Beneath The Massacre : Marée Noire

Technical Death / Canada
(2010 - Prosthetic Records)
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This is the casket you sleep in
Oh poor ape, living futile life
Searching for the truth
Denying the only certainty he'll ever have
Righteous man, living by the book
Blaming the devil for each and all modern ills
A lifestyle that pacifies your existence
It's your false concept of progress
It's your reactionary views leading us to nowhere
It's your ideologies...
the casket you sleep in
And we all die alone
Desperately searching for Hope
And there is no peace in death
Nothing to appease your shattered heart and aspirations
We are all alone.
This place is our tomb
Oh and your endless quest for Truth, for Unity
With a closet full of skeletons
Bones of the victims, casualties, human sacrifices...
Doesn't your quest lose all of its meaning?
Sisyphus, who you try to fool?
This is not what you're here for
Sisyphus, are you tired yet?
This is just getting started
Revolt. Freedom. Passion.


I can see you're scared
And I can see your hands shaking like leaves
"Blessed are the peacemakers, the children of God"
And we all witness the massacres in its name
The genocides it creates
And we all witness and we all partake
I can see you coward
Just like a man scared of dark
Engaging war in the name of the most high
Just like a lamb misguided towards the holy light
Keep apprehending the end and the end will surely come
A self-fulfilled prophecy
The story of a celebration of ignorance
And old traditions helped us deny the obvious
This madness is ruining us all
In its name, in our name
A celebration of ignorance
A reenactment of a scene we've celebrated
And now, we don't care, never did,
The black tide will soon hit the coast
You think this story started hard,
Wait this story's ending bad
A nation, a prophet, a new enemy
He claims God hears the words from his lips
And will show us the way to Salvation
You drink his words
Blood of Christ
Now condemned to live this self-fulfilled prophecy




Morbid globetrotters
With invisible hands designed to strangle
This is my fatalist vision
I hate to admit
Let it die.
Let it blow up in our face
We failed to prevail and now all there is...
The stench of death, across the earth
Global standardization of our ways to suffer
Breeding a new kind of soldier and consumer
"This is not enslavement, it's a great opportunity"
And human misery is not an obstacle
A profit at what cost?
Another death, another kill
"You were predisposed to accept this gift
We're offering, now don't pass up on
This offer cause the market
Won't give you any second chances."


Is this the end?
Hands tied to this sinking ship
Release what's left of you
Reveal who you truly are
Your true and passionate existence
This world is a cold hard place
These chains are thick as hell
They hurt and cut you open
They hurt and bleed you dry
Daily contribution to a system
In which you do not fit
Feeling of deception and being useless
I swear I've been there too
Wish I could have showed you the way
And have been there for you
Cause sometimes all
You really need is something you can hold on to
I know this taste stuck in your mouth
I know this apathy too well
Just like the sight of your open wrist.
It's forever stuck in my head
For years I thought I was safe from this
But you prove me once again
There is no way out
Sometimes all you need
Is something to hold on to
And years, thinking I was safe...
But the sight of the blood
Coming out of your wrist
Is yet another failure
Sometimes all you need is something to hold on to
For years that thing for me was you

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