Astolat : Aokigahara

Progressive Metal / Sweden
(2014 - Self-Released)
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By the mountains foot, walking all alone
It was quiet but I sensed something here wasn’t right

I could hear it whisper, growing closer still
Like the promise of that evil was now closing in

Don’t take me…
Leave me alone…

I could feel a rope, tightening around my neck
Started to cry, as my own hands were doing the act

I was released, but dropped down paralyzed
Saw trees falling down from every direction towards me

Don’t take me…
Leave me alone…

And all of a sudden…
The mountain was set aflame
Death swept in on me like a veil
I closed my eyes, as it took me away

My eyes were opened
But I was not alive
I saw a thousand people
Standing right there before me

And I felt their hunger
So unsatisfied
Robbed of their final rest
They sought remembrance from all

I’ll take you
I’m Aokigahara
I won’t leave you
I’m Aokigahara

Forsaken here I wander
The flames around me do not warm me
And I’ll sweep in on you like a veil
Close your eyes to take you away


I never feared the loneliness
But in its embrace I find
It's never as warm as you were

I never invited all this pain
But as it broke into my heart
It never cared for me like you did

Pick up the memories
And walk...

Pick up the memories
And walk...

And it feels so strange
Awakening from this dream
Everything is standing
In the places I put them before I went to sleep

And it feels so distant
Awakening to this new reality
Like you thought that you could stand
But you were falling

And all I ever wanted
Was to mean something to you

And all I ever wanted
Was to mean something to you


The town is empty at night
Standing by the riverside
One tear I cried into the water
And what I felt it made me falter

Water and night combined
Started to swirl
A blackened tear
Blackened the world

I fell into the waters embrace
Paralyzed in black I was bathed
No air, by the dark I was saved

I breathe evil
To survive


Part I: Rex Nemorensis (Based on a poem by Baron Macaulay I)

Those trees in whose dim shadow
The ghastly priest doth reign
The priest who slew the slayer,
And shall himself be slain.

Rex Nemorensis (king of the grove)
Rex Nemorensis (priest of Diana at Nemi)
Rex Nemorensis (king of the grove)
Rex Nemorensis (a crown of thorns)

The highest price for power I have paid
For my vanity a truly phyrric trade
King for days or for years, but now the sun has set
Watching it bleed on the horizon fills me with regret

The black-robed ruler finds no peace
As he slumbers forever in Arrician woods
The golden bough has sealed his fate
Watch the fall – and rebirth of a god!

Those trees in whose dim shadow
The ghastly priest doth reign
The priest who slew the slayer,
And shall himself be slain.

Part II: To Embrace the End (instrumental)


She was born (into this misbegotten world)
Cursed with ever-flawed design
Inherited by any offsprings soul
To never know a reality benign

Hell awaits that which is born
As God hates all his children
Child, I give the gift of void
Child unborn, child of sulfur

And now you are swallowed
By the safety of the dark
A golden act of endless mercy
To undo existence

Hell awaits that which is born
As God hates all his children
Child, I give the gift of void
Child unborn, child of sulfur

And now you are swallowed
By the safety of the dark
Eyes forever unopened
Blinded to my heartless world


Vem kan segla förutan vind,
Vem kan ro utan åror?
Vem kan skiljas från vännen sin
Utan att fälla tårar?

Stillheten vaknar i nattens mörker
Men finner sig inte till ro
Sinnet är ensamt och kroppen är kall
Att tro att du aldrig förstod

Men nu så är sommaren slut
Och det känns som att vintern blir lång

Själen den somnar i smärtans bortdomning
Och kan inte väckas igen
Då minnet är plågsamt och hjärtat vet om
Hur det känns att förlora en vän

Men nu så finns det inget mera att säga/finns det inga ord kvar att säga
Och tystnaden vaknar igen

Jag kan segla förutan vind
Och jag kan ro utan åror
Men ej skiljas från vännen min
Utan att fälla tårar

Who can sail without wind
Who can row without oars
Who can part from his friend
Without shedding tears

The stillness awakens in the dark of the night
But cannot find itself to rest
The mind is lonely and the body is cold
To think that you never understood

But now the summer is gone
And it feels as if the winter will be long

The soul falls asleep in the numbening of the pain
And cannot be awakened again
As the memory is tormenting and the heart knows
What it feels like to lose a friend

But now there are no words left to say
And the silence awakens again

I can sail without wind
I can row without oars
But not part from my friend
Without shedding tears

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