Beyond Our Ruins : A Dreadful Oath

Death Doom / Netherlands
(2017 - Self-Released)
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In you revolting
The concept of destruction
It’s the dawning of a new hate
You awake

Leave me, with my insanity
As I said before
I was born oblivious

In you exhuming
The notion of extinction
It’s the dawning of a new hate
You arise

Leave me, with my insanity
As I said before
I was born oblivious

So unjust
Making me the agent of death
So unfair
Leave me struggling with my despair

Falling far behind
Death is at my side
Please, leave me be
Crawling on the ground
Nowhere to be found
Please, leave me be

Leave me, with my insanity
As I said before
I was born oblivious

So I rape as we sow
And I kill as I grow into this monster
This Nemesis of mankind
I draw blood, I infest fear
I spill my seed into a darkened void
Where despair might grow
And that will be the cradle
To the dawn of a new hate
I never wanted this to happen
I never even knew I had it in me
To become the executioner
Of sorrow and woe
So who’s to blame?


Or you?


A crimson carnage scourged the land
For days on end
As Mephisto’s Maestro rallied his troops
Again and again
To pillage, plunder
Sowing rape, ruin and despair
The screams, the panic, the terror
Echoed everywhere

Steps of fearful fledglings fill the night
Imprinting tragedy and searching
For a higher ground to hide
Soft sweetened voices haunt the dark
Reconciling solitude
Or what appears their reasons to embark

Within weeks of bloodshed
The stench of rot and excrement
The horde of horror encountered
A desolate broken down stronghold
The settlement showed little signs of life
Once the wolf pack entered the hide
Grey dormancy had taken hold of the abode
A keep to hide well and dwell

As the night fell, the horses found ease
And the campfires calmed down
Releasing thin grey shivers
Dancing into the dark and cold night sky
A dreary calm, a lullaby for the damned
As suddenly, out of nothing
Or out of everything, A childs’ voice cried

Sworn to lose, none will be
None could win, forced to see
Piles of young born flesh
Twitching on a funeral pyre
Coaled and shivering life on fire

Children slayed that night
Such demonic might
Death, nowhere to hide
They cut out their eyes
A blind mans’ map for fears to come

Guide me, Heal me, Save me

Under shimmering horizons
Beyond fields of loss
Where you and I tempt to find
What was lost, so lost

Try to find it, where I lost it


At the dawn of his life
He found himself alone
With no one by his side
He tried to live just and right

He took one step at a time
Still fell down on his knees
He cried
For he heard darkness call
But no one to see at all

He prayed
Beyond life
Beyond Death
The only place he had felt safe

A presence drew near
A deity he did not see nor hear
What are you?
He said with a trembling voice
No answer came
But where the candles
Drew a shadow on the ground
A warmth grew
As the shadow
Swallowed his own
Like a predator
Devouring his prey
Panic struck
It was in this moment
In utter despair

Dear mother
Is it all on me?
Dear mother
Won’t you answer me?
Dear mother
Please tell me what to do?
Dear mother
Won’t you answer...

All the deliverance I had
Surrender into your heart
And let me near beside you
All the deliverance I had
When life was gone

Won’t you lay down beside
Won’t you lay down beside
My cold and lonely heart?

Dear mother...


In disguise a dark tragedy cried out
Mistaken for a higher calling
It cried out
I am Legion, for we are many

Be my Love, Be my Father
Be my God and I will be your Faith

In the hands of his Faith he felt safe
He laid to rest that night
Haunting dreams that filled his heart
And in fear he answered
To their dark request
To infest, To sow grim, To reap death

Be all I wanted you to be
And lead them into misery
A beacon of infernal light
Be all I needed you to be
A shepherd to humanity
A diabolical summoning

Be my Love, Be my Father
Be my God
And I will grant them Death

The next morning he went away
With his sword at hand
To embark on an unbearable quest
To wrong the right
And kill their first born sons
To infest, To sow grim, To reap death

Legion, Legion
They used, abused
Suffocated all

Legion, Legion
They crushed, they slayed
They erased all

Legion, Legion
And with a blood thirst roar they cried
For we are many

We are all lying in a sick world
Don’t know what’s true
Don’t know the truth anymore

We are all liars in a sick world
Don’t know what’s true
Don’t know the truth here anymore


Of my pain

In my name

Is my blood

You pitiful putrid pest

When the bonds are broken
And all is lost
It is then I plead my cause

When the dark seems nigh
So close to nightfall
I will be the darkness at hand


In solitude I wandered
Aimless wanton swansong
The sole claims
Of my horrid life

With so many wrongs to right
I shall cast aside
Your claims on death

Rapture raining down on me
As I stand upon the Ashes of my Sins

I call upon the Gods
I call forth Prometheus

Blistering cold
Burning flames
The scorching tongue of pestilence
The ascension of Prometheus
Titan among Men


A butterfly defect
Is twitching in my veins

Cumulating to a deep red raging
Flood of blood

Torn asunder

Coursing through the fields
Racing through the trees
Rampaging virgin soil
Of a scrutinized race

Wounded planet mourning
In red deathbed morning light
Raped aside
Laid to waste
Torn Asunder

A butterfly defect
Is twitching in my veins
Cumulating to a deep red raging
Flood of blood

Coursing through the fields
Racing through the trees
Rampaging virgin soil
Of a scrutinized race

Under red horizons
Beyond the burning sun
Lies a taunting question
Can it be undone?


Enter faithful one
Have you endured for me
Enter lonesome one
Have you survived
The longest night

When all is said and done
Declare what you have done
Is it all I asked

Lies and deceit
Betrayal and denial
Have you come undone

Come forward
Lay down your arms
Come forward
Let down your guard

All is well when you are with me
Deliverance as pain has numbed

Enter my embrace
Bow down to me
Feel my wrath
Let hate corrupt your heart

You are safe now
Safe but doomed
Within these walls
Of my pantheon of woe

Suffer by the hands of a God
Swallowed by the arms of death
Suffocate and burn in flames
Perish on the Altar of Hell


A drapery of rose perfumed sunrise
Enticed by the unruly dark mountain
To show wafer thin glimpses of light
The Closing chapters
Of a blood drenched Elegy

Where Evil lurked in crevice
Dwelled in corners, hid in cracks
Praying, prey sniffing for fear
And a window to attack

On these steep slopes
Of tephra tumbling crumbling milestone
Through the shrouded damps
Of this sulfur scented succubus he arose
Pyrrhic victor for the Furies feast
As Thanatos devoured the Demon
Which could not negate
Such an innate sense of power and purpose

Purity repulsing the weakness of flesh
He encountered reason
Defying ill-fated treason
He was struggling for rhyme
So as sunlight set on the shoulders
And boulders of Gaia
Her petrified torso shivered in fear
To the horror of His vulgar acts

Hephaestus, hear me!
Sweet Aphrodite’s harlotry has been avenged
I came down on him like Typhon
And his progeny of monstrous offspring
I hereby claim my prize
Black hearted hammersmith of the Gods
A Helmet, sword and shield
Delved from the fires of the Abyss

Beware, this is my Oath
This I swear: Vengeance is coming for you!
Your Mountain reign shall end
For I will claim what is rightfully mine

Beware, this is my Oath
This I swear: Vengeance is coming for you!
Your blood on my sword
Your head in my hand
Your lifeless carcass at my feet…

Divine blood…

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