Aryadeva : Syama Ayas

Folk black / Ukraine
(2008 - Self-Released)
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Jai Maha Satanas!
Embrace yourself! Watch the flames;
Ignite the dark sky of this yuga,
Descend the firestorms to the earths,
Unleashing the flaming hurricane.

[ Verse 1 ] x4
Jai Satanas!
Maha Satanas!
Sadhu Satanas!
Jai Jai Satanas!

[ Verse 2 ]
Jihaanaka! Your world is coming to an end!
Satya! We'll reveal the truth!
Dharmayudda! Thrash the Jihadis!
Devarastra! Hail the Vedic Empire!

[ Verse 1 ] x4

Salve the Goat, hail the Goat!
We are proud to be heretics!
Invert the cross & burn the crescent!
Desecrate the holy sanctuaries!

[ Verse 2 ]
[ Verse 1 ] x4

Thousand manifestation of the Goat,
Thy Lordness will never be erased,
Thy Vedic cult forever burns,
Thou art indeed, Saguna Brahman!!!

[ Verse 1 ] x4

[ Chants #1]
bibhrac catur-bhujaḿ rūpam
bhrāyiṣṇu prabhayā svayā
diśo vitimirāḥ kurvan
vidhūma iva pāvakah
śrīvatsāńkaḿ ghana-śyāmam
parivītaḿ su-mańgalam
sphuran makara-kuṇḍalam
kaustubhena virājitam
mūrtimadbhir nijāyudhaih
kṛtvorau dakṣiṇe pādam
āsīnaḿ pańkajāruṇam

Once Upon A Time...
Hey! Lets wake up!
Hey! The sun is up!
Hey! (There is a) job to be done!
Hey! a new day starts!

Mother nature, giver of all life on earth…
The Pagans respected thee for thou art their spirits

Hey! A beautiful world!
Hey! Cooling breeze!
Hey! Nature in perfection!
Hey! Pagan life!

Man dragged their boats to the beach and prepare to leave for harvest,
Off they go to the middle of ocean to collect some hope and to return,
Women carrying little hoes & spades – off they go to the farms,
Oh the children are running in groups to their village's little nursery

This was the life of our ancient forefathers,
They worshipped the nature and peform daily rituals

[ Verse 1] x3
Adi Shakti!
Sarab Shakti!
Pritam Bhagwati!
Namo Namo Namo!

Aurangzeb The Tyrant
Emperor of the Mughal Empire,
A zealous follower of a God,
An austere believer in Iconoclasm,
The most sadistic to ever live!

Pagan priests tortured & slayed,
Temples were deconstructed,
Shrines of the pig-abhoring God,
Built over those sacred rubbles!

[ Verse 1 ]
Aurangzeb the tyrant Emperor,
Enthroning the male-God in this Pagan land,
An executioner to the non-believers,
An enslaver and a murderer!

[ Verse 2]
Sitting on his throne planning the next barbarism,
Granting himself a ticket to haven,
Never a day spent without a bloodshed,
Forcing the conversion of helpless Pagans

[ Verse 1]
[ Verse 2]

Dismemberments joint after joint,
Blood ejecting from beheaded necks,
Everlasting torment and mutilation,
Salutations to those that refused to convert!

Aurangzeb commands his empire to persecute all Pagans,
Butcher sacred animals in Pagan temples' vicinity,
He ordered those that defended the temples to be executed,
Destroy, slaughter in the name of the tyrannic male-God!

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