Apoplexy (FRA) : Life,Thoughts and Destiny

Death Metal / France
(1999 - Self-Released)
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1)Life, thoughts and destiny

My life as it as been is over
My thoughts as they use to be are gone
My destiny, once glorious and tastefull
Is now drifting toward desillusion
My sanity, torne apart
My body, scratched and sore
My soul, sucked out by the beast within.
Now I possess you

But still those moral barriers
Must vanish as I crawl
Toward the last vestige of your sanity

Back to my life, thoughts and destiny
Like a curse that binds me to her
I can't help staring at her ass
Now I possess you
Now I possess you
Now I possess you
Now I possess you

My sanity, torne apart
My body, scratched and sore
My soul, sucked out by the beast within.

Too late asshole, you just can't withdraw yourself
Her moves ignite your destructive instincts
Her heartbeat awake your forgotten taste for blood
Her smile, surely not innocent
There's no symbol, only beauty
Shall I kill her, master ?

" As you wish… "

My life as it as been is over
My thoughts as they use to be are gone
My destiny, once glorious and tastefull
Is now drifting toward desillusion


Last day was a great day of horror
It was a real picture of pungent life,
Full of degenerate substance of insect
Beerfly, beerfly, beerfly, you'll kill me.

In the morning, a long time of hard work
Turn me in a spiral of physical torment
Labour accidents injure limbs of men
Bloody manifestation evoke cannibalism

Short cookery to satisfy feelings
Beer to satisfy thurst

Night & cold wind call up the end of work
Drivers offered me some beers
I enjoyed having a drunk time with friends
When I tasted a red digested fly
Beerfly, beerfly, beerfly, you'll kill me.

3)Endanger your mind

Fantasmes, made of desires,
Sexual attractions that can never be satisfied.
Dreams, made of visions,
Great projects that should succeed.

Which one leads your life ?
The one that can never be ?
Or the one, filled with money and glory,
That could eventually be completed.

Of fantasmes, of dreams
See how my sanity, slashed between those two,
Has been swept
See how I crawl, creeping creature,
Toward my impossible goal

Of fantasmes, of dreams
See how my sanity, slashed between those two,
Has been swept

Which one leads your life ?
The one that can never be ?
Seek an opening, seek a window

Which on leads your life ?
The one that can never be ?
Or the one, filled with money and glory,
That could eventually be completed.

Fantasmes, made of desires,
Sexual attractions that can never be satisfied.
Reaching one of them
Could be the salvation
One should not lock his mind on this
Mind can become a maze, you're locked
Mind can become a maze, you're locked

Seek an opening, seek a window
Free your own self
Of all the mess
Start the walk, head high, to your goal
Start the walk, head high, to your goal

Reaching one of them
Could be the salvation
One should not lock his mind on this
Mind can become a maze, you're locked

4)That is not dead...

That is not dead that can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

As we use to gather in the caves,
Sanctuaries of our rites,
Summoning our Lords by all means.

But those glorious days are over.

We're now hiding,
Trying to keep those forbidden manuscripts.
We're now hiding,
Trying to keep those forbidden manuscripts

That is not dead
That is not dead

Nor is it to be thought that
man is either the oldest
or the last of earth's masters,
or that the common bulk of life
and substance walks alone.

The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are,
And the Old Ones shall be.
The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are,
And the Old Ones shall be.

That is not dead that can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Now that we are waiting for a sign
Of our Lords and Masters,
A nightgaunt has been seen last night,
Flying away, clutching his terrified prey.
But the time is too early.

Rise !
O Nameless One :
That in thy season
Thine own of thy choosing
Through dreams and enchantry,
May known of thy comong
And rush to thy pleasure,
For the love of our Master,
Knight of Cthulhu,
Deep slumberer in green.

5)Exemplary father

This father loves his little daughter
His wife's proud of him
He's always kind with the girl
Especially at night
When all the town's sleeping

He reach her in her bed
He covers the naked body
With lots perverse kiss
Be a nice girl
Show your love for your father

Play with his big toy
Kiss it with your sweet lips
He gives you all the love he can
Sweating over your little body
While he hurts your holes

He took your virginity
He stole your innocence
But he doesn't care now
He leaves his daughter
Broken in her bed

He reach her in her bed
He covers the naked body
With lots perverse kiss
Be a nice girl
Show your love for your father

Solitude's her only " recomfort "
She cries in silence
She just wants to die
Don't be sad little girl
Daddy's here… He will " recomfort " you.

6)Distorted reincarnation

Dark behavior
Condemned our past
Evil behavior
Ingulf it fast
Heretical Lunatics
Wandering Minds

Source of despair
Forgot our illness (betray our soul)
Appease appettite for decay (or be cruel)
Violate all spirits laws

Prime collector bind dead souls
Locating in one area or body (we can't be free)
We must stay until it happens (a readily warp)
Enter another plane of life

Abstraction of our past
Desertion of memory
Distorted reincarnation

Unconformable blended past-personalities
Melting of divided minds (insanity)
Progressive disturbance of will
Discompose our faces

Heretic (wandering) lunatics (minds)


Take heed and bear witness to the truths thar lie here in
For they are the very last legacy of our far past.
I summon you, Nightgaunts, Skinny Beasts, Skinny beasts of the night,
Servants of the Great Lud, Minnions of, Minnions of the outter god.

By the name of Nodens, by the will of your Lord

May your wings beat quietly as your tail lash the air
May your wings beat quietly as your tail lash the air

Servant of the Great Lud, Minnions of the outter god
By the Lord of the Great Abyss, by the ancestral celtic gods,
I summon you, Nightgaunts, Skinny beasts of the night,
Dwellers of the Dreamlands, dwellers of the Waking World

By the name of Nodens, by the will of your Lord
By the name of Nodens, by the will of your Lord
I summon you, Nightgaunts, Skinny Beasts, Skinny beasts of the night,
Servants of the Great Lud, Minnions of, Minnions of the outter god.
By the name of Nodens, by the will of your Lord
By the name of Nodens, by the will of your Lord

By the power of the Elder sign, to fight the Lurker on the Treshold,
The Key to the Gate, Whereby the Spheres meet : Yog-Sothoth…

May you come in the dark night, quietly above the cities
My will to obey, my plans to achieve

May your wings beat quietly as your tail lash the air
May your wings beat quietly as your tail lash the air

10) ...Of flesh and steel

Some say beauty comes from the eyes
But close them and try to listen to
The sounds of life that surrounds us
When we hear a sweet melody
We think it's the face of god
But this is just a lure
Who shows to initiated ones the surface
Of music's magic world, power's somewhere else
I've created th music, studied the harmony
To find what is behind the notes
When their ghost float in the air

Once I bleeded myself and that was the key
It's through pain that music takes its real power
I wrote a symphony. Songs of darkness

Flesh and steel

Musiccians played and deamon arrived
The pianist was lacerated by sharp chains
Violonists beheaded by their bow
Fluotists blow in their bones
And the horn player in their lungs
Tormentors played human harp
With iron strings stretched betwin a body limbs
The rythm was given by hitting ribs
Musiccians played and deamon arrived
The pianist was lacerated by sharp chains
Sounds of death surrounded me
Musicians played frantically and the public
Watch it's own death in extasy
I still sit here paralysed deff and dumb
I can only see for eternity
The beauty witch arise from the sight

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