Berserkr : The Voice Of Our Ancestors

Melodic Death / USA
(1996 - Resistance Records (USA))
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1. The Iceman Has Risen

Hail Death! [x4]

To the front of the battle we ride
With our weapons in hand,
Banners pressed to the sky
Standing over the dead on the ground
With a warm cup of blood
and a victory shout!

Soaked from head to foot
With the enemy's blood
The Iceman has risen again
Cold fire in his eyes
Vengeful sword in his hand
The Iceman has risen again

Generations were lost as the ice giant slept
'Twas in him where our courage was kept
Generations it took us to shake him awake
Now it's war that the Ice giant makes!
(repeat chorus)

In the depths of the Aryan soul
Lies an unequalled hatred
Where icy blood flows
The Vikings, The Saxons, The Lombards,
The Vandals, The Teutons, The Normans
The Franks and the Angles!

2. Choosers Of The Slain

Far above the stench of the city
Thought and Memory circle the sky
Watching, Listening to what's said and done
They soar quickly as they rise into the heavens
Make haste across the rainbow bridge
To Valhalla to warn and prepare
The mighty death horn is sounding it's sad song
For death's maidens to take to the air

Riding high in the sky tonight
Servants of Odin prepare for the fight
Down through the pouring rain
The Valkyries choose their slain
The air hangs heavy with death tonight!

The proud soldiers who fall in the struggle
Defending home and folk by the sword
Will be taken aloft to Valhalla
The Hall of Kings is their final reward
Always one more seat at the table
There's always room in the hall of the slain
There's always time for feasting and fighting
Wenches and mead at the end of the day

3. Bitter Harvest

Outlaw was a humble man,
as the story would reveal
an honest law-abiding man,
just a farmer in his field
His dear wife had passed away
In the winter of '25
Did his best to raise the children
and to keep that farm alive

Then came that awful drought
and the children's hunger pains
Crops failed and the springtime passed
Without a single drop of rain
The weeks passed, the sheriff came
With the banke at his side
Took the farm that his family had lived on all
their lives

Tears fell from the children's eyes
He kissed them each farewell
He be back when some work was found
But only time could tell
He knew his kin would raise them up
To be kind and gentle folk
To get as near as the best for them
Was all that he could hope

and then the rain came - it was a blood spill
The gunfire was heard through the cities and the fields

Dug out his dusty six-gun
That he carried as a calvary scout
Made a mask from an old bandanna
Saddled up for a ride to town
Masked man slid down from the saddle
Walked the steps to the bank's front door
Left the town with a bag full of gold
and the greedy bank man dead on the floor

Thus began his career as an outlaw
Lived a life at the end of a gun
Day to day: bank to bank
Doomed to spend his life on the run
All the common people loved him
One of them who had taken a stand
against the banks that had bled them dry
and sucked the blood of the working man

The man died as the story told it
ambushed at the edge of town
On his feet with his six-gun blazing
Blood and gold spread on the ground
The man Lives in the lives of the people
The deeds done and the stories told
The man's gone but he Lives forever
In the tales of the guns and gold

4. Deutschland

Vilified and curserd your name
Taught your children guilt and shame
Firebombed your cultural centers
Dresden, Hamburg blown to splinters

Many have tried to quench your flame
To salt your ground and soil your name
The world warred once to build you pyre
But you rose like a phoenix from the ashen fire

Deutschland- The world was yours, Can you remember when?
Deutschland- Will you break your bonds, So your folk can rise again?

No wall can shroud your people's eyes
The time has come, Let the eagle rise
It's time the eternal foe must fall
Your victory shout is freedom's call

Ich Bin Stolz! Your children shout,
The battle cry: Auslander Raus!
Our life or death is in their hands
Our great and ancient fatherland!

5. After Forever

[Black Sabbath cover]

Have you ever thought about your soul?
and can it be saved?
Perhaps you think that when you're dead
You just stay in your grave
Must someone be right, and the other be wrong?
It's just a point of view
If we can't unite then our people will die
You know that it's true

Some of us belive in a god or gods
Or no god at all
Whatever you belive, we've got to unite
Until our enemies fall
There's no way to prove that what I belive
Is the only way
Religious belief is a personal thing
We should kepp it that way

We spend so much time at war with each other
while our enemies laugh and sharpen their claws
They see the truth that our Folk have forgotten -
That Self-Preservation is the Highest Law
Why can't our folk see beyon their religions and
work side by side for the good of us all
It's insane to argue and bicker and battle
While we watch our future crumble and fall

Wait until you see what's in front of your
face when you open your eyes
The answers been clear for so many years
It's still a surprise
The centuries pass, but religions won't last
The damage is done
We haven't got time to recondition our minds
'Til this battle is won

6. The Battle Of Lechfeld

Out of the darkness of the East they came, an
asian horde hell bent on the destruction of
fair Europe. Village after village fell in
flames, raped - conquered - destroyed. Many
a man fought until death, defending against the
endless enemy numbers. Doom seemed certain
for the Western man and his proud culture.
The end of the fairest of peoples and the
mightiest of Nations.

Farmers and knights, serfs and their lords
From the green fields of France
To the Northern Fjords
They answered the call of Otto the Great
To help German brothers
Defend Europe's Fate

The sun shone brightly upon the field,
armor and horses, red-crossed shields
Grim and determined, thousands did wait
The Battle of Lechfeld was soon to break

Charge- for your land and your Folk
Strike- amidst fire and smoke
Smash- through the enemy lines
Invasion of Europe, Race against time

Magyar destroyer, Christian Knight
The charge had begun, a race to the fight
The alliance held strong in the fading light
On an unknown field on a midsummer's night
at the end of the battle
amidst thousands of dead
The Great Kings stood, beside their men
a powerful lesson for all to face
If you wish to survive, preserve your Race!

7. Berserkr

I'm on the edge of bloodlust
and sanity. You wanna live?
Stay the fuck away from me
Step in my reach and you'll see for yourself

I go to battle with no fear in my heart
anxiously waiting to tear you apart
Ready to smash, ready to fight
I'm gonna kill everyone in sight

Berserk - Steel in my hand, blood in my eye
Berserk - Fight till I fall, my enemies die
Berserk - Hungry for blood, so eager to fight
Berserk - Steel in my hand, blood in my eye

I'm on the field fighting night and day
Enemies scatter to give me the right of way
I'm on the field proud, fighting for honor
Shoulder to shoulder with
my Kinsmen and Brothers

8. Southern Vision

I got my pride,
Won't put my hands up
Won't run and hide,
Can't you see I've had enough?
No one can tell me
That what I'm doing is wrong
I've got a vision
That may come true before it's too long

I look around me lately
These days you can never tell
Whose your friend or foe
Before it's too Late
Stay silent, act alone
The future is ours
We must be patient
Survival is our history
and our fate

a Vision for the Future
Based on the lessons from the past
a Vision for the Future
Based on the lessons from the past

I look ahead
Don't quite know what I see
But I know just what I want
I've got hard work ahead of me
and I look behind me
I'm not ashamed of where I've been
But I've got to live
ain't gonna make the same mistakes again

'Til someone comes along
Who makes some sense to me
I'll follow nothing more
Than what my own two eyes can see
We're tired of being used
I won't play nobody's fool
My kind's a breed apart
Not bodyguards or front line tools

9. Got What It Takes

What kind of curse has been cast
Upon our people today?
It seems the minds of our youth
Have been eaten away
Our elders are corrupt and weak
The sane are stifled when they stand to speak
How much more of this madness
are we able to take?

are you ready to stand
toe to toe with the fire?
are you ready to stare your fate in
the face? Our time is running out-
We're down to the wire
Have you got what it takes
To stand up for your Race?

The killers of our people
wear an old disguise
We're wathing them kill us
with our own eyes
Or are we just too blind to see?
They've been after our souls for centuries
Let's put an end to this madness
Once and for all

The fight for our Race
Is an old familiar fight
But self-preservation is our duty
and out final right
Through few of us are ready to give
It's gonna take a war for our people to live
The beauty of our children will
be our reward

10. Justice

[MTTB cover]

Look back on your life, you've done nothing worth a shit
And the problems you've caused give a reason for your death
Outta your place still you think you own the world
Did you think you couldn't die?
Did you think we wouldn't care?

Justice - at the end of a rope - Now you're dead, now you're dead
Nigger - at the end of a rope - Now you're dead, now you're dead

Poisoning kids, you make your living selling drugs
and robbing the old, still you're never satisfied
Down on your knees, now your judgement day is here
You've been sentenced to death by the people of America


11. Across The Desert Sand

Through drifting clouds of smoke
I see my enemy
Spied through a weathered lens
across a sandy sea
I sit encased in steel
Sworn to my fatherland
My turrets belching death
across the desert sands


Dark mounds engulfed in flames
Wrecked by my deadly shells
My cannons quake the earth
all targets bound for hell
and from this foreign desert
I shall defend my land
My Panzer blasting death
across the desert sands

[repeat all except replace last stanza with:]
Oak leaves and Iron Cross
I fight at Rommel's side
Next to the desert fox
Great odds we will defy
Glory and Victory
await the reaching hands
Of those who follow death across the sands

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