Aryoch : The Arrival

Symphonic Death Black / France
(2020 - Self-Released)
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Like a dark storm
My fury smashes everything
Lost in shadows
And depths of madness
Misanthropic rage

Lost in darkness
Devour from the inside
Pains, cries, fears are not enough
Lost in darkness
Kill to satisfy my hunger
Lost in darkness
Ode to the gods of disgrace

Tied to death and evil
Only feed by your pain
The black fire has purified my soul
Dark benediction

Flesh of the infidels
As a gift to the gods of depths
Shred theirs souls
Drink their blood
Eat theirs bones

Lost in darkness
The black fire consumes me

Lost in darkness
I will burn out the guts of the weaks
Lost in darkness
All I want is to see you bleed

Endless Storm
Dark bane of doom
Call to extermination, from below
Beast of the night
Thisrty for blood
All I want is to see you die

This madness will never stop
In me no more humanity
No beacon of hope
You must hide
Or you will die


The search for immortality
The desire to be eternal
The power to control death
A great dead army
Which I’ll be the master
Rule over the slain

A potion that turns men into unconscious slaves
Lost between life and death
Bring back those of the vanished
Immortal army

No mortal can rule over death
Only immortality allows it
A sacrifice is required
The loss of all humanity
Endless hunger

Old tales from forgotten tribes
Magic spells of outer times
Forbidden words and worship
I am the one
Who ignore the rules of Nature and the Baron

King of rotten flesh
Undead warriors

Control the world
Macabre reign
Handle a pestilential realm
Empire of plague

Pray for your king
Worship you lord
Undead wizard
Obey your god
Undead wizard’s worship


Black magic worship
Woman corrupted by the evil one
Servant of the devil himself
She must burn
Let the fire bless her soul
Succubus of inferno
Torch in hand during the night


Woman of science, outstanding healer
Unknown potions and mixtures
Ancestral cognition
A science far too advanced for its time
Something that can’t be understood
The work of the devil

Married to a monster under human appearance
An erudite beast mastering advanced sciences
Married to the Dark Lord, the master of the night
A bloodthirsty demon, coming out in the moonlight
An impossible but real love
Who calmed the madness of this monster
A rest about to be interrupted
The awakening of the dark beast

Pray for your sins
May the fire purifies your soul
Find your place in hell
Next to your master
You have nothing to do in heaven
You’ll never have the forgiveness of the Christ

The flames ignite the logs
The crowd howls and sings
The tied woman is living her last moment

You have no idea what you are doing
My husband is worse than the devil
You will burn and die in eternal flames


Eaten away by a cursed memory
Lost at sea, on an island unknown to maps
Walking in the mud
The pestilential smell of dead fishes
At nightfall
I see it

White stone rising from the sea
Engraved with esoteric hieroglyphs
Absorbed by these ancient writings

Lost in thoughts (x2)

The thing emerges from the water
Nightmare vision
Climbing giant
I can’t believe my eyes
Monolith of a thousand dementias
Let Morpheus appease my madness

The scaly monster surrounds the stone with his arms
I see his head, his glassy eyes full of horror

The giant whispers enigmatic words that confuse my mind
The delirium invades me

Am I crazy ?
During my return, this vision haunts me
I laugh and sing
I've lost my mind

Voices in my head
Whispering the worst atrocities
Call from the depths
The vision of a dying world

Slowly sinking into dementia
Slave to this poison
The medicine flowing through my veins
Feeds my insanity

I can’t stand anymore
This nightmare vision
Climbing giant
I can’t believe my eyes
Monolith of a thousand dementias
Let Morpheus appease my madness
Peace in death
May eternal rest appease my madness

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