Autotheism : Hives MMXVII

Brutal Death / Italy
(2017 - Self-Released)
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My divided mind, a system split in two creations.
Beyond the limit of the flesh, adrift of the human form
Deconstruct my genetic, no salvation for the weak
Wandering toward demise, unleashed, now we are one

Erosing the skin, deforming the bowels
Melting limbs in repulsion
Survivorness through elimination
Aborting humanity
Reborn in convulsion

In this mental cage we absorb ourselves
Eyes of the viral, in the core of my agony
Rip the skin from the entrails, devastation on adrenaline
Open wounds that become weapons

Erosing the skin, deforming the bowels
Melting limbs in repulsion
Survivorness through elimination
Aborting humanity
Reborn in convulsion.


Born in experiment
Crossbreed alien particles
In human life form
You become so human

Rebirth in obscenity
Your primal flesh
Your genetic knowledge

Lump of alien fluids
To regenerate your skin
Ontogeny of disgorgement
Empty eyes of a merciless predator
Reproduction for survivorness

The horror you cannot control
Deforming to kill
Bestial instinct to produce your own spawn
A lineage of deformity

Unleashing the fury
Carnal union through fornication
Sexual deformity in reproduction process
Pregnant of a bastard spawn
A new ancestry of brutality

Forced to breath through alien structure
Parasitic removal
Fecundating your entrails
Vermicular structure breeding inside
Process of incubation
Imploding your entrails
Expulsion of bowels

To demise your carnality
To breed once more
To kill once more
To contaminate the Earth.

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics