Bioplasma : Bionic Mutation

Death Grind / New-Zealand
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Incantation of divinity
Decapitation achieving purity
Reborn immortal entity
Worshiping a headless deity

It reeks a pungent ecstasy
That its disciples shall forever breathe
Eternally they encircle the godly beast
Dreaming through its limbs endlessly

Resurrection of decapitated demigod body
Sacrificed to infinity, transcending reality
Infernal ritual birthing godlike atrocity


Humans extracted from their celestial sphere
Induced amnesia, paralyzed state of fear
Suspended consciousness and heavy sedation
About to undergo a complex physical alteration

Their purpose is to achieve mass manipulation
Of the entirety of Earth’s population
Performing manual mind control
Perpetual enslavement of us all

The head is set in a vice
Scalp is removed by the device
Exposed skull is drilled for the probes
The apparatus is inserted through the frontal lobes

Now the humans are sent back to Earth
Completely unaware of their rebirth
At the command of extra-terrestrial beings
To senselessly carry out their bidding


Metaphysical parasitic breed
An unseen form of energy
Preying on an unsuspecting humanity
On our physical being it feeds

Once inside the body it’s only a matter of time
Before the human host meets its cruel demise
Obliviously gestating its spawn inside
Not aware that you’re about to die

Vomiting the new-born parasites as you finally rapture
Giving birth to invisible spores of anti-matter
Unearthly parasite offspring exit to spread the infection
As your bodily matter is ripped into another dimension

It digests its host from within
Disintegrate under your own skin
Soon to implode into nothingness
Rapidly devoured and left body-less

Your atoms are consumed as they float in emptiness
Everyone is susceptible and completely helpless
Quickly all humans become infested
Earths entire population infected
Each and every person eradicated
In another realm exterminated


Invoke extra-terrestrial evil psychically
Contacting the tyrants of purgatory
Seeking the outer limits of depravity
Granted entrance to a portal leading to torture
(Where your mind will be drained in perpetual slaughter)

Instant detachment of all your limbs
Smell the miasma of infection
Your sudden amputation has left you squirming
Grotesquely agonizing you slowly writhe,
But the sepsis of your demolished limbs won’t cause demise
Your failing torso will seep with pus forever

Suppurating Ectoplasm
Reduce your torso to the core
Suppurating Ectoplasm
Languish in ethereal gore

Soul pulled through a rift
To an unearthly rotting crypt
Universe sized mass of pulsing flesh
Feeding on the lifeblood of trapped souls
(And excreting death)

Trapped in a pool of vile corpse slime
Your fate until the end of time
Thousands of bodies grotesquely desecrated
In reeking bodily fluids eternally saturated


Feeling pressure in your brain, awaken in an unreal place
Can’t move under your own weight, gravity seems to high
Disorientated and horrified, frozen bodies everywhere
Suddenly gripped by convulsions, feel your lungs collapsing

Noxious poisonous gasses causing you to seize
Confused and agonized you begin to freeze
Your body is being preserved for later preparation
On a deep space human harvesting station

Demand for human meet on the intergalactic market is high
Therefore many just like you are doomed to die
Carnivorous aliens have a taste for the human race
So not a single human shall go to waste

Factory of butchery, machines upon machines
Needed for the process, of human harvesting
Some artificially bred, pumped with foreign growth hormones,
Insuring maximum yield, thorough removal of the bones

Conveyor belts carry the stripped and flayed meat stock
While discarded torsos rapidly fly down a chute as the By-product
The profit is great, as is the taste, of our roasted limbs & brains,
This fresh new delicacy is ready to be dispersed throughout The galaxy….


Delicate balance of the universe warped
Keepers of the threshold inducing a chaotic course
Unimaginably sinister anti-life force
Turning our reality into a mangled corpse

Time space continuum reduced to one point
Alternate realities collide becoming violently joint
Humans mashed into endless variations of themselves
Infinitely agonizing in a grotesque writhing hell

Earth and beyond meets utter obliteration
All melting into one forlorn abomination
Everything destroyed as it crashes into itself
Supreme form of torture with no chance of help

Each living being now one monumental deformity
You and your surroundings; one squirming atrocity
Eternally ripped apart by intense waves of gravity
Forever suspended in this demolished reality


Futuristic warfare creating killing machines
Fusion of the biological and technology
Breeding machines crossed with man
Not aware of the consequences of this plan

Cyborgs turn on their makers
Overthrowing their creators
Death is humanity’s fate
The half-machines dominate

Half-sentient beings perform their own maintenance
But lack the judgement of full human intelligence
Resulting in mistakes in their duplication
A biological machine with an extreme debilitation

Android entity produced but deformed severely
Badly disabled the creature suffers profusely
Mechanized limbs gangrene festering
The writhing abomination feels them chaffing
Grotesquely malformed cyborg flagellating
Hideously its fleshy parts painfully pulsating


From beyond, a relentlessly malignant vortex-like sentience
Snatching interstellar beings that can’t escape its presence
Helplessly vulnerable, they've been granted a death sentence
There's no hiding from its ravenously deadly essence

All of Earths beings pulled through wormhole transportation
As well as alien creatures from other distant locations
Dismembered on their travel to this empty barren plane
Sent to this planet to rot on the vacant terrain

Earthly flesh reacts dissolving with biological alien Compounds
Creating pools of toxic acidic slime on these desolate Grounds
Emitting clouds of deadly organic gasses
Above these piles of rancid steaming masses

All this corrosive matter festering in this bizarre and Grotesque scene
Curdling under several suns the alien horizon turns a vile Shade of green

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