Bestia (EST) : Õiglaste Tulek

Pagan Black / Estonia
(2006 - Hexenreich Records)
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Had i gone to the halls of war
had i slain bastards
let the hatchet swirl
clanged the heavy shield

Crushed the bastard's skull
wrenched hands to lose their swords
pierced holes into bodies
chopped off lumps of meat

Headed home upside-down
on the edge in a white coat
resting proudly on the carriage
not bearing the bitter pain of victory

So that women would not scold
children have their laugh
stand the men mocking
feel ashamed

Immerse yourself in the brook
drown in the flowing water
lie there on the putrid shores
left for ravens to peck


As last of the sunrays is descending
from the top of a tree near water
the campfire echoes a chant
as bloody vengeance begins

No more secret trails in swamps
treads the fighter's iron-coated heel
igniting the strongholds of foes
has strained his last strength

Persistence and will of iron
must bear the fighter's mind
so that the sword of steel prevailed
and destroyed everything in way

Stand still for an instant at dusk
glance at the church dying at birth
so that the christian kind once would cease
and power remained in the hands of the righteous

In the name of ancestors' spirits
again we shall rise from ashes
the blood of nuns in beakers
the pope shall be impaled

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