Bellum (CHL) : Voluntad de Poder

Brutal Death / Chile
(2006 - Tyrannus Records)
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At the Armageddon of my Era
I fall in a night of rage
Crossing the middle of the battle
Slowly I descend

While the earth spit its hate on me
Darkened crosses from which we fall
Getting lost between shadows
Like a flock of ravens

A soldier of the Eon of Aquarium
Descending, Fallschirmjäger
Wotan's sons wake up
Descendants of the Arian race

I remember my land
Being raped again and again
By the people who crawls from the desert
Devoid of pride and honor of my race

Avatara came to save us
Sieg Hail, Sieg Hail, Sieg Hail
Avatara came to save us

I'm soldier who descends
From the sky to the abyss
I'm coming from the night
To wake up the day of its rage


The night covers everything
The Sand gives us its silence
Third and Fourth of Line move toward the valley
The regiment Buin takes care of our rear

Three Regiments march between the shadows
Towards death or towards glory
They must take the Ciudadela
Fort and the East Fort
Before dawn comes, then they will go up the Hill

Third of Line it is raising by the center
The Fourth of Line, in the left side, toca a degüello
The Corvos shine between night
Between the voices that shout :
Vamos chilenos, vamos pa'rriba, vamos pa'rriba

The heavy fog is opened like drop curtain battle
The third of Line rises, loosing their life
They are sent to the assault of trenches
Breaking them with its Corvos they are sent inside

While we advanced on the objective
We are barrage of the artillery fire
To my side the explosions resonate
My brothers falling down with their mutilated bodies
Rage invades me towards my enemies :
Today, we aren't going to take prisoners.

I seized of our defensive positions
But my hatred continues intact
Disobeying my superior orders
I go towards the top of the Hill

Killing enemy without mercy
Killing enemies by hundreds
In 55 minutes I conquered the Hill
Now my flag flutters in the top
My enemy is in the ground and his land belongs to me.


The new moon that hides our movements
Covering to my division
With the veil of the night
We wait on the snow like
In a great and cold white lake
Embraced in the forest by a funeral fog
The panzer division gathered for attack

The only thing that i was thinking of
The only thing that i longed for
It was letting freely
Flow what was inside of me
Why was it going to be so difficult
To do it?
Now i am alone in this place
The night, the cold and death are so real
As the rain and thunder of the cannons
I cannot think that it is only a nightmare

Crossing the battlefield we go to our fate
Like a forest just destroned
The corpses lie in the ground by hundreds

We must posses the crossing of the Mosa
Also beware, we must create a front in the Lieja

We must cross the Albert Channel
Advancing to the north of Amberes
"Sepp" Dietrich, our commander, gives the order to attack.

Dancing on the ardennes
We advance towards our fate
A destiny that might finish in death,
It does no matter to me
The future is no inherited,
But neither a doom
We dream and build our future, over and
Over again


Un lugar al fondo del abismo
Como al fondo de un ataud, es mi destino
Sobre las cimas mis enemigos aguardan
Cual gargolas, se asoman desafiantes

Vienen por cientos a vengar en mi
Las derrotas que les hemos inglingido

Estamos condenados en esta tierra maldita
Arrastrados por nuestro espiritu guerrero
Arrastrados por nuestro amor a la patria.
Nosotros somos solo un puñado,
Ellos mas de mil

He mirado los ojos a los muertos
En San Juan, Chorrillos y Miraflores
Tambien he visto el valor de los hombres
Que los eleva sobre si
Tranformandolos en heroes

Ordeno a mis hombres
Tomar posiciones defensivas
Cubrir con barricadas
Las entradas a la plaza.
Utilizo la iglesia como cuartel,
Hospital y retaguardia
El enemigo es numeroso. La batalla comienza.

Una herida mortal recorre mi pecho
Las ideas vienen y van mientras muero...
Era una nube viajando rapido en el cielo
Luego fui un rio descendiendo la montaña
Ahora soy un lago agonico, y desespero

Recuerdo cuando era una nube viajando en el cielo
Y comprendo ¡¡¡ Soy un eterno retorno
Una voluntad de poder que renace una y otra vez
Mientras la patria lo necesite.

lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics