Apa Simbetii : Intimidare

Progressive Black / Romania
(2017 - Self-Released)
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Offence is the best defence
Decisive, empowered, pre-emptive attack
Opponent is forced to react

My senses heighten, gaze is fixed
Pupils dilated, blood vessels constrict
As adrenaline kicks in

Visceral reaction to threat
Primal instinct takes over
Violent outburst of pure hate
Ferocious incisive berserker

You don't know you don't even stand a chance
Against this barbaric display of total dominance
And power to conquer, to inspire great fear
Into the hearts of the weak and the feeble

They will bow down before me,
Kneeling in their own filth
They are broken by their defeat
Fallen at my feet

Resign, accept your fate, you coward
By my hands you will cease to exist
It's as inevitable as dawn

You will never rise again
You will not live to see
The glory of my kingdom complete
As you rot away in the Earth

Your existence is forfeit
As you lineage ends with you
Your name is erased from all records

Your body is discarded
Lost among the countless others
Of those would dare oppose me
Never to be remembered.

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