Belore : Journey Through Mountains and Valleys

Atmospheric Black / France
(2020 - Northern Silence Productions)
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There is a distant country
Some books tell the existence of a valley
A land forgotten by history
A peace disturbed by the current conflicts

Surrounded by mountains with sharp points
Populated by mythical creatures
Hidden in a thousand-year-old forest
The valley of the giants is isolated from the outside world

After weeks of walking
A man came to meet them
Venturing into this hostile land
Praying to the gods for an unexpected alliance

Surrounded by mountains with sharp points
Populated by mythical creatures
Hidden in a thousand-year-old forest
The valley of the giants is isolated from the outside world

Far beyond snowy plains
There's an hidden river
Flowing from the mountains
Path is now discovered

Far away from this peaceful valley
A conflict was brewing
A new chapter in history would be written
Glorious songs will resonate
About the alliance of men and the Giants


Witnesses of ancestral time
And past twilights
Their dominance evokes mistrust
Imposing their eternal gaze around them

Travelers and battles were watched
The stone monsters observe
Each movement close to their blanks
Enriching the stories and tales of the valley

On a dark and foggy winter day
An old sage approached the cliffs
Unique way to become a guarantor
Memories of the present world

Climbing the snowy rock with his old hands
Take care of you traveler
It finally arrives at the summits
You put your life in danger

The old man spoke in familiar language
Bearer of unusual wisdom
His thirst for knowledge and stories
Drew the attention of the whispering mountains

Traveler of the world
We're memories, of the north
Guards of ancestral words
Storytellers of ancient knowledge

The man coming from far away
His family decimated by wars
Wandering alone through the valleys
Having no reason to live
Accumulating stories and legends
He dedicates his life to perpetuity
An old sage seeking to know the world
Raising consciousness towards immortality


Through fields and mountains
The royal procession dominates
Preceded by thousands of armors
Filled with fear and hope
The army is bewitched by
The sound of the horns

Across the plains under the rain
The horns sound
Thousands of soldiers prepare for
The battleground

The shock of swords is mingling with tortured cries
The two armies confront each other under a deluge of rain and blood
Nourishing the earth with a reddish beverage
The dead joining their fallen ancestors

The Royal army won a new battle
Imposing an age of factitious peace
But the nearby mountains are whispering
New plots prepare
Engraving the history of the kingdom with a mortal seal


Overlooked by majestic summits
The breeze blows the song of nature
A sweet melody through the howling fields
Narrating a haunted past of medieval battles

Remains of steel, derelict helmets
Crouch under a green land
Warrior spirits sing after dark
Their ancestral military feats by the light of will-o'-wisp


The moon rises on the plain
Revealing the dark spikes far away
Wooden guardians with millenary foliage
Delimiting the black forest entry

Pouches filled and empty gourd
The druid apprentice completes his long journey
Passage required to beginning the ritual
Allowing the ascension to the order of warriors

Oh great Goddess
Born before time and before any existence
Here is one of your servants
Having braved a thousand trials
He comes to proclaim his allegiance
To you and your ancestral faith
Accept this initiate in the order of warriors
Like a son he will live
Like a druid he will die
Hear these songs rise
Sealing his path, forever

The forest has just chosen a new guardian
The festive spirit spreads beyond the branches
Dedicated protector, seasoned fighter
His future will take him to distant lands

No time to rest
Trees whispering a growing threat
A black spell ravaging the roots
The work of a scavenger wizard

Using land forces
Roots seize and paralyze the hooded man
Surprised by the appearance of the druid
No chance left to him
His bones break under the power of embrace
The corpse with amazed eyes lies on the dead leaves
Here is the first heroic act of the young druid
Which will be sung across mountains and valleys


The sun shines the stones in a golden fire
By an evening spring the tragic horns resonate
The coat of arms floats in the air under a light breeze
Making way for the remains of the king

The body decked out with the royal colors
Hiding the wounds of a fatal battle
Honored by numerous people and gathered
Coming to pay a last tribute to the disappeared monarch

The remains blaze illuminating the royal court
The songs accompany the crackling fire
The embers fly away, blending with the stars
A light then springs from the center of the flames
The spirit of the sovereign is removed from the altar
Visible from the ramparts the blinding light rises
Infiltrating slowly into the jewel of the crown
Joining the ancient kings to guide his successor


Thousands of soldiers died at the battle of lowland
Most in rebel ranks
Their bodies were piled up, exposed around the castle
To prevent a new uprising

Hour of eternal rest has come
We will never forget those fallen heroes

The peace treaty freshly signed
Act the repatriation of the soldiers' bodies in their village
To be buried, to be commemorated
In ancient and local traditions

The king's knights approach the village
Followed by the sunset and the sound of galloping horses

They had been deserting the country for so many time
Their arrival ended an expectation of more than sixty years

Golden coffins shine under twilight rays
Highlighting the clan's emblem
Family and descendants of the dead run to the royal diligence
Wanting to suture an open wound in their family history



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