Biorzict Infegoth : Hellgate

Death Metal / Indonesia
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Welcome to the our poor earth
See, what do you want? there is nothing in here
Only a lot of bones with no brain was living

Holocaust Wars

What do you see? are you angry? mad? or sad?
Or crying to see my home?
The hell living in this place, scary?
To create a greatest new world
They do whatever to destroying, my home
So sad, the wars will be the gate to open their new world
Look, this is holocaust, cannibalism, torturing, suffering And there is no place we can hide
We live not to dying but we life to live

Holocaust Wars

What do you see? are you angry? mad? or sad?
Or crying to see my home?
The hell living in this place, scary?
To create a greatest new world
they do whatever to destroying, my home
So sad, the wars will be the gate to open their new world
We dont want to live like this
More people sacrifice their lives
More and more,
Until they stop to laughing


Feeling the air, entrance dust, bones going to cold,
Blood boiling up, look them, look the people,
See their rules they crush you, bullied you, selling you
Save the gas you breath,
Talk to them dont think you will live, will die,
Die not meaning you got the peace,
Die welcoming you to your suffering

See, they go to sell the world, they laugh,
See, we'll go to sell the world to them,
Protect the our future home,
Or they selling our world

People, join, the rules of them,
Scariest thinking about what,
What the mission we only live,
Look, they sell the home of us
Real palace become bloody war, cold head acting like Bastards, coward transformed a man, morons take a peak,

Sell the world

They go to us, go to you, go to us, help me!
Helping the homeland, our land, preventing, save the world, Sell the world
Save, sell,
Or you will be them to fucking selling your world!?


Wearing the full of dosa,
Skeleton walking through the fire, bones going to melt, When they want to leave, crushing their soul,
To get the sanctuary, before human live in peace,
The sky changed their true colors,
To the dark, to the black, the earth was crying,
Was screaming, what are the people doing to me!??

In the end, over the thousand million, spirit flying Seeking, where are they going to, risk their bloody rage, Part of meat, a lot of worm and maggots,
Arrived the tremendous torture,

Hellgate open
Hellgate open

When people with great spirit, melt down with a treasure, With popularity, hellgate
And dont thinking about what they must to do,
After this liar live,

Greenland not coming to this entire life
But its burning, cracking, and crushing

Human searching the methods but
What they get is a hell,
Don't thinking about what they must to do
And they had opened the gate of hell


Now the laughing screaming over the world
kiddos were born, smile to this liar earth,
Humanity live in the peace, in a dying peace, open the ear, Listen what earth have to say to you
The legend of dead earth

The future home will becoming a raining blood
With full of tears, not a cup of people smile
The future home will becoming a raining blood
With full of tears, not a cup of people smile

People who join them, become a slave, slave machine
To building the greatest empire, great world
When people dont do anything, people will killed
Will died, strong world, great empire
What they want to build
Build a legend of dead earth
Dad earth...

To becoming the peace earth to the dead earth
They welcoming you with a liar smile
They give you a gift
A gift with a true liar
With a great violent to destroy
And write to the world
This is a legend of dead earth...


The crystal sound, the screaming rat's
Running through the air
The dust of sand, the pull of gas
New wars will comiing, will burn the earth
Storming the naked country, missing the weapon
Weapon yourself, destroying yourself
They have a power
The power can control
And destroying the world
Destroying the world

Send the hostage to them,
Manipulation of world, manipulation of people, wars, they Go to the wars
And destroyed on the wars

The sillent killing a hope
Not single reason can stopping the giganto wars
Nothing left to see, there is a hell in earth...


What a pale
Who are killed,
Who are the slave,
Want to survivor from this forest
Reaching the top mistake, eternal slave going

Slave or suffer!

Signals too weak to inform
What they mean,
What they want,
What they ambitions
People mad but only the lucky
Can save from this suffering
Choose that,

Slave or suffer!

Scale of mighty wars
The ruin palace of hate
Pure of hate, trained people
Teaching people to slave,
Manage people to enter this suffering
Forever to be a slavery
A coward meaning
Until you meet a bird
A lonely bird who want to flying
Feeling the peace air
And dont want to be slavery or suffering


Meat burning the peace,
Meat burning the peace,
Meat burning the peace,
Meat burning the peace...

So many head in this prison world
All enemy arrived and screaming a meat
Meat talk about a fear, a fear of power

The walls of human crushed cause a meat
In the dark silence,
They drink the blood
Face to face killed another
They burn a peace for a meat

Another dies,
Another victim,
People love it,
People hate it,

Ambitions for the meat
Meat can burning
Killing the peace
Meat burning the peace
Meat talk about a pain
Meat killed a people
Meat love torturing
Meat burning the peace
Fear and pain living with them
No way to stop their control
Remove mankind,
Peace life,
From this kind garden
Meat burning the peace...


Confusing the soul
Tragic attack family
Reach consequences pathology
Slave yourself to yourself
Facing mankind, bad habbit
Grap the tremendous live
To protect what do you have,
Disease of damned...

Blind people laughing
Living softly
But far unto ceremony
They will sacrifice die, dead
The abstract of politicy,
The trust

Among the people
Nothing what they have to do
Insane killing
They put on a disease
To control the world
Build a new world
We must reject the kindness of damned
The liar want to becoming the giant
To get the power, the key is only
And the one, that is you, is yourself

Disease of damned
Truly one of the weapon
Weapon can control the home
They will began with you
This is disease of damned
Disease of damned,
Killed so loud,
Torture so far,
Suffering so much...

Disease of damned,
Killed so loud,
Disease of damned,


Face - the Enemy
Stare - inside you
Control - your thoughts
Destroy - destroy 'em all

You censor what we breathe
Prejudice with no belief
Senseless violence all around
Who is It that keeps us down

Once all free tribes
Chained down led lives
Blood boils inside me
We're not slaves, We're free

Face - the Enemy
Stare - inside you
Control - your thoughts
Destroy - destroy 'em all

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