At Dawn : Undead

Thrash Death / USA
(2008 - Self-Released)
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Fanged jaws of judgment
Stirred from your slumber

The filth of mankind awaits
It's stench peaks your hunger
Festering excess and greed
Lust and hate, securing damnation

This human disease has spread
We have laid dormant too long

Accio nox demonius
we have called you forth
Andras Baal Abigor
heed your true names

Clawed hands clench
Translucent wings take to flight
Soulless legions amassing at night

We are the knights of vengeance
We are the damned and so is man

An army of black cloaked warriors await your orders
With a roar we storm the stronghold
Swords and spears find the mark
No mortal is a match for us
We shall bring hell to this earth.

They beg for forgiveness
Their gods remain silent
Our palace built of their bones
He of the forked tongue smiles

"My children, Rejoice. This world is our."

The dark general surveys what he has conquered
Humanity lays shackled
Calls for salvation go unanswered

Mankind is not worthy
Of promised everlasting life
So begins this millennium of punishment
With no promise of death.


A prayer prayed a quick repentance
To secure your place in heaven
But this empty gesture just dogmatic pressure
A fools path to salvation

Now your life will belong to us
(You will reap what you have sewn)
Take comfort in knowing the end is nigh
(You will reap what you have sewn)

This judgment is but ours to make
We chose your fate
A devil's tongue a liar's heart
Set for removal

Sharp blade, cold steel our tools of choice
(You will reap what you have sewn)
Surgical precision we lack but not blood lust
(You will reap what you have sewn)

Incisions are made
We remove your blackened heart
Raise it as offering
We crush it between our hands
For you are not worthy

No penance can redeem you
Your place is secured
For tonight you dine in hell

Gorge yourself on the carnage
Of what you once were
Muscle torn from bone
Sinew glistens
We done our crimson suits with pride

Putrid bile
And acid leak
From your belly

Your flesh is not worthy of being consumed by the maggots

Your bones cracked
Your skin incinerated
We will leave no trace

This wretched soul
Will find no rest
You will never be forgiven

Now we will continue to seek justice
(You will reap what you have sewn)
Oh traitors how you will pay
(You will reap what you have sewn)


The blood wiped from my blade
The smell of rust clings to me
This is my master work
Done in homage of you

No others beauty is a match for yours
I remove their features
To create my own perfection

Stitch this angel's skin
Stroke the softest hair
The shiniest emerald eyes
Preserved in formaldehyde

My everything as i clamp your lifeless hand
I swear my love is true

They say that this is madness
That i am a godless ghoul
But would it not be madness
Living this life without you

But this rotting facsimile
Satisfies me no longer
If i can not have you
I will make you mine

No others beauty is a match for yours
I remove their features to create my perfection

Sewn of supple skin
Laced with the utmost care
Staples to a skull place this raven's hair

The cemetery lies bare
Fresher parts lay in abundance
But for every stitch
I realize I will never replace what I've lost

Now i feel regret creeping upon me
I was a fool to think that I could replace you

Tainted is this place
Soiled by what I've done
The earth salted never to grow again

You were all that was mine
What kept me alive
Now my insanity grows bred of this emptiness
But i will find love come hell or full slaughter.


I have received the bite
All humanity will be lost
This unstoppable plague
Giving me the disease of undead

As my skin begins to rot
My eyes and memories cloud
My stomach feels the first gnaw
Of insatiable hunger

Now I walk through the ruins of the world
Decomposition slowly eating me away
What will stop the pain of being dead
As primal instincts begin to take control

My will is lost

Only one thought permeates I must feed
The smell of warm blood
Draws me in to the night

I see the terror of those before me
I pull one near
And sink my teeth into the flesh
I tear away the flesh

As blood runs down my face
The pain begins to fade
But what is the price I have paid
What have I become

Now the rage builds inside me
I curse the heavens, I return to feed
Arterial sprays upon me
Gouging accusing eyes
Intestines unfurl

But now the hunger it now returns
Pushing me forward still
So I will continue searching for
What will one day make me whole
So I may rest in peace


Now the casualties mount
Their humanity taken in vain
My selfishness does them in
Creating an army of those like myself


Bred of fire
Sent forth to topple this regime
Soldiers ready to die
Born to seek absolution
Marching forward to bring this revolution

We gather ranks to storm the capitol
We shall reclaim what is rightfully ours

We are, we are, we are the children of fallen kings
Their legacies turned to dust before our very eyes

Our fathers before us did not die in vain
Their sacrifice gives us hope
So we can bring life

Monuments laid to waste
The charges are placed
The battle begins now

We surge
An army of discontent
No longer subhuman
Our rulers shall feel our wrath

We draw our arms
Take aim at our oppressors
The first volley brings chaos
We stand our ground

This victory will be ours
We shall not fall

The lines are dashed
We've broken through
To the capitol we lay claim

Welcome to the new world order
A land built on self-determination
No longer are we ashamed
Of what we are or what we'll become
The future is ours
The texts shall read our names

A legacy of righteousness born

The black hand of tyranny
Strangles us no more
Brothers we are free


We rise to our feet
Rejecting this imposed weakness
We gather strength from within
We follow this path to vengeance

The rotting stench of broken trust
Fills every pore with disgust

Erase our history
Foundation built on lies
What once held us close
No signals your demise

Fragments of your shattered frame
Line the ground of this your final resting place

As the blood flows to our hands
We break free from these shackles
You will become a model for
Those who live like you
Feeding on destruction you created in your image

Our bodies will now be
Purified in your blood

An abomination a sore on this earth
No longer left to fester, we are the cure

Destroy these final remnants
Novelties of your failed existence

Your betrayal fuels our rage
Our rage builds our hate
This swinging noose will seal your fate

No mercy will be shown for you
You are dead to us

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