April Ethereal : 2005 ae

Dark Metal / Poland
(2005 - Self-Released)
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How can you sleep?!
Don’t you remember?!
Being a child you dreamed of this.

Why are you lying motionless?
How can you be indifferent to the world
Which is expecting you to change it?
It needs your help.

Don’t you feel your life is passing you
While you are waiting for better moments.
Just don’t drive me mad with your complaints!

Making plans for uncertain future,
You forget you have to go through now.
Just don’t drive me mad with your complaints!

Paint your grey eyes into pink
You’ll see the shadows disappear
Make your lazy heart beat faster
Dry your face from salty dampness
You have too little time to be sad
I’ll not let you infect me
Wake up! Catch up with me!
Run away from your deep sadness!

It’s unfair that day and night are so short
We risk not fulfilling all our dreams
This throbbing* thought in my head
Doesn’t let me take a rest

Every morning when I open my eyes
I have to switch on the sun
‘Cause nobody cares if I’m alive
So don’t drive me mad with your grumbling!


Standing lonely in the rain
Looking up at the crying sky
Heavy drops hit my face
I can't distinguish them from my tears

There's a bird lying on the stones
His blood is flowing away with streams
When I look into his fading eyes
I doubt that you're here
So please answer me, God

Are you here?
Can't you hear me?
My tearing scream?
My heart's bleeding

You have just taken your revenge on this bird
‘Cause he was flying too high, too close to you
Now you can celebrate your another victory
I know, You won, I can’t stop the rain

We believe, we pray, we wait for something
If there's no miracle, we blame ourselves.
We think that we prayed wrong,
that our faith was hardly strong enough.
But who can we believe if nobody answers?
I promised not to cry but now I can't restrain my tears.
I do everything in the last moment and this time I'm late
Sorry, I had to lie looking into your doomed eyes
Sorry for smiling and laughing when I knew it was your last breath.

I'm fed up with fables about you
I don't want to believe in made up stories
If I am wrong then why do you keep silent?
I'm begging you, please, answer me

Are you here with me?
Can’t you hear me?

Hypnotizing streams whisper secretly to me
That it makes no sense to keep on praying
I can't believe that it's too late
Why can't I hear you?
Please, answer me!


Bright colored hexagons are whirling in my head
They are dancing in the rhythm
Of terrible screams
I wish it was a dream

I can't control myself
My whole world is centered on whirling hexagons
They're devouring my brain
Every cell is in flames

Now I know how it is to be alone, to be insane
I'm praying it was just a nightmare
I'm begging you to wake me up

A sudden gentle touch gets me out of this numbness
But my thoughts play a cruel game
With my senses again

I can't see anything, I'm blind, can’t scream
Your fear's scaring me
Your terrified faces disappear

My thoughts are my worst enemies.
They beat my naked, poor, inflamed brain
I'm alone in the whole universe in my head
I hear millions of different voices all together and separately

So please don't leave me alone in my sick burning mind
I'm not sleeping. Help me to open my eyes.
I answered all the questions even ones I had never asked before.
Now I know everything.
Now I know what eternity is.

So please don't ask me what I want. I belong to you.
I surrender, you know better what I should do
To stop whirling hexagons
You know how to calm down my six dimensional world
I've been living for ages in it.
Please, I’m so afraid. Get me away from my mind.

I'm lying in the small uncomfortable bed
I'm trying to forget
Where I have been, what I have seen

I'm afraid my mad thoughts can return
I'm afraid to fall asleep



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