As Hope Dies : Birthplace and Burial Site

Melodic Death / USA
(2002 - Undecided Records)
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Half drowned in these holes
We've dug for ourselves
How far have these days taken us
We rest on the backs
Of treaded paths
And encircle the ghost
Of used we used
There's death
In these cluthed hands
These words our bricks
And so we build our fortresses
The past into our chests
Let me become whole this time
And carry warmth
Instead carry ice in my ribs
Or bury me now to prove
I neve set foot from this grave


now show me the reason
behind your actions
that left me alone
and covered in scars
so I search for comfort
and healing to somehow
rid these demons
and set me free
I hope for a place
without suffering or tears
and I long for that day
when I can look you in the eye
and hear the echo of your voice
again in silence I lay and my thoughts
and wishes are of you but your gone
and I feel that a part of me is lost
as well so this is my comfort
and this is my release these are my words
to you one day we will burn these writings to
find comfort and erase the past and rewrite
these words and it will be
the chorus to our lives


Awaken from this slumber
Awaken from this dream
Remove this blindfold
Of perfect words
That have done nothing
But deceive
I hope for voices
To scream in harmony
Against the stronghold
That has taken so many
By there throats
I hope for voices
To sing in harmony
And for us to stand
With bleeding hearts
And to look away from the sky
That offers us nothing but poison
And to look at one another
And to look at one another
For this is your first glimpse
Of purity
This is reality
Do not be deceived
By the shallow beauty of words
Your God
Your writings
Your actions
Will burn to nothing
In this war


Remove this blade
That has been shoved in my back
At a time that i was so fragile
You Offered Nothing
But the cold of your shoulder
And when i needed
A hand to hold
You instead offered this blade
And tore me forever
With its effect
But your intentions and hopes
Will fall to deaf ears
This heart will mend
To find strength and the beauty
Amidst this tragedy
Will be found to mend this wound
That have plauged my heart
To be born again
And to find hope in life
Remove this blade
That has been shoved in my back
At a time that i was so fragile
You Offered Nothing
But the cold of your shoulder
I stand alone but I am still standing
And I will not fall
To become something less


Give it all every last breath
When the centuries pass
We are apparitions
Nothing but a mark in the minds
To be baptised into the earth
The destructive
All negating hands
To speak and to breath
In the context of now
To conspire
Against the ravages of time
To blossom
In the context of today
These are the letters
Of our existence
To not stumble
On the pebbles of regret
The inaudible statement ecom
Passed in a glance
And a smile it remains
To the end an experiment
In reorienmenting oneself
Within a world of total
Uncertainty give it all
Every last breath when
The centuries pass
We are apparitions
Nothing but a mark in the minds
To be baptised into the earth
The destructive
All negating hands
To speak and to breath
In the context of now
To conspire
Against the ravages of time
To blossom
In the context of now

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