Aura Saturnal : To His Kingdom

Atmospheric Black / Finland
(2012 - Versets Noirs)
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The stars are burning
An endless sea of fire crushing
Crushing, Crushing, Crushing,
Turning all living into ashes

And the spiral of destruction
Will lead into the eternal center of the void
To the occult solar flames which are burning
Endlessly, Endlessly, Always burning

Microcosmos is ablaze
In the flames of the macrocosm
And the mirrors of the soul
Reflect those rays into the chalice

His flame in my heart
I burn, I burn, I burn
My outer structure collapses into nothingness
And the inner spirit finds the true fulfillment
In His everlasting flames


I wake up
Taste of blood and iron in mouth
“Open your eyes” a voice said like an echo from bottomless chasm
So I did

There is an old road, and by it
There is a plague-infected raven picking off the rotting eyes from a corpse
Nothing grows here it seems
Everything is dead and withered

How did I came here?
Who am I?
Memories fade away in the darkness of the past

At the horizon there is a strange gleam
So I rise up and walk along the road
Seven nights did I walk, every night the stars seemed to be different
Until I reached the source of the light

A spring
There was a fire around it but it did not burn so I walked through
And I looked into water

It was like a mirror of the worlds
I saw how galaxies were destroyed and then reborn
And I saw to the future
And to the past
And my own reflection
I am…


Cloaked in red obscure mist
They sing, praise and dance
Chanting the prayers written long ages ago
Flowing far beyond stars in their trance

Drinking from the veins of Saturn
Shining the rays of Venus
Gold and silver – the trees are burning

The blood from the heart
WILL return

The way is shut from those
Who have no faith in death
Trance – Eye – Master

The blood in the grail
WILL return


At the end of this secret trail
Leading to the depths of every man
Beyond invisible gates and trials of fire
And the guardians of His flame

We are the guardians of His flame


A shrine of true elements
Cross and the eyes aligned
Into the perfect balance
And the colors...


At the end of our path
Where the old temple is broken
And new one build with knowledge of death
The shrine of elements always shines

We are the guardians of His name


And as I reached the darkest depths of this temple (Ah, the light so bright!)
I finally arrived the diamond door – a gateway
And a sign that shined all the colors of the world (I am blind yet I see)
That said the following with a language long forgotten by many:

“This is the beginning and the end
Pilgrim! Proceed if your heart is truly ready”

Thus I walked into the darkness…

And the darkness was so thick
It crawled into my soul and mind (My flesh, oh it was already rotting)
And the pain of dying came to me
My whole being was shred into million pieces

Then HE came and said to me:

“Forget the fear and see beyond
Your life has only been a dream – an illusion
You must abandon everything you though was real
Because in the end you know nothing

Follow me and forget
Forget everything, leave the temple
And for the first time ever
You will BE”

And there was nothing
And there was everything
And the words fade away…

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