no appreciation for the spot I´m in | The union has my back and you ain´t invited | C´mon union brothers, kill the company man | Teach the traitors a lesson and take one out yourself | Millions of ways to do it, don´t make me spell it out | You weld pipe like a mercenary and perceive yourself a visionary| ou rat fucking bastard, fall in line with the workers

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