Averse : The Endesque Chants

Progressive Black / France
(2010 - Music In Stone)
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Las palabras


Every word we say
Vanishes in divided wrath
Which comes at night
To manipulate our gravity
Making dreams through axioms
Experiment melting a memory into a fear

Mathematizing your gaze
Into power of theory
Equidistancing your heart to mine

Being a pouring through as pie
Let the infinite in
And allow my hands
To calculate
To reach their only aim:
Appreciate your shape
Translating your name into numbers

The contact will annihilate
Every known value
Who cares but i, anyway?
So i’ll choose the spiral mayhem path
To know once and for all
Why i can no longer
Remember the order
Of your numbers

Changing faces, multiplied gazes
We can’t be anything but a goddess,
Thinking number

As we drown ourselves in a river
Of uncharted textures of lands
And feelings, and species
We are colours, We are numbers

If you can see beauty
Only with your eyes open
You’ll finally confuse it
With all that is else

I will try to die in our sum

I will translate your name into numbers
Then i will disappear
I will translate your name into numbers
And die in our sum


I really need to tell you
That i still wonder
If i will laugh this way
In half a life

Leaving through the shame
(Of being another calendar)
Me and then you, and the big trade
And i am still fighting
Only because i count days in suns

It’s only a matter of sleep
You are so close to me
When i feel this tired

So we both leave clean trails of hope
To pretend there’s a true light
Which we are the only ones
Able to create




Feel the warmth
On your eyelids
Those closed eyes are breathing
We’ll never stop singing for them


Melting walls are breathing in
Waves of smiling heat
Fleetingness of solar happiness

This room is like
Infinite perfection
Psylocibian gaze
Burns the living maze

Advises from music
Once met
Forever known
Fleetingness of solar happiness

I am a young man
But from now on
My eyes are old
And we’ll remain still
Nothing is ever old enough to die

I wouldn’t claim
I have lived for a few days
But i properly saw once
Saw myself burn like wood
Be a part of air
And of all that disappeared
Disappeared before me

My eyes are closed and are breathing
The ones who stayed below
I won’t ever despise
Kissing the meaning of their presence

I am my home
Facing the monolith of days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
I am a name
I am letters in words
I am not leaving now
But sending thanks


Ce devait être
Une veille parmi tant d’autres
Articulée et passive
Caressée sans attention
(Les éléments s’accordant sur mon corps)

La nuit est longue
Ponctuée de tentatives
De définition d’une seconde
Accord des bêtes entre elles
Maudissant d’être bercées
Dans la misère la plus belle

Eveillées, conscientes des ondes
Eparpillant leurs douleurs aux vents
Embrassant la vitesse à laquelle
Elles se sèment

Mais si je voulais
Tout contrôler
J’aurais choisi d’ignorer
Plutôt que de courir
Avoir quelqu’un avec qui mourir

Je m’abandonne
Dans un délire supplémentaire
Embarque à la dérive
Encore amarré à moi même
Et à la force du manque

Eclairé par la chair de l’astre
Je décharne les impressions
Et offre aux demandes
Des caprices précis
Sur lesquels pourrir

Je n’envisage plus l’aube
Sans Toi
Qu’est ce que le jour ?

Cette aube cendrée
Qui rédigera ma Foi
Me présentera à Toi

Aubes de cendres cernées

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