Asynja : Through the Misty Air

Folk Metal / Sweden
(2007 - Nordvind Records)
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A magic sea well hidden - no human knows its way, at an island in the ocean - from there she begins her journey. She rides among the humans - those honoured by her stay, she brings to all those people joy and harmony.

Mother Earth, Nerthus - the eldest of the Wans! On your bless our lives depend! Holy mother of nine daughters - they all inhereted your strenght!

And every place she visits - becomes when she is near, a place of peace and quiet - gone is war and fear. And in the tracks of her wain - the crops will start to grow, and bring good growth and harvest - her divinity will show.

Mother Earth, Nerthus - the eldest of the Wans! On your bless our lives depend! Holy mother of nine daughters - they all inhereted your strenght!

She soon get tired of the humans and their ungodly ways, the priest takes her back to the holy grove - bringing forth the slaves. They wash her and they clean her - and her wain is covered again, and as she goes back to the realms - the sea swallows all trace.

Mother Earth, Nerthus - the eldest of the Wans! On your bless our lives depend! Holy mother of nine daughters - they all inhereted your strenght!


Doomed is the world of man, for they shed the blood of their holy kin. Awoke the anger of Gods and then, turned righteousness into sin. Doomed is the world they created, for the sacrifice of their Gods. And the acts that they called scared, an orgie of spiritual frands.

Human blood shall extinguish all light, for the betrayal of laws no longer known. The horn of Heimdall will ring through the night, our lust for revenge has grown.

Through the dark - the shaded earth, Nidhogg flies a sky of rain. Twilight of the Gods, Doom, rebirth - Svithiod shall rise again.


Forward into battle - never looking back, Horns and Trumpets are sounding the attack. Feel the earth shiver as the army's advance, this is our final battle - our last chance.

Hold the standarts high - in the wind they will fly! Hear the beat of the drum - under the sign of the sun! As the times call for war - they awaken once more! And a warriors call - fills the Germanic sole!

Valkyries descending from the sky above, thunder it strikes from a dark heavy cloud. The war hail of thousands fill's the air, glory waits for those who dare.

Hold the standarts high - in the wind they will fly! Hear the beat of the drum - under the sign of the sun! As the times call for war - they awaken once more! And a warriors call - fills the Germanic sole!

Battle songs lead the way, if we win or lose is decided today. Golden hall waits the fallen, a voice grow strong - freedom is calling. Battle songs lead the way, if we win or lose is decided today. Golden hall waits the fallen, a voice grow strong - freedom is calling. Forward!

Hold the standarts high - in the wind they will fly! Hear the beat of the drum - under the sign of the sun! As the times call for war - they awaken once more! And a warriors call - fills the Germanic sole!


Jag står på ett slagfält där forma stridsrop ljöd, där ärar ledde fäder mot seger eller död. Ristade Tyrs runa brände sina skepp, blickade mot frienden som sänts till helvetet. Svärdkling har nu tystnat sedan tusen år, men rösterna från jorden mina öron når.

Hör du rösterna från jorden? Hör du vindens tal? Hör du de visa orden - från förfäders sal? Hör hur stormen vrålar - order från Valhall! Hör hur åskan dånar - hör Fädernas kall!

Jag går på bortglömd skogsstig - på väg till morfars graw, han var ärans man och visdomen han gav. Min morfar stöp i Berlin med stolthet i sin själ, efter tappert kämpat för europas väl. Jordeliv han lämnat sedan många år, men ander lever vidare och hans röst mig når.

Hör du rösterna från jorden? Hör du vindens tal? Hör du de visa orden - från förfäders sal? Hör hur stormen vrålar - order från Valhall! Hör hur åskan dånar - hör Fädernas kall!

Jag tänker på en hjälte som tog upp fäders svärd, bildade en orden för att förändra denna värld. Över barnet svor dom sedan helig ed, säkra folkets framtid nation kultur och sed. Hjälten är nu borta sedan flera år, men Robert Jay Mathews hans röst till mig den når.

Hör du rösterna från jorden? Hör du vindens tal? Hör du de visa orden - från förfäders sal? Hör hur stormen vrålar - order från Valhall! Hör hur åskan dånar - hör Fädernas kall!

Hör du rösterna från jorden? Hör du vindens tal? Hör du de visa orden - från förfäders sal? Hör hur stormen vrålar - order från Valhall! Hör hur åskan dånar - hör Fädernas kall! Hör Fädernas kall!

Jag lyssnar till de röster som manar mig till strid, krigar'n som finns i bodet vaknar nu till liv. Jag bryter mina kedjor - sliter bojan loss, och manar Er till insikt att för vår framtid slåss. Om folket inte lyssnar mot vår död vi gå, så sprid nu fäders kall och folket din röst skall nå.

Hör du rösterna från jorden? Hör du vindens tal? Hör du de visa orden - från förfäders sal? Hör hur stormen vrålar - order från Valhall! Hör hur åskan dånar - hör Fädernas kall! Hör Fädernas kall!


The minds of our women can be clear and sharp, with a perception men don't know. Remember the years when our women were seers and let your powers flow.

And 'though it's not your nature to stand against the throng, let the Valkyrie ride by the white man's side and sing the racial song!

The ego of a man can be mountain, yet fragile as delicate flowers. So know his desires and fuel his fires, for this is one of your powers.

The weapons of our women have been shackled and chained too long! Let the Valkyrie ride by the white man's side and sing the racial song!

The life of our race is in your womb and in the children you bore. So love our kind with soul and mind, of our folk will be no more.

In time of Ragnarök you must be loyal and strong. Let the Valkyrie ride by the white man's side and sing the racial song.


Kämper köpas - onska övas, mången flyr som skulla stå. Hårt i vargatider prövas, modet hos de sista få. Våldet vredgas - listen snärjer, snöplig vinning lockar låg. Låt oss stå kring våra färger, fast oss knappast någon såg.

Ej för världen - ej för andra, strida vi vår strid till slut. För oss själva - för varandra, stolt vi leka leken ut. Fladdra fladdra fria fana, högt i skyn trots tidens hån. Fast ej morgon mer vi spana, där vi stå i stridens dån.

Kämper köpas - onska övas, mången flyr som skulla stå. Hårt i vargatider prövas, modet hos de sista få. Våldet vredgas - listen snärjer, snöplig vinning lockar låg. Låt oss stå kring våra färger, fast oss knappast någon såg.


I saw the pallid corpse of the dead sun, borne through the nothern sky. Blasts from Niffelheim - lifted the sheeted mists, around him as he passed.

Balder the beautiful - God of the summer sun, fairest of all the Gods! Light from his forehead beamed - Runes were upon his tongue, as on the warrior's sword and the voice forever cried...

Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And through the misty air passed like the mournful cry, of sunward sailing cranes! Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And died away through the dreary night, in accents of despair!

All things in earth and air - bound were the magic spell, never to do him harm. Even the plants and stones - all save the mistletoe, the sacred mistletoe. Hoeder the blind of God - whose feet are shod with silence, pierced through that gentle breast. With his sharp spear by fraud - made of the mistletoe, the accursed mistletoe and the voice forever cried...

Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And through the misty air passed like the mournful cry, of sunward sailing cranes! Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And died away through the dreary night, in accents of despair!

They laid him in his ship - with horse and harness, as on a funeral pyre. Odin placed a ring upon his finger and whispered in his ear. They launched the burning ship, it floated far away over the misty sea. Till like the sun is seemed - sinking beneath the waves, Balder returned no more and the voice forever cried...

Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And through the misty air passed like the mournful cry, of sunward sailing cranes! Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And died away through the dreary night, in accents of despair!

Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And through the misty air passed like the mournful cry, of sunward sailing cranes! Balder the beautiful is dead, is dead! And died away through the dreary night, in accents of despair!


Tiwaz, god of the Morning - our trumpets waken the world
North is above the nations, but Thou art over all

Now as the names are answered and the guards are marched away
Tiwaz, also a soldier, give us strength for the day!

Tiwaz, god of the Noontide - the ether swims in the heat
Our helmets scorch our foreheads, our sandals burn our feet
Now in the ungirt hour, now as we blink and drowse
Tiwaz, also a soldier, keep us true to our vows!

Tiwaz, Lord of Ages, below You we march!
Invincible Sun, the flame of Life, You dwell within our hearts

Tiwaz, god of the Sunset - low on the western main
Thou descending immortal, immortal to rise again
Now as the watch has ended, now as the wine is drawn
Tiwaz, also a soldier, keep us pure till the dawn!

Tiwaz, lord of the Midnight - here where the great bull dies
Look at Thy children in darkness, oh take our sacrifice
Many roads Thou hast fashioned, all of them lead to the light
Tiwaz, also a soldier, teach us to die aright!

Tiwaz, Lord of Ages, below You we march!
Invincible Sun, the flame of Life, You dwell within our hearts

Tiwaz, Lord of Ages, below You we march!
Unconquerable Sun, the flame of Life, You dwell within our heart

Lyrics geaddet von gg_jaime - Bearbeite die Lyrics