Assorted Nails : Banging In The Nails

Death Metal / Germany
(2005 - Self-Released)
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I come to your house at night
I catch you in your sleep
I choke you with your pillow
Or slash your throat, I don´t care

I am the sandman
with me, you´l never wake again

I sing your last lullaby
If you hear it, you will die
I close your eyes for good
´Coz I´ in that killing mood

Shut your eyes
Sleep for good
Say goodbye
Wake no more
Just lie still
You will die
Shut your eyes

I can´t sleep
So you shall sleep

Just lie still in your bed
And by tomorrow, you´ll be dead
Take my hand, leave with me
It´ll ne nice, you will see

I am the sandman
With me, you´ll never wake again

Shut your eyes
Sleep for good
Say goodbye
Wake no more
Just lie still
You will die
Shut your eyes


Ich komme aus der dunkelheit
Den geruch der pest im haar
Nur die ratten folgen mir
So ziehe ich in die stadt

Und bringe den winter
Den wanter des fleisches

Ich komme aus der leere
Sie euch zu bringen
Anders kann ich nicht
Ich bringe den winter

Einsam und kalt
Alleine, die glieder
Erstarren im wind

Fleischwinter fleischwinter fleischwinter
Das ende deines körpers
Fleischwinter fleischwinter fleischwinter
Die kälte die dich tötet
Fleischwinter fleischwinter fleischwinter
Dein blut erstarrt zu eis
Fleischwinter fleischwinter fleischwinter
Der schnee in deinem hirn


It starts in a single cell
The brain of one man
Then it infects others
As the cancer spreads

Cancer warfare
Cancer warfare
Cancer warfare
The disease is spreading

Hatred is shared without doubt
Cancer infects every cell
Hatred is shared without questions
Cancer poisons every brain

One cell, then another
One man, then his brother
Tumors are crippling
Both body and the state
One cell, then another
One man, and his brother

Soon the body collapses
As the war is breaking out
The state ceases to function
The death of civilisation


Accept defeat
Don't even try
Nothing to win
We can but lose

Don't be a hero
Why should you be?
Fucking emptiness
Is all there is

Succeed by their standarts
And you'll be part of the system
Failure is the ultimate rebellion

One nation's hero
Another one's scourge
The bringers of pain
One nation's hero
Another one's scourge
The bringers of death

No hero for this world
But a lot of a-bombs
Total destruction
Is the real solution


When we´ll reign, we´ll equalize
Your minds will be mesmerized
Everything is legalized
There´ll be no things standarized

Don´t you see it´s useless to resist
We´re coming for you, your name is on the list
We don´t mind if you´re a christian or a jew
All we want is to assort you

All we want
All we want
All we want
Is to assort you

Get assorted!

Get assorted! start to use your brain
Get assorted! you know you want it too
Get assorted! before you go insane
Get assorted! or we´ll do it for you

Get assorted! don´t abort your thoughts
Get assorted! just scream them out
Get assorted! spray them on the walls
Get assorted! and leave no doubt

All we want
All we want
All we want
Is to assort you

Get assorted!

When we´ll reign, we´ll equalize
Your minds will be mesmerized
Everything is legalized
There´ll be no things standarized

Don´t you see it´s useless to resist
We´re coming for you, your name is on the list
We don´t mind if you´re a christian of a jew
All we want is to assort you

All we want
All we want
All we want
Is to assort you

Get assorted!
Get assorted!
Get assorted!


Morning sickness
Loss of orientation
Sudden fainting
Without reason

So he went to see a doctor
A lot of tests and disbelief
But in the end, there's no denying
Terminal disease

Terminal disease - a lot of disbelief
Terminal disease - but there is no denying

But no amelioration

Dying slowly - all alone in a hospital bed

That was the path of our man
He is dying, dying slowly

Friends and family cannot help it
He is dying dying slowly


You are sick
So am I
A mirror
That shows you

I scream - am I sick?
I try - am I sick?
I fail - am I sick?
I cry - am I sick?

I hate you
As you hate me
But I need you
As you need me

I cannot escape from your world
Trapped without the means to break free
So I chose to be a mirror
Of all those who make me sick

You are sick
So am I
A mirror of your world

lyrics added by kit36 - Modify this lyrics