Battlelore : Dark Fantasy

Symphonic Metal / Finland
(2000 - Self-Released)



It's time for herotic deeds
The gift of courage and steel are your key
Those with glory shine like stars
The highest prize is to ride with victory

So many souls follow the path
Trusting their magic and blades
There has to be more than that
Fight with your heart or fail

Ages of war and sorrow
One needs much to survive
Danger hiding in the darkness around us
Your sword is the only law
Brave enough to challenge your enemy?
Never underestimate the power of evil
Those creatures are born to kill
Trust your blades and black blood will spill

Path of ancient gods of war
Will lead me to victory
Carrying the blades of death
I am the Swordmaster

For the honor of your knighthood
Ride with pride into your quest
Never doubt to raise your sword
For the justice which shall be done
Believe in your destiny
You are the warrior soul
Without fear against your enemy
The flame inside you will never fade

Fight for your king and brothers
We shall trust in you
Ride towards the eternal struggle of good and evil
Be aware, the enemy is strong
They are after your soul
Remember what you have learned
Let your sword be your destiny

Pray your gods if you fight against me
There won't be another dawn in your sight
My blades are thirsty for blood
Thirsty for blood and ready to fight

Path of ancient gods of war
Will lead me to victory
Carrying the blades of death
I am the Swordmaster


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To the other side of known world
To the places where time doesn't exist

You see all of it, you have seen nothing
All is too much to understand
Only the higher minds so blackened and ill
Can travel beyond his thoughts

In the tower of damned darkness
The Lord of chaos, the witch of the eye
Holding the keys into the shadows
Watching over green lands
learning the ways of goodness
To prevent those shades of light
Light and its people in Arda
Weak fools, enemy forever
Enemy forever!

Gates of shadow, doors for demons
Demons of nether and void
Infernal landscapes and abyssic essence
Insane to the mind of a man
The world of unknown, enchanted domain
Fields of nightmare and fear
Like haunted dreams, darken realms
Homeland for the demonic beings

If you go, you may drown like a stone
Lose your soul and die a thousand times
Known evil is nothing there
And nothing is just the beginning


Deadly wardog without fear
Ramming through the battlefields
Mighty heroes and kings of men
Will be dead by this beast, insane
Skin of stone and bones of steel
Shredded bodies and blood will spill
There are no allies there are no mates
When this demon is out in rage

My bestial servants, now go
with hate and destruction

Twelve feet high and weight of stone
Crushing enemies' head and bones
No mercy you get from him
When he's here it's time to kill!

Beast of war with lust for battle
All the enemies' like a helpless cattle
Blades, arrows and hammers of war
All useless and this beast wants more

Raging goblin is out from hell
Deadly berserker of chaos and mayhem
With wargutteral and stench of death
he will come and crust your head
Your dead corpse eaten by ghouls
Flesh and brain there's left only bones
Only sun can stop this plague
But in the darkness you can feel his hate

Rage of Goblins!

Black blooded, red eyed and hateful in nature
Dwellers of darkness with lust for blood
They kill for pleasure and without reason
The rage of goblins will crush you down


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Green shades of the elven wood
Covers her face so pale
Those eyes like a stars in the night
Her hair like a golden flame
Gods of wisdom and fortune
Have blessed her with their gifts
no earthly creature can ever reach
A beauty like hers
Young elven knights come to her
There's so much love to share
But still she's awaiting the one
The one with a mortal way

They meet in the shadows
No eyes will see their embrace
Again she's awaiting he to come
She's so desperate her heart can't lay

The evil has lurked in the realm
Dark creatures have come with the death
When black blade reaches her heart
And all the life is gone
He has lost his everything
Pain and agony, that's all left now on
Way of the fate is cruel
Through tears he curses his gods

With grief he left those woods
His sorrow turns to hate
By his blood he swears the oath
He will fight it's never too late

All his sacrifices
Can't be for nothing
Way of the sword
Is the price they'll have to pay
Her endless beauty
Stays forever in his heart
Her soul now in Mandos
But his love will never be gone


(No lyrics available)

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