Arrival (FIN) : An Abstract of Inertia

Melodic Black / Finland
(2002 - Edgerunner Music)
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Under the stars and the dome of sky,
far from the false of existence...
Hidden from the eyes of creation
behind the veil of silent grief.

I was the one who held the sky from falling apart
of the world that only my eyes borne.
As a concept...what was called I wasn't me
since the light never shone through reality.

The voice of bitterness spoke through me
and I heard the words that my consciousness whispered...

For this world I was blind and subjected by its void.
Even if I were dead the blood of man ran through my veins.
Slave of expections, future among stars.
Every day another fall and now...
and now I have lost my wings to fly.


Nothing I am but a corpse,
a shade of distant memory.
I am not alive nor I am dead,
just reaching the stars with regret.

The paled waves of memories raped my naked soul
and truly I was cursed to wander between the worlds and time.


A promise of lust and passion
was given for exchange from my being.
And within a brief moment of silence
the hate ascended into power in me.

A promise of lust and passion
was given for exchange from my being.


I feel the dance of thousand demons in my head.
...every scream and every whisper.
I wanted to stay on the surface as I saw the river flood,
but in the whirls of cynical world I was drowned.

Injected by the devil with blood of renewal
to confirm the genesis of reborn messiah.

"-There is no utter truth. Just a black rainbow
and neon green projections of god."

Renaissance of decadence captured the form of man
and divinity descended into flesh from behind the black rainbow.

Through the acid clouds of summer nights,
cursed by forbidden desire.
I was poisoned from within by the shades
that drifted outwards from my soul...
from behind the black rainbow

Injected by the devil with blood of renewal
to confirm the genesis of reborn messiah.
And from withing I was able to see.

(I am not sure if there ever even was just one "me".)

Four eyed man appeared before me
and claimed to bear the shine of the saints.
Bittersweet were the words I heard
and so my hunt began...

From behind the black rainbow...


Fallen angels, come dance with me
for on the path of sweet misery I rejoice,
I invite you to drink this wine with me
to my new flesh, to my new birth
for my new existence I've risen to.

For the life eternal I'll shed the tears of innocence.
Second for the hate for which I drain your fear.
Third for the night, which cloaks me in the shades
and fourth for my revulsion, as reward.

Under the cloak of darkness I am waiting,
just waiting and watching you walking by.
As the scorn glance is laid upon me
you'll see me as your redeemer
for the blade is my crucifix.

Sight, so beautiful.
Tensed and pure.
I devour you one by one,
poor souls cold and torn.
Drunken from vigour,
I can hear the dirge of angels choir.
This is how the death plays
its symphony, with orchestra of four.

Under the cloak of darkness I am waiting,
just waiting and watching you walking by.


Do not cry for your moan just incites me
and the pain is not the purpose of my act.
Even if I am the one who'll commit the crime
the hands that tears you apart are not mine.

Through pain, fear and horror,
through slow passing hours you bled.
A minute after minute, a moment after another
just waiting for the death.

...euphoria of ardor...

(For a second I may have awoken,
but at that very moment the power was taken over again...)

I want you to see the fate of one before yourself
and to live every second until it will end.
Can you see who I am?

Through pain, fear and horror,
through slow passing hours you bled.
A minute after minute, a moment after another
just waiting for the death.

6. 6TH DAY

All is still quite unreal like if I would wander in a dream
about to wake up yet falling deeper.
I am still haunted by the questions that carry the answer deep within.

Do I regret? (the other I in me meditated)
-Oh yes I do perhaps, but not in ways that...(a moment of silence)
are based on conceptions of "right" or "wrong".
I do not know... (quieten down) if I am the person that the mirror reflects.

And so I kept floating without will of own
yet what is lost isn't measured with the scale of pain.
Therefore the key didn't fit to the gate
I was meant to walk through.

Do I regret? - Oh yes I do perhaps.

"An angel with golden wings descended from the clouds.
It sat on my shoulder and told me to look through her eyes.
The times were different and out of curiosity
I allowed myself to fall and to fall again and again..."

In front of reality I am filled with doubt.
How to define time and from where to start the count?
Sixth day from what? Six days from where?
Am I lost in the maze of this acid sphere...

Do I regret? - Oh yes I do (not)




Which were the emphasized factors in my morality?
Reformulated humanity in contrast to the being of an invidual
reflected the oscillation in virtual reality turning the binary
value of a man from one to zero ('n to hero?).

Irrespective of the utilization of my authority
I saw the crucial essentiality of the matter.
By hyphenating the horizontal line
an origin was to be reached.

Did I originate the complex synergy
of motion combined with reason
by illustrating the facts that binds
the basis of evolution into known physics?

On the another hand committed act was
not more than an intermittent deviation in conduct.
I raised three to the power of two rather than
increased one to its previous value nine times.

I knew what and who you were but what was I,
a disease without cure or a god of the moment?
(1010011010 or 29A?)

lyrics added by Baudelaire - Modify this lyrics