Beshenitar : Rebellion in Solitude

Black Metal / Iran
(2018 - Phoenix Music (FRA))
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Flame up to Burn Seven Seas
Get up and Fly into my every segment
Larynx Sing This burning Melody
Larynx burn with Flame This chromic Enemy
Larynx restrain
Flame up and burn till morrow
Fill up and get rid of this cage
Larynx restrain in the time of in justice
There's no any freedom
My homland was Destroyed
Theres no any life
This is not the world
Today news is pain and sorrow
Today news is End of Life
Today news is lie and Deceit and hypocrisy
Shame on me
Why am i Alive?
Shame on me ?
Why am i Here?
Shame on me
Damn ....
Why am i Alive?
Shame on me
Why am i Here?


Now look at you. What happened?
Yes...Dark Time
It was dark time
Eyes as dark as night
I used to see a dark shadow..Life is humiliation
Life is hopelessness
I'm coming to an end
There is only one way...
Misanthropic holy Pain

The end is near
I've seen myself falling
Running through the jungle , screaming and cryin
Call your fate
And Say Say Say!
Motherfucker is coming
Say Say Say!
I'm ready for the pain
Clean vocal
Call your fate
And say
Motherfucker is coming
I'm ready for the pain


اوج" در آواز آهم
چشم" در اوج نگاهم
مانده" از فصل گناهم
بی امید.. بی پناهم
مست" چون دلتنگ خویشم
منتظر" بر مرگ خویشم
در سکوتی هول انگیز
خون سرد" رگ خویشم
عمر "را به هیچ بودم
معنی " هم رنگ دودم
خاک و خاکستر نشینم
حال" آرامش ، بسوزم
درد را بر دل بدوزم
هستی ام ویرانه سازم
صبح تا پایان روزم
این چنین روزگارم
...جان پریش ...

درد بر این روزگارم
بی امید و سرد و رنجور
بی ریا و پست و زارم
من نخواهم یاریتان
اشک "تمساح،زاریتان
گر نمی فهمید" مرا هم
دور باشد" خاریتان...
بی امید و سرد و رنجور
بی ریا و پست و زارم
صبح تا پایان روزم
مرگ بر این جانم

تف بر این زندگی*


باز ندانستم چرکانیست این اجتماع..
باز ندانستم آورایست این اجتماع .
باز ندانستم اجباریست این اجتماع..
باز ندانستم خونخاریست این اجتماع
ببندم این اجتماع را در پی شکار من...
هویدا کنم این رازها را در شما..
که منم خلقتی کتمان شده در روزگار..
نه کافرم نه بی خدا نه بی گناه...
که بوده شرطم این مکانو این انزوا...
خسته شده در این روح باطل..
روح من بیگانه بوده با این اجتماع..
A vision of Pain
I shall withdraw into solitude
For This kind of pain
Our lives would be more painfull than death
I beleive in pain
It's Dark Energy
Turned into your dark seeker


This tired heart this tired body this broken shout
Whatever it is will kill this prisoner heart
I'm captured by a dirty and collapsing mind
I'm suffering a pain and screaming under water
This is a very old and mean spike
In a dream full of sweetness
At night, wake up in sleep
Ambiguous fate
My days full of repetitions
Screaming the dead for this appointment
To get rid of this demolition times
The truth is revealed to all
What did I mean by this?
Which kills the pain for god (x3)

This is my fuckin life
Thats the very nak ed truth
In shades of black
In my world
Its all around
Life is pain
And the world falls down
And suffer again
Hate in my heart
From rivers of sorrow
What i am?
What i am?
Death has come
Life is gone
What i am?
Death has come
Life is gone.
My wandering spirit has been ambushed for the aggression of my life
Which kills the pain for god
This sweet feeling of seclusion will be satisfied
This libido emerges in the endless darkness
What is the meaning of life?
Except pain and aversion
Which makes everyone to escape
These thoughts of madness came upon me
I will inform all of myself
Yes, if a mere power remains in my body

I'm Saturnoth alien to these days (x6)


Passing through Snowy mountains
The Cold penetrated deep in me
My life was always cold
Spend my past full of hopelessness
Can't see any future , just living in moment
Cold wind on my body
As life used to whipped me
The Silence breaks by cold wintery winds.
Once upon a time i was..
Iving in a cold and dark room
Far away from people
The Silence break by drops of water
Winter, my painkiller..
Winter is my life
In winter, facts become clear
Ultimate destruction
Frozen tears of mine, can't fall from my cheeks
By the night I'm relaxed
Winter embrace me
Winter take my soul ..
Winter take my soul ..
Winter take my soul ..


و حس بردگی من آغاز شد..
در حالی که زندگی کثافت وار آغاز شد
با دیدن طلوع صبح نا امیدی ...
درد های من امیدوار شد
من تسلیم مفت خواران...
می زنند تازیانه بر دل خوبان..
شروع یک حس تنفر...
بردگی بی انتهاست..

سال هاست در پی نبردی سخت...
سال هاست در پی تشنگی خون...
در نبردی زندگی را باختم..
انزوا را ساختم..


می زند خنجر بر دلم روزگار ..
تا کند مرا راضی به این کردگار..
تو ای زندگی آمیخته از حس حشر..
عقیم شده بر رگهای نا امیدی.
تو ای زندگی آمیخته از حس حشر.

و حس بردگی من آغاز شد..
در حالی که زندگی کثافت وار آغاز شد
با دیدن طلوع صبح نا امیدی ...
درد های من امیدوار شد
من تسلیم مفت خواران...
می زنند تازیانه بر دل خوبان
شروع یک حس تنفر...
بردگی بی انتهاست....


A Kid from this pure darkness
I vomit my smile from me the conqueror hunter
Whats the meaning of life?
Bitter pathetic feelings surround my naked body
However i'll be the eternal evil charm
Regret and sorrow overcame me canker
Pushed me to this eternal darkness
I wonder what is the meaning of my existence?
Day by day my soul becomes more empty
Can't count my wounds
Now i'm becoming to join hell
My inferno is forever and dirty paradise is dead
Spit your essence if you think hell is acrid
Now my maggotty wounds sing in the darkness.


The end of my life.
The angel rape my soul
I dont feel pain
A new world has opened
I won't give up

The breathes
Tired of repeating
A person like me
Destroyed in this war
Solitude is marching
Toward me
"Hate" is making love with me
That destroys them all
I'm a stranger among these generations
Finllay ,your life raped in me
Naivety I speak
This is our derogatory lives
These lies are numerous
This is the valley of sincere virgin girls

Hate and solitude and war again
Hail solitude
Death to world
Death to trenchers
Curse on society
I have nothing to do with this world
I'll fuck it like a wolf chasing the blood
These shrieks are repeating from the soul
This jail is resistant
Idiot convoy is fighting with me
What do they think?
That I'm the burner of the world
That I infusion the pain and grief
On this shameful feeling of power

*clean vocal*
Sexual slaves of the world
The valley of numerous ovum
Creating this thought again
In our minds
The birth of this mental destruction
That makes me thirsty for this debacle


There"s no freedom here
My homland was Destroyed
There"s no life here
There"s no news
Which is not...
This is not the world
Today news is pain and sorrow
Today news is End of Life
Today news is lie and Deceit and hypocrisy
To Live
Is To Die
When will i die
To Live
Is To Die
When will i die


You were born
Our fate is also a sad and painful one
And then there was only pain
When did the pain start?
I dont know
You will enjoy it
Life is now mingled with grief
Falling Down
You're going to get depressed
Why We Cannot Stand solitude?
What a disgrace !
Die, goddamn it
Woe unto you, hypocrites
Ive cursed myself, im damned
Life is a big lie
But in the end, youre still in agony
Your emotions, your memories are dead
My thoughts turn dark
Evil thoughts
Misery , misery, misery. Thats what youve chosen
Now, selfdestruction
Now, selfdestruction
Now, selfdestruction
“The Philosophy and Empty Deception ” of the World
Sadly, though, the cold reality is this: We are mortal.

You're dead!
You're dead
You're dead!
This life is big lie!
You're dead!


Finally You Are Dead!
No Way Back
Remember your life
From Childhood to Old Age
Life is short
Life isn’t fair
Resistance is futil
Life is a waste of time.
Wasting time
Let it burn away...
Fear of living on
So kill your goals
And kill your mind
And kill your life
I hope you don't understand


What is my choice? (x3)
Either death or rebellion (x2)
What is my choice?
The hands are bloody
Beliefs are based on money
Superstitions quoted from absurdity
The image of the world becomes like blood
When misguidance and destruction took my breath unwillingly
My world dirtier than ever degrades
I'm narrating accounts of this nasty and mean country
These mischievous thoughts are being drawn on my unlucky mind
I say...
Alas, my life was ruined
Alas, my youthful was broken
Alas, in my childhood I wished to be a teenage
Being youth was my teenage dream
I also spend my youthful days wishing elderliness
It was ruined it was ruined It was ruined
This was this life was entirely ruined
At the corner of the room my breath got fucked
I'm cheerful for this promise: Sex with angels
To my favour be this nakedness and body
So that my rebellious soul enjoys it
What is my choice? (x3)
Alas, my life was ruined
Alas, my youthful was broken
Alas, in my childhood I wished to be teenage
Being youth was my teenage dream

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