Ascending King : Funeral of a Species

Unblack / USA
(2017 - Nosral Recordings)
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Question Mankind,
This is my last last request before the final battle,
It's getting closer to the end,
Under the paleness of moons I take my last breath,
And exhale my soul, retreat into myself,
The only one who can save me has many names,
I must ascend from man,
In the dungeon of this wasteland I smell the stench of decay and death,
This is the place of the evil one,
Nothing holds me here but my doubt and fear,
Tear through my third eye,
Let it take over and lead me to the Light,
My eyes have been covered with Your Blood,
And man has destroyed the purity,
Let the gates open,
Let the dead speak the truth,
Take our spirits into the deep,
Sacrifice for eternity,
The malice of man will become extinct, and we shall move into a new age.


Disturb the ones who wait,
For the grave to consume them,
Don't let them sleep,
The Great Light Spirit shall conquer the realm of the wicked,
To defeat the darkness,
Understand and embrace its presence,
The flesh will decay but the Spirit will prevail,
What does you dark lord provide?
False promises and lies,
The age of the destroyer is ending,
The age of I Am is approaching.


Under the Authority of the Ancient of Days,
We will rise against the one who controls Abaddon,
When the dark gate is opened,
The war cry will be heard,
Call upon the ones who have been warned,
And shake the ground under the feet of the wicked,
Take up thy cross,
Purify the abominations of Man,
Pierce the hearts of the undead,
For the judgement of the false,
Will be eternal torture,
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord" (Revelation 14:13)


The dead shall walk when the moon lights the Earth,
And claim their dominion,
Tear apart the souls,
Put Man on the brink of extinction,
Transcending through space and time,
Open the portal to open the eyes of the wicked,
Humanity will make a call for war,
Victory will be denied,
A mockery will be made of the flesh,
Take this to the graves of the ones you fear and ask for forgiveness,
For when the dust settles perhaps you will be spared.


To bathe thyself in blood and fight the battle within,
We make a stand for spiritual war,
And defend what keeps us from death,
We ride behind a white robe and eyes of fire,
To de-construct the evil kingdom,
Bring me your morning star,
And I will show you the True Light,
The graves will empty and the oceans will dry,
To prepare for the re-birth,
Prepare for the cleansing,
And make way for the mighty Throne of the King,
The souls of the damned will be put out of sight,
And the beast will feel the final wrath.

Lyrics geaddet von Coleiosis - Bearbeite die Lyrics