Belie My Burial : Belie My Burial

Deathcore / USA
(2009 - Twin Robot Management)
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The earth is a compost of human decay,
Dark conceals identity behind their cries of pain,
Oh; there be the riders,
Legions seek to kill all the non-believers,
We are the walking dead,
No direction,
No escape,
Doomed to repeat our empty days,
No answers,
Constant rebirth,
Dark one disguised,
Legion of followers to war another time,
This is the last of days,
This is the end,
Exodus for the wise,
It's long past time,
Start an exodus for the wise,
It's long past time, stillborn hopes,
Aborted lives,
Liberty is silenced by our own kind,
Human shit is all that's left,
Our future teeters on a precipice this time,
A war for their Christ and country to be intertwined,
Human winter is for all seasons,
We must live with our diseases,
Bow your head before corruption,
Your lord, your savior; an assumption,
Together; we dig the graves that will bury this hope,
We are the slaves that have died by this rope


I feel my body haunted by this failure,
I feel my heart haunted by this heavy tomb,
For all eternity, embraced by misery,
All innocence has been lost,
We die under this cross,
But will they learn to feel created?
Outside; no angels,
I see the way out,
So I carry this broken airbrush that stains the tortured Skies,
I'll paint them black forever through their ignorant eyes, Nothing,
Leaving us dead and drifting,
They are leaving a torn wake,
But will we learn to meet our makers,
But will we learn to meet our final days,
You are not to be, how secure is this?
Our constitution's crypt,
Justice is dead,
This is the end


Enslaved for so long,
Simple chains on a complex system,
Fluid fills their lungs,
Victims of our backwards justice,
Human rights are cast aside by our wrongs,
History performs this tragic dance forever-long,
Tears pour down onto cement,
Stripped of souls and flesh,
Human rights; cast aside by our own ways,
History performs this tragic dance forever,
"Here i am, your god,"
High time for reformation,
But not to be,
We've watched you dig your children's graves,
Your cries for reformation,
But not to be,
We've watched you dig your children's graves,
The streets in rubble but i can't help feeling so Maladjusted,
This vestige of cancerous thought will stain our race Forever,
Scant reform,
Your hideous ways preclude our human endeavor,
Scant reform,
Our children born dead,
Debt is all that's left of their gutter currency,
Pennies on the dollar,
And they're all too blind to see,
In their hearts; in the face of their wasted lives,
Eat their hearts out; from their chests,
I've watched them fall,
Making the dead rise,
Is it hard to breath?
Debris is hard to breath,
We'll move them on,
We will betray our brothers,
Lynch them by their own ties,
We are blind to all we've become,
We slave to our own devices,
We are alone to buy our god,
With all of my trust in you i burn them alive,
With all of my trust in you i buried the lies,
We build the alters that will never seek praise,
Our sermon speaks to the foul and depraved,
I've seen his face but he will never be my savior,
I've watched him die,
I've watched him bleed,
I've seen his face but he will never be my savior



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