Benighted Soul : Enchantment

Symphonic Metal / France
(2004 - Self-Released)
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Life has forsaken you,
Abandoned your heart,
Made of you a fallen angel.
You're sentenced to the dark,
Eternal wanderer,
To find the right path.

But feel the power in you,
Invincible heart,
And when comes the night…

Fly, Runaway, to the sky,
Under the moonlight,
Ride the eagle of endless night.

Fight, for the right,
To believe in things that can not be,
Keep the faith lying deep within your heart
And pray for it to win

Kill, cos this is your part,
In world's fairytale
In the merry go round of shadows.
Kill, cos this is the only way
for you to live,
for you to survive.

But feel the power in you,
Invincible heart,
And when comes the night…

Fly, Runaway, to the sky,
Under the moonlight,
Ride the eagle of endless night.

Fight, for the right,
To believe in things that can not be,
Keep the faith lying deep within your heart
And pray for it to win


My brother killed my dearest love
Then Scattered his corps into nowhere
How could I let him live and reign
I can not forgive nor forget
My brother killed my dearest love
Then scattered his corps into nowhere
I can't stop crying for his death
But when my tears are dried…It will be time

And I, I'll give you back life,
Blowing on your face,
Reviving your heart,
Yes I will..
And I, I'll give you back life,
Blowing on your face,
Reviving your heart…

Follow the Nile
Rise with the sun
And you will find…

I'm in quest to find your way
And recreate your dead-gone body
Over the hills and the mountains
I'll follow your trail for hundred years
I'm in quest to find your way
And recreate your dead-gone body
For you to give us just one son,
The one who'll take revenge, for his father...

Repeat Bridge/Chorus


When the night has come, I open my eyes
I feel the thirst torturing my heart
Rising from the darkest tombs
A slayer is haunting the streets tonight.
I've forgotten time
I've been deadly lifeless
For a hundred years.

Cry, for my life, for my soul
I'm damned, I'm lost
Pray for the Prince of Shades
To confine your heart.

Come to me, little lost souls,
You will find your relief in me,
Entwined, in the sweet trance of darkness.
Come to me, give me your blood,
For me to find my salvation,
Be mine, enter the dance of my rebirth.

In my victim's arms, I come back to life,
I feel her warm skin under my fangs,
Thrilling in this dark embrace,
The living blood is running through my veins,
Tasting her secrets
She's giving me birth
I'm giving her death.

Repeat bridge/chorus

Hear the cry of Your child,
Expiate all my sins,
Sancta Maria.
Deliver me from Evil's Hands,
Let me see the sun again,
In Excelsis Deo.
May Christ pity my soul,
Giving me the Holy Blood,
For the Glory of God.


An angel fell,
And lost her innocence
Dirtied by the hands of Beast,
Can't find why !
This sin is out of sense,
How have I turned to the the darkest seat ?

Forgive me Lord,
Forgive me my love….

I confess my Lord,
A sin of flesh and blood,
Prisonner in the kingdom of Evil
Couldn't find the way to escape….
Shame on your face petrify your skin,

You are the one who fell in sin
It's time for you to serve your sentence in hell !
You've been given to temptation,
Now celebrate your damnation,
Here comes the time to serve your sentence in Hell !

Steal my life, release me from my pain,
How could I forgive myself ?
Better die than meet your eyes again,
Crucified my the memories iof my fault !

Repeat Bridge/Chorus

lyrics added by Apocalypse - Modify this lyrics