Ballista : Ballista Territory

Тексты песен


This is Ballista Territory, you son of a bitch

The Cream Of The fucking Crop

If you wanna play God
Then I'll show you the fucking devil
My kingdom come, my will be done, on earth as it is in hell

2. 1000 STITCHES 2000 CUTS

Forged in the fire
Born on the funeral pyre
Limb from limb from limb from limb
Held together by one thousand stitches

One thousand stitches
Two thousand cuts
Can you see God with your eyes sewn shut?

Eyes sewn shut

One thousand stitches
Two thousand cuts

Violence fixation
Therapy by laceration
Nothing but a lifeless husk
Splintered by two thousand cuts

My God was a knife
And I worshipped its blade
I am the bastard queen
Three thousand scars that won't fade

One thousand stiches
Two thousand cuts


A rust stained sky
A black goodbye
A greyscale lack of words
Humanity evades me
Identity annihilates me

Hammer me into shape
Skin me alive
Hammer me into shape
Buried inside
Hammer me into shape
Skin me alive
Hammer me into shape

Everyday another portrait
Everyday another heartbreak
Everyday another image that devastates
Another memory obliviates me

My body (isn't mine)
Purgatory (trapped inside)
Locked away inside my ribcage
I can't escape the gaze

I don't recognize the person I see
I'm so sick of this complacency
When the act of sight becomes self harm
It's my own eyes that cause my scars

God's image

God's image is stitched to my mirror
I tear him in two and my vision gets clearer
Hammer me into shape
Disgusting how my bones interlace


How many times to I have to try?
How many times have I failed?
To prove I deserve my place in life to myself and everyone else
Suffering is the solace I found
My pain has kept me spellbound
But death won't take me
God can't erase me
And you won't break me down

You won't
Bend or break me

Absolute terror
My ultimate fear
Exposing my weakness
To those I hold dear

Six million ways to die choose one
Swarming inside my head
Cloaked in torment, blinded by death
Kissing the scars I kept
How am I supposed to feel human?
How am I supposed to relate?
When I can't even look you in the eyes
Walls I built obscure your face

The angel of death
Goddess of unhappiness

Can't scratch the phantom itch
Can't run from life the bitch
Do I deserve your love?
Am I even good enough?

Absolute terror
My ultimate fear


I'm always searching for the harmony
Between life and death
Heaven is dark and hell is cold
Born to rot I sold my soul

Sold my soul to my vices
Sold my soul to the dirt
Set aflame by sacrifices
Return my body to the earth

All your dreams in the cradle
To the last call from the crypt
Every night I spend swallowed by venom
Is just another view from the ditch

The only constant is pain
Every grave looks the same
The only constant is pain
The spectre of death bears my name

There is no living without suffering
I felt at home beneath the weight of my chains
The taste of toxin still lives on my breath
Refuse to run from life or death

That with shape will one day break
Choked by the smoke of the witch
Every portrait in the coffin
Is just a view from the ditch


Are you painfully aware of the silence that falls around you?
And the shadows that creep up your walls?
Are you paranoid that ghosts from the past have found you?
Can you hear the whispers in the dark?

Hackles raised frozen in place a chill creeps down your spine
Gossamer covering your face, the worm of dread crawling in your mind
Loss of feeling, body heavy
You stepped in to the realm of fear

I was born covered in crimson, I'll go out the same
The clock strikes the hour of violence
Black blood boils in my veins

I dream in red and blue
My body lacerated and bruised
All the pain I have felt, I'll inflict on you

Dull my senses
Numb my fingers
Distorted lenses
Torture lingers

Forgive not an enemy, waste not time
I'll show no mercy, won't turn my back to your knife
Fear and abandonment by the likes of you
Mental mutilation for a clearer view

The law of the jungle says kill or be killed
So step up to my face and face my rage motherfucker

Sacrifice my soul
Ash to ash and dust to dust
Shed my human skin
Just to quench my bloodlust


Cull the herd making me sick to death
Eat the weak
Population of greed feeding on
Their own shit
Just another smoothtalker conned their way
In to power
Two sides of the same dirty coin

Selfish fuck working for the status quo
Performative actions thinking that we'll never know
Fencewalker praying that you'll never pay the price
It's laissez faire better roll the fucking dice

No more
Promises broken
No more
Lies of solidarity
No more
Morals eroding
No more
Thinly veiled sincerity

Beg for death from the mother you plunder
Thrust upon the sacrificial knife

Complacent masses, content in their classes
All I see are blank faces in this nation of stasis

No king
Just another bastard

You promised us change, its time for your pain
Pray to your god while you're down on your knees
The sacrificial blade


(No lyrics available)


You fired first now you're in front of the gun
Every vein I have is burning with bad blood
Where is your backbone? Show me where your spine is
Stupid games win stupid prizes

You're just a two bit piece of shit with no pot to piss in
No one fucking cares, no ones listening

Only thorns left on this rose
I try to bite my tongue but my teeth sever the sinew
Fueled by rage and discontent
Memories marred by disappointment
No love left in hate I'm adorned
No petals left only thorns

A beautiful display of violence
I summon death with every breath
Ruthless retribution
Guillotine resolution


I killed you in my mind one thousand fucking times
The wolf devours the one that cries

No love
Only thorns

Strangled by the webs you weave
With a bullet in the head you bit the hand that feeds, bitch
The walls have ears and hear every word
You lit the match now fucking burn


Cleanse this earth

Baptized in shit
Born into a world of perverted entitlement
Raised to believe that its yours if you can take it
I'll hunt you to the end of the world to cleanse your sin

Nobody will ever fucking save you
Cutting through your flesh and your skin

I'll make you choke on the consequences of your actions
Your life is forfeit for the one that you desecrated

She wasn't yours to take
Your need for power makes you weak
I'll take your last fucking breath
No remorse, no regret

Sentenced to death, a price on your head
I'll carve their names in your bones while you still live
I'll take your last breath since I can't take what you did
Your life is forfeit for the one that you desecrated

I know what I must do
Cleanse the world of you


With my own hands I will tear heaven from the sky
A war upon the holy
My path of deicide
No judge, no jury, executed for your lies

No salvation
Only your damnation

Enemy of man
Burn to dust
Holy land

Your temple left in ruin
Your throne engulfed in flames

Blood will fall from the sky like acid rain
Nourishing the earth with all your pain

With my own hands I will tear heaven from the sky
A war upon the holy
My path of deicide
No judge
No jury
Executed by my fury

You are not our father
You are not our savior

You are not our father just a voice inside their heads
You are not our savior rot upon your crucifix

Dead children and disease
You could've saved them all with ease
Wars started by those with greed
You never answered any prayer or pleas

Enemy of man
Burn to dust
Holy land

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