Atheistc : Killing My Religion

Atmospheric Gothic / Brazil
(2009 - Avernus Records)
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Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power
Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power

Lahshiba, hambyde carshi nauh
Surrender, abdicate of your pleasure
Leieh, heye, romne sigro coal
Children, spouses, they do not belong to you anymore

Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power
Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power

Mnosi nalih nosuka sirapouey
I am ready to receive your gifts
Dimasirano gusa etaiou
Shoot me with victory`s arrow

Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power
Yol, Xababa, los quiu tho tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us all the power

Hayô, laryê, dotivá laiê
Mighty, guardian, I`m still waiting for thy healing

Hayô Satan. Oh, min saai, amnde candedor
Mighty Satan, oh, I dare you to face me

Yol, Xababa, los quiu tchaba
Heavenly, Xababa, give us the power
Amn Iou, Xababa, los qui min tchaba
You Heavenly, Xababa, give me the power

Yes, I can feel thy presence
In the light of the Sun, in the heat you deliver us
And when you drench me with drops of thy tears

I listen to thy fury voice in the thunder
Showing that I was not able to please you enough

I deliver all my body, my blood, my life
I'll give everything that was mine, Xababa
So I kill, I torture, I feel pleasure
While I give you pleasure, Xababa


This is the glory of Armageddon
Where we commemorate the impartiality of the end
Respect death, because you belong to it
All forms of life go through this

Accept your limitations, enjoy what you have
Because we will all have our Armageddon
Because the world will make end for everyone

Implore life to your god, and he will never answer you
The best you'll get is an afterlife promise

The end is impartial, it's above the gods
It's beyond good and evil
The end is fair in its decisions

The rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, all shall fall one day

Implore to the gods, it will be worthless
Earlier or later the end will come for everyone


I no longer feel scars of the obsession
Now I can think and live my life
When slavered by religion I had fear
Everything was terrorizing and I would always lower my head
It is dead, I myself committed this crime

I killed the religion that existed in me
My power of existing was unmerciful
I've assassin my own faith. Now I can breathe

I felt pleasure when I saw the remains of its death
And now when the wind touches me, I feel it
All is real and acceptable, I can feel my emotions
Without the influence of the illusion and the fear caused by it

I look and I see its death with a sarcastic look
Die while I taste this moment
Seeing you like this, I see no power at all


When I look at you
You turn your eyes away
As a slave of your own thoughts, lady of the night
Impenetrable and fearsome, lady of the night

Attached to your illusions, you cry
The comfort is temporary and therapeutic
Then one day I'll meet you and look in your eyes

Then you will bow before my feet
In respect for my wisdom

Now that I meet you, you will follow me
Without gods or demons to torment us

You are now the most beautiful and dazzling lady
That will enchant everyone with your dark look


It was already over 3:00 a.m.
A daybreak almost as sensual

As the contrast of your blood's color
Running off from your pale and delicate face

The rain washed my tears
As salty as our sweat

My senses are now useless
My words have no destination
I feel dead and anesthetized
The dying solitude

In the emptiness place, I find your absence
So serene and lifeless
In the await for a farewell kiss
My only fellowship now
Is the scent of your death


I'm the reason for everything
The father of eternity
The only one who knows
How all truths
Bow to me
Obey my laws
If you don't understand soon
Don't question, only worship me

Glue your knees to the ground
While you think about me
And then thank me
For being inferior to me
If by chance you don't love me
Or you are not satisfied with my laws
I'll throw you up out of my mouth for your damnation

Because I'm god, the only one, the biblical one
Many try to soften my way of being

I dictate how you should be and not the other way around
Therefore, shut up and bow before the father
The father of all delirium and human fantasies


There is no image of you in front of my inner eye
I don't want to have visions that are not built out of my impressions
Words so meaningless, ideas so uncreative

My abnormal feelings create other spheres
Worlds of hate and destructive art
And the consuming power that creates my own personality
To include everything that you tried to build up

You wanted to give me sense, you tried to tell me about emotions
A mind so unstructured, you won't ever own
So you call it apostatized

In my cold environment there is no time
No place for simple solutions
Only despair, melancholy and overwhelming truth
No soul, just feelings that consume you to death

We used to be like warriors
To procreate our imagination superior


Please forgive me my love
I'm not capable of making any promises
There's nothing I can do for you
Embrace me and end your days by my side

Cry not as you die, it shall happen to me as well
Close your eyes and give yourself up
Nothing bad will happen, not even dreams will torment you

Sadness is piercing its knife on me, there is no conformity
But it's inevitable. It's the same for everyone, on this own way death is just

I'm afraid
Feel no fear, it's only the end
But what should I do?
Nothing, goodbye

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