Archspire : All Shall Align (EP)

Technical Death / Canada
(2010 - Self-Released)
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What was once born of this earth...

Now returns not of this earth...

Breath less
Bodies arise compelled by a grim unworldly force

Making host fresh blood to return to their domain
Blood less

Feasting with vigor in our area of rule
Plague manifest from this vision of future prelation
These beasts
Not what once they where, mimic the prints of our kind with carnal detest

Our cities engrossed in crepuscular massacre

Putrid/ display of man/ never/ can they become

Fueling an insatiable lust for normality
Skinning one whimpering fragile face at a time

Putrid/ display of man/ never/ can they become

Deathless ringing

Unforeseen, these replecants of vengeance, casting incessant horrors upon the innocent
To extinguish life in one horrendous instant
With what appear meek mortal hands they deconstruct..

Skin and bone

Remorseless detest for man

Reign of dark reflect upon us

As/ they rise/ we fall/ before/ them

Bodies arise compelled by a grim unworldly force

Making host fresh blood to return to their domain
Exhumed, feasting with vigor in our area of rule
Plague manifest from this vision of future prelation
These beasts
Not what once they where, mimic the prints of our kind with carnal detest

The epidemic was unleashed when exploring the trafficking of humans
To unknown dimensions through gateways on planet earth

The first kin of pure evil, born without guidance
Now induces its feeding spree
Staining the streets with our blood


Man defies itself
Desecration of time and space ensues
Rising from beyond
Secreting dormant breathless bodies rising from our bleeding soil

Atrocities defying mortal's foundation of scientific probability under which we praise
Returning as the coexistent dead forms of the living subjects instantaneously transplaced
Captive in a dimension of torment to infinitely dwell upon the plateau of dead energy slaves

Hell it was deemed that which contained the lifeless versions of all things at any point conceived
Sadistic depictions of all forms of creation from every extension of molecular construction
Parade the deceptive lingering decrepit obscured contradictions of our cognitive creations
Indecent experimentations made flesh
Relentless pursuit of chaos

Enslaving our own kind

(Only those truly encased in their art experience life, this is mine.)

Consequences of endeavors
Altered by unseen forces
Limitless the Powers gained
By the soldiers who crossed over
To the scape of un dead
By harnessing with precision
The ringers attempt to transcend
Through there violent chaotic vision
Doppelgangers once discovered
Where held captive by researchers
Methods of interstellar travel
Where examined intricately
By an elite branch of psychic
Pawns of the military
In their remote hypnotic state
They tore apart the human subjects

--- outbursts controlled
Employed troops
To a sycophantic world

With blood now on their hands
They return from foreign lands
As enlightened super human beings
Of a secret psychic sect
Pursuing methods of serial chaos
To astrologically project

Arch spire

Abusing power. conflict ensues
A battle to rival the storms of creation

solvo validus navitas ignotus tenus omnis
(Release powerful energy unknown to all)

Neo morfic state
Eliminating plight
Neglect the sacred rights of the dead

(Let now this sound consume all senses within you)

All that is shall align
To end what we all know as time

all that proves sound in this world will be gone


Leave this earth behind
Ascend upon the skies

To fruition comes the plan mapped by the allied sect
To appose the ghosts of tongue
All breeds vow to protect
To relinquish atrocities made by once mortal men
The self-fulfilling profits of natural orders descent

We will hunt them find them kill them on earth air fire and sea
Are elements will be our weapons, sculpt the laws of each

Take to the skies
Mute testimonies of the lost arts of antiquity

Strength encompassing
Ascendance to the summoning
Rise from earth

Conquer the live undead
Redeem our species
We are our elder's seeds
Transport in secrecy
Employ the recoil of all that is

Ancient burden not with pain those heroic that which ensue this conquest

Guide them unscorned through your righteous maze of burning stars

Follows now/ the internal/ process of /transportation to/ the collective assembly
Assurance of/ your return/ lay only/
----upon our full/ victory
First vanquish the repulsive pulse of fear that rots within

Release the mind release the flesh!!!
remove your eyes now
Sink your vision/ deep within/ your imploding mass/
What remains will follow
Cacophonic/ shrills leech/ the exhausted/
Dissipating breath out your throat into the air
The blood well/that lets/ from your/ ----
Dormant sockets hosts your soul
Let it billow/ from the fading/ flashes of your/ decomposing

Your self now filters up through the crimson mist
Of your empty shell. Become as light not seen
Yet to behold all sight without eye

To hear the echo of your banshee without the use of sound

All red encompassing/ not alone/ yet without the self
Threads of your past remain/ to engulf/ what now elevates
Thoughts form to you as skin/as beckons/ selfless destiny
A mockery of flesh/ serves now as/ your protective shield

The composition of your past/ frail recollect/protects you from awaiting / atmospheres/ alien to man
No longer are you human/ but a pure catalyst of man/
To join in the séance/ on the planet/ where the eldest lay

Arrive encrusted/ in the ash/ of your scalded live/on the Omni ancients/ infinite/ resting ground


The root of the human animal sprout,
From the eroded soil, of all things past.
Left to carry, free of breath and blood,
Fixed on our benevolent past.

THere is no escape, from the powers,
Fed by, primordial aggression,
Which beats so effortlessly,
Through the hearts of man.
Yet we suppress,
To Carry without true existence,
Descend in to the vile.

Ridden of purpose, As each nerve exhausts
Transcendence through infuriation At its base form.

Without engrained tendencies,
We impede indecence,
From this we rise.

Free the violent mind,
This is nostalgia for our paleolithic rights.
Bleed out incompleteness,
Abolish the inner fiend through chaos.
Confide in innumerable worlds.


Rule the self by releasing the source of self.
Let the ancients rush through you,
Bleed out the false god eternal.

Delve in the uncertainty of our Earth.

Bleed out.

Will to conquer purity,
Calm and extremity,
Torch emotion.

Be your God.

Will to conquer purity,
Calm and extremity.

Violent enlightenment,
Violent path of the enlightened soul.

When compassion subsides the self will arise.
Detest thy mother who's name be our realm.
For she is the whore of the monotonous heaven.
We are the Ghosts of Silent Tongue.

Violent enlightenment,
Violent path of the enlightened soul.

Praise the accursed and defiled,
Exterminate belief,
Vent through torture,
True self rise,
Be your God.

Scatter thy entrails before the savage beast,
Sacrifice the weakness of man,
Scatter our mortal burden,
Upon the scorched oceans of black.

Never shall thy fast from such innards,
Smother these offerings with the still-racing mind of your infant within.

Once placed upon this altar,
Thou are destined to become,
Thou are destined to truly live.

Free is the soul accustomed to the onyx,
Yet with all light withdrawn,
Illuminate the chasm of all things beyond.

Dwell not in the lifeless before you,
For thou has removed the place of it's former confinement.
At one with this truth we are enlightened,
At one with this truth we are enlightened by violent mankind.

Palabras añadidas por czeski21 - Modificar estas palabras