Archaeon : Vanitas

Death Metal / USA
(2008 - Self-Produced)
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“Our bodies are prisons for our souls.
Our skin and blood, the iron bars of confinement.
But fear not, all flesh decays.
Death turns all to ash and, thus, death frees every soul.”

- Grand Inquisitor Silecio, The Fountain


Epochs, seamless, flow their course
Past the stones of souls, immovable
In the rill of time.
Displaced lay aeons on the banks
Of age, "condemned" to an infinite oblivion
Too kind.

Quietude awaits in the darkness
Beyond time where essence
Is fated to withdraw from life;
A fate so apt for human souls.
Through ill-handled fortunes
Have I eternalized the soul,
Eluding the death I am owed.
And how I long to die,
To feel that blesséd death.

And how I dream to be among the
Shambled souls of brethren
In the airy ancient smolder of
What may be heaven.


The fountain dries before mine eyes,
Replaced by the blood of my soul.
An emptiness fills this careworn cavity
once my spirit called home.

The price of immortality was more than conceived,
A bareness which I could never fathom.
The ground failing beneath me,
My mortal life dissipating forever…
A Nephilim in place of humanity's chasm

A horrid birth had occurred.
The pain engulfed me and I became still,
I became holy.
But in the stead of a Heavenly tenant,
A client from Hell

Decades will pass and I will stay,
Never remembered and never decayed,
A useless existence born of a drink…
One I would share with mankind…


Ancient promises long fulfilled.
With a cognitive lust for violence,
Steps into the mortal plane.
Unleashed, Undeterred, Unstoppable.

What once was life incarnate
Became destroyer beyond any other.
With unending life, mortal futility
Civilizations bow to me.

Nothing can hold this spurn back.
Cities fall, minds decay, flesh sears.
Prayers whisper in my ear,
My vice shrouds their tangible fear.

Humanity is the host,
I am the parasite.
Slaves to my will – neverending.
The Earth at my feet,
No spoils left to reap.
The throne taken rightfully.

What has been
A god, rapist of the kingdom,
Social defiler,
Now dies
And chaos reigns.
Lawless war for aeons to come.
I am the overseer.

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