Besieged (USA-2) : Atlantis

Melodic Death / USA
(2007 - Blood And Ink Records)
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The balkanization of my heart has been resurrected
With an affection that always inspires
And never grows tired of my dark and deadly valleys
Is this the end of me? I swore to never go back.
In this the finest hour a last breath of life awaits me
Anticipation with vomiting, you are something I dream
You are the something that I must have
Truly this is the finale of my suffering
And the beginning of perpetual peace
Truly this is the end, the departure I have waited for
My last chance to see, this perpetual peace
On this day I will learn to love again
And so I am waiting to die...


Walking down a gravel road,
I met a man who had mirrors in
His eyes and words to explain just what it was
I saw in there.
And He had gifts in His hands.
He offered me sight.
He offered me bread.
He offered me water.
He offered me light.
Thankful, I gladly indulged without a second thought
As to who He rally was.
His rough hands and soft eyes,
They felt like home - a home
I hadn't known in years.
And then I saw Him dead,
Hung up with nails for things I had done.
Petrified, I stood, eyes closed,
Humbled to the point of tears.
It will be alright. He will walk again.
And this time I will be there with Him, ever thankful.


The absence of your aspiration finds
My blighted situation bleeding, grieving, self-reproaching,
Through narrow bars, a hand outreaching.
A brilliant flame at the witching hour.
A familiar name, wooden visage, cadaverous gaze.
Abandoned guttersnipe?
Expose the vile, exhume the pases, an unmediatated affidavit
This is your call, will you bring me along?
Turning your back to the fear in my eye, we're going nowhere
One heartfelt conversation brought me liberation
And release from bleeding, grieving, self-reproaching
Bemusic cage, a lock now broken.


Lying before me
The pages I read
Death in a book, so clear
Life in love, for ears

I taste the blood
for my heart's one true love

I taste the blood, and eat the bread
For the love lost,
For the love brought.

In my heart I will bleed for your love,
Your love
Your blood

My eyes breath
My heart sings


She lies in my heart
With her beauty I am shamed
Captivating the veins
A figment distorted in my brain

with a cold winter kiss
She offers me this,
This spiritual mess
In my heart

Her beauty preys on my soul
My cravings she fulfills
Her image she must boast

Parading in my mind


The stripes on Your back, the blood on Your face,
The holes in Your hands, the love in Your eyes;
This was for me - the undeserving.
And with a new found fire I will shine.
My God, My God, why have I forsaken you?
I owe You my life in exchange for Your death.
A sentence, marked for me, bound
Your hands and sealed Your fate.
The shackles, meant for me, hung from Your feet.
Burn this wall down - burn it to the ground
Bring me to my knees.
My God, My God, why have I forsaken You?
Take this from me.
Your blood is enough to cover my hands.


Your love lasts
For thousands of generations
With open hands and hearts, we stand alone
And follow your words with our last breath
We honor you with blood sweat and tears
We hope you will meet us in the end
Will you carry us home as we take cover under your wings
Blessings, maturity, our souls finally meet virtue
In the place where three worlds collide
We arrive at the threshold
Standing at the gates
Your presence is blissful beauty
As we enter your kingdom with hearts
Full of grace, your love lasts
For thousands of generations
With open hands and hearts, we stand alone
And follow your words with our last breath
Your love lasts...


The journey begins, a black suit parade
A secret society, offers life death protection to families
Stability bleed paid with our father’s lives
The savior’s ultimate sacrifice
Vendettas to right your wrongs
Kill with vengeance in the name of your father
The vow- a bride- the church- your blaspheme
Conspiracy and truth drowned in silence
Death breeds life and praise to your name
You know you will not walk away
Betray, morality, silence
Shots are fired, heads are turned,
Redemption brings
Disaster to the heads of your family
Henchmen martyr your fathers only son
The vow of silence is broken, is broken, omerta
The code of silence is forfeit, is forfeit, omerta
The reign of terror is over, it’s over, omerta
Your death destroys the curse, your curse, omerta


Black eyes, black hearts, black mouths, black clouds.
I saw the black hearts consume a world I know and love.
They were relentless in their destruction.
They changed the hearts of those that used to care, and they brought death with their words.
I saw the black hearts summon a plague,
Perpetuated by all those it took hold of.
On swift wings the blackest clouds
Rolled in to block out the sun.
And, with all hope gone, man sighed his final breth,
For he had turned against himself.
The sequence I observed that day unfolded in this fashion:
Black eyes, black hearts, black mouths, black clouds.


Over the hill marches the army.
Ten thousand strong, I hear them coming.
And with each step they shake the earth.
We will run or we will die.
They paint each city they pass red with
The blood of its people, with no remorse.
This is the end. Like a cloud of locusts,
They overtake the land and leave behind desolation.
The eyes that have seen the terror
(And lived to tell of it) cry for us.
Inaction has brought us here, and here is where we'll stay.
This is life as we know it.
And why shouldn't death reflect the life that we have lived? Stagnant we perish.
Blind we will die, because blind we have lived.


I came with hope that you would let me love you.
I came with love that you would find hope in me.
I came with you in mind. I died for you to find me.
My child, come to me and I will give you shelter in my arms.
My child, come to me and I will wipe the tears from your face
It was my love that brought me here: it was your nails that kept me here.
I would do it all again to have you by my side.
It was love that brought me to this cross.
My child, my blood was shed for you.


I've found this world crooked and depraved.
My hands have been washed in the blue ocean waves.
This is a battleground. This is my song.
]I will sin a song of hope. I will sin a song of passion.
I will sing a song of love. I will sing of Salvation.
And, with these feeble hands,
I will life You up as a burning candle
To light the darkened path.
In turn, make me the voice that will bring the world back.
And we will shine like starts in the heavens
Like the light in Your eyes.

lyrics added by Lunuy - Modify this lyrics