Birds Of Prey : Sulfur and Semen

Death Metal / USA
(2008 - Relapse Records)
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1. Bleed, Blister or Cum

I'm an old man, take a look at my life
I was a lot like you are
When I gaze back on glory days
Cataract films it in a graying haze stuffed enough guts for 10 men
Sex to me was a war on women
66 years old but my mind was still sharp
My body deteriorates in my mirror I can see the rot
I could live with all this, but shame in my heart
I twist, I rub and I clench but I still can't get hard
In my higher times I could handle 2 women
But now it just dangles useless between my legs
I want to be hung, fucking shower rod won't hold me
Please Jesus take me, please lord take my now!
Bleed, Blister or Cum
Something's gotta give
Bleed, Blister or Cum
This is no way to live
Bleed, Blister or Cum
You better get fucking rigid
Bleed, Blister or Cum
Or I'll cut you with goddamn garden shears
Fistfuls of Viagra and I fingered my ass
Praying, like all things, this too shall pass
But the best case scenario of all this self rape
Is a semi-hard soft cum all over my hand
At war with my manhood
I lost it over the years
I sob on my sawed-off shotgun and then choke on my tears
As I am you soon shall be!

3. Mentoring the Mongoloids (Return to the Attic)

When you last left me, my parents had added me to their attic cafe
Joining, brothers "a" and "b", they had rendered me useless
After weeks of constant rape, they seemed to tire of me
Now I'm gonna escape utilizing their retarded strength
Awesome to behold
Now they're doing what they're told
Grab mother when she feeds us
Or when she prays to Jesus
Let go of your cock and slam her head into the bars
Wrap her around her neck, don't fucking let her go
Use her as rape bait, when pop comes home from work
I want him to see your hand working up her skirt
She tried to bite and squirm
He wouldn't let her loose
Panties pulled to the side
Down her legs ran his abuse
When dad came home he saw his wife well rape
And clasped to the bars
To tell you the truth I had hoped it wouldn't get that far
But more is more when it comes to hostage negotiations
So I climbed the bars and mouthed the words
"We need our freedom"
Powershift is at hand, mongoloids powermad
His drink hit the flor
His eyes went red
He pried at the brothers arms
Then he swore he would see us dead
Now he's close, it began again
Dropped mother to the floor, caved in his head upon my release I went to gun case
Pulled out the .38, settled up the rapes
I live in a convalescent home a few towns over
Rumor has it I have a nephew and a baby brother (stay tuned....)

4. Turning Big Rocks into Little Rocks

My pick and my spade
83 cents a day
I've thrown my life away
In a fucking chaingang
No family writes me anymore
They say I'm dead to them
No forgiveness from Jesus
Or from my congressman
Time means nothing
When every day is the same
Marking time till the end
And my paupers grave
Buzz provided by buzzards
Is my only religion
Making big rocks small
Is my reason for living
Took a man's last cigarette
I felt he owed it to me
But for all my troubles
He hit a major artery
Don't notify my next of kin
That's all that my will said
When all is said and done
Right is right, wrong is wrong, and dead is dead

5. Murder the Homeless / Burn the Upper Class

Looking out on this sea of humanity
Many things strike me as strange
Hustling, slacking, achieving, relaxing
Where do I get mine? I'm a clock punching, blue collar working man
No thought given to our well beingrise up all unions, workers run the world murder those who abuse their privilege
Nobody rides for free
Take what belonged to the greedy
Who tossed us down only crumbs drown them in their swimming pools
Castrate and burn
Bomb the shelters and universities
Then the kitchens cause that's where they'll be
Refuge of the motherfucking worthless
Filthfarm of the elite
A new way of thinking
Is long overdue
Price of luxury
Die motherfucker die
Anarchy is here
Working man now runs the land

6. Where Black Lungs Don't Breathe

The mine takes me down deep within earth´s shell
With my lighted helmet on I can see to hell
But I do what I do, feed my family well
But there was nothing I could do when the trusses began to fail
Huddled in the corner at the bottom of the shaft
I could see from the explosion there wasn´t many of us left
The rocks got some others, some others were crushed to death
I saw big men crying others were chopped in half
I´m not gonna die here, I´m going home again
I killed a boy and took his breathing apparatus
I might be here for days so I took one from Old Buck too
Compiling necessities underneath dead bodies
Awaiting my rescue I watched fumes overtake the others
It´s all for one, and I´m here to win
Then the unthinkable
It had been 4 days
My will to live is strong
Like a cornered wolverine
I dug into the torso
Of the freshest dead
3 more days passed
I could hear the workers but I began to gasp
I had run out of air

7. Lice Halo

Looking at a flock of sheep
The world it´s axes is shit
I´m part of the solution
You are bacteria
Smoke of souls gets me high thriving in genocide
Orgy on acid
Rectify´s nothing
Last laugh of the lunatic
Feasting on the carcasses
We found them from their smell hand delivered by god
Forcing you to orgasm
Clutching at the heathens bible
A half mile under the earth
They serve me as their king following the left hand path to shame and carnage
Making wine from cabbage and diseased deer
Drink from flask, cripple vessels of eyesitegutted and fucked and liquified to purify
Drink from my flask
Of nightmares and tetnis
Ride the waves of virus to blindness doom religion surrounded by darkness
Follow my voice into the ages
Your possesions will be small rocks and weapons
clothes are useless, leave them at the entrance
My sense of smell is heightened beyond reason
Our child has no eyes!

8. Satisfy the .45

Choking back tears of joy
As they pour my beard
Gun metal gray
Phallic symbol turns me queer
Chasing bourbon with nothing cause that´s all I got
When I taste my semen
It keeps me all worked up
Those goddamn dixie cups, full of poison
Satisfy the .45 let my freedom ring
Fellating the pistol
For hours on end
When I taste the payload
Finally, I can breathe again
Then the bloodbath ensues
From the back of my head
Satisfy the .45
Let my freedom ring
Fellating my pistole for hours at a time
Baptised in suicide
In spite of hellfire
See how you run
Like pigs from my cum help feed the frenzy
What means so much to so many means nothing to me
You mean nothing to me
Cock as hard as chinese math
Can´t wait to feel the release
Make it squirt inside my mouth
Sulfur and semen are one in the same

9. To My Victims' Families

To my victim´s families
You´ve finally caught your disease
You can have your moment of peace
Put an end to my venomous spree
You can call off your witchhunt
I did it for their betterment
We had a sense of community
In my busy fucking basement
Corpses stacked like cordwood
Fetch me your crucifix
Covered in their own bacteria
We would sing each other to sleep
I saw smiles inside their tearducts
I eat what I kill
Forraging for food
Fucking in their own shit
With a Malboro in my mouth
Cancer of the tongue
no more fingerprints
I guess I had it coming
Best laid plans of mice and men
Thwarted once again
they were the chosen ones
Sit in your justice chair
I feel your eyes, they burn
Send me to burn in hell
I hope you find your peace
Before you go you must be told
How they suffered in my home
The images and pain unfold
Their last moments were hell on earth
My mouth waters when recounting this story to you
Allowing you inside your loved ones pain
Close now to his kingdom
My hair burns my eyes can´t see
The heat scorches my flesh
The fall seems never to end

10. Overfucked and Underage

Criminally overlooked but freshly shaved
Brand new 2007 titties on your cheast
Just one kiss and my world is saved
Who is this boy on my long range camera lens?
How could you let him have it before I had a chance
You little whore you´ve set yourselfon a filthy path
You´re the only thing that keeps me going
But I see other boys splitting you wide open
This is completely unacceptable
Don´t make me come through this camera
Rubbing my cock as my future bride
Gets laid out and cummed inside
In this world there is no justice
This one must love her because he licks her piss
Please god not from behind
I reach out now and make you mine
I wanted to wait but I must make my move
Show the treatment you deserve
I come in through your bedroom window
To shut you up I cover you with pillow
Quiet my dear, I´ve come to save your soul
You can live with me inside my home
I´ve made your room pretty, inside your cage
I realize you´re overfucked but underage
I think in time you can learn to love me
Through brutal rape and constant drilling

11. Liquor Blisters

Allergic to liquor from the day I was born
But my love for canadian whiskey couldn´t be ignored
My liver refused to process over half of it
It would rise back to the surface and then I could drink again
Liquor blisters
Bubbles on the skin
Liquor blisters
I can drink it again
What began as welts of love, at the base under my tongue
They would burst all day and I could keep my buzz
They spread like wildfire onto my face and chest
Bubbles the size of quarters, I had become grotesque
Liquor blisters
I get my money´s worth
Liquor blisters
I am now 80 proof
Now it´s too late, I´m covered all over
The smell it lays heavy, a sourmashed odor
The only friends left are unrepent winos
Who come around when they want to suck my sores
It´s become hard to move, I am now liquorlogged
The blisters they raise up and burst all nite long
I am first with this delicious condition
I stopped for a night but I´m in remession
I find my own god when I take hold of the flask
Take tiny pleasures in being a human cask
I see my bro buzz suffering and needing
I tell him saddle up it´s time for breastfeeding
Liquor blisters
My chance to give back
Liquor blisters
I saves you a hit

lyrics added by Angel13666 - Modify this lyrics