Apokalyptic Raids : Demo Reharsal 99

Thrash Black / Brazil
(1999 - Self-Released)
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Тексты песен

1. Evil

I came from beyond, God I'll dethrone
I promise you horror in my reign of terror
The macabre orgy starts, I'm the master of the arts
Only death is real! Slow death is near...
Bodies in my altar, disciples call me master
I shed thy blood - unholy flow
I spit at the priest, I fuck the virgin
I kill the false - die in pain


2. The Impaler

Sworn Knight of the Dracul
Ruler of Wallachia
Against the Turks he fought
A hero in Romania
A King, a Knight
Vlad Tepes, the Impaler
The impaler from Romania
His headless body buried
Tales of an empty grave
The legend of Dracula...
Confronting mortality
Evoking dark myths
Conjuring ghastly views
(Reflecting) our deepest fears


3. Tyrant, Emperor

Atop the moutains, near the skies
They lived to kill, and to procreate
The law of the Tyrant, enforced by his sword
Their gods have gone to war
Their lives were in a fight
"Shed the blood of the enemies! ..."
Screamed the Tyrant, before...
...he died in the war!
Tyrant, Emperor
Tyrant, Emperor
Tyrant, Emperor
(The Emperor's Funeral
The Tyrant was buried
According to their rituals
Present at the funeral
Was his successor
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust...)
Atop the moutains, near the skies
They still live to kill, and to procreate
Bow to a new Tyrant, and his mighty sword...


4. Apocalyptic Raids

Thunder and lighting forebode
The coming of the Evil One...
The Earth is in eternal darkness
Where Blasphemy, Lust and Sodomy rule
Angels die, souls burn
Sin, profanation (of times) and war
The Legion of Evil enslaves
God can't help anymore
Warriors of death
Under the evil sign
Ready to fight
With swords and axes
Satan sends disciples
To murder and destroy
People in despair
Churches turned to ruins
Sentece of death is declared...

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