Baptism : Evil Mysteries

Black Metal / Finland
(2006 - Northern Heritage Records)
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Boreas strikes through your serenity
Trying to breath
Sensations you had attained
Your thought
A false hypocricy
That was worthless, insignificant before
Under the guard of our proud ancestors

Shores and seas of the world in decay
Unloyal souls, they are only ashes
The resin of the race of man
Dirt and filth
No respect nor trust

Why is my mind so dead?
Why has it drowned in the stream of thoughts
I've chained to blood and hopelessness
Gates opened towards peace eternal...

Immortal pride
For that I have thought for
Immortal wisdom
For that I have learned from your pages
And taken to the haven of my soul

Our hate grows as the years pass by
Part of men are left behind
Right boughs have an honor
To stay on the branches of the elitism of ancient times


Katson avaruuteen ja annan ajatusteni kuivien lehtien Pudota
Ruumiini liekehtiessä palaan täydellisimpään hiljaisuuteen
Jonka mustuuden takaa loistaa tuohusten valo
Pudonneen tähden temppelissä syvällä ihmisessä

Takanani monissa muodoissa kuljetut elämät
Edessäni ajattomuuden sanaton, viimein käsitetty mysteerio
Ymmärtäen ruusujen kietoman käännetyn ristin salaisuuden Olen viimein päättänyt etsintäni, palaten pimeyteen joka Oli matkojeni alku

Hengittäen Häntä me palamme fasadimaailman takana Ikuisina, osallistuen monimuotoiseen leikkiin jota Kutsutaan
Valon ja varjon, elämän ja kuoleman, hyvän ja pahan Taisteluksi
Kaukana se narrin todellisuus jossa orjiksi syntyneet Hallitsevat

Ja katso, luideni varaan pingotettu salaisuuksien Pergamentti
Vanhaikäinen liha ja Arkonttien loihtima elimistön outo Koneisto ¨
Ovat ainoastaan labyrintti ulkopinta, temppelin esipiha Ikuisen matkantekijän yllä loistaa Azazelin Tähti


Dust of the decades have still not covered the pain
We rise again, following the primitive darkness
Our minds pure, our weapons glistering in the midnights Moonlight
In the night where a jewish soul is worthless

Sour weak souls tremble before the majesty of death
We look over all that filth and falseness
Knowing that the keys of Knowledge and Power are in the Hand of Satan
Our Master, whose wisdom we follow in this path of hate

Under the flames the honour of pagan times is rising again
Fragments of the David's star are shattered on the Collapsed ruins
Triangle of Jehovah turns, its eye weeping blood
And the pentagram rises, upwards the horns of the beast

Throughout the ages have we journeyed, crushing your dreams
Towards the black holocaust - your corpses are rotting at The ruins of your sacred temple
Books of your false doctrines are torn, your "holy" images Trampled into
The mud of oblivion
In the darkness shall be buried your Jewish dream

As the colours of the new holiness will rise Winter, Blood And divine Night
Leaving the disharmonic, observing the occult
With the union of wisdom and hate, strength and honour we Rise
We rise to the throne of our age


See in me the evil you have always feared
See in me that which you didn't want to understand of the World
What world took from you when your will was broken
As you rejoiced finding yourself within the weak fools' Herd

Mistakenly you looked into shadows, saw the eyes of the Macrocosm
Flaming as the stars of ruby, they reflect secrets of the Deep
That bliss shall open to resurrection as I travel to more Hectic
More painful, more true world... incomprehensive to you

Mysteries of the darkness which delineate upon the crystal-Clear mind
Revealing only to him who is ready to sacrifice the whole Lie
Fresh wounds in the flesh, intiated to the art of the Black age
Ravished of being part of that which the blind ones call Summum malum

You see the stars take their journey, leaving behind Obscurities
That is how I too travel my distant, lofty way
Absorbing into the star of ruby, reaching to the furthest
Entwining my essence with the marvellous power of Satan

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